Kid!Froger: Brothers

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Freddie sweeps the floors of the orphanage he’s getting past the “adoptable age” he’s only eleven, so he seems like a permanent resident until he’s eighteen. He lowers his head as the door opens at the nun scuttles in with some couple, “This is our older section of children. Most have been here their whole lives.”

Freddi emtakes a quick glance around there’s only two other kids with him cleaning and they too are also not white one’s Asian and the other one is a dark color that reminds Freddie of coal. He shakes his head some and keeps sweeping, “Where’s this one from?” the woman asks pointing to the Asian child,

The nun shrugs, “Our best guess is Chinese, the dark skin one is most likely Nigerian and the little brown boy we for sure know is Parsi Indian, it’s on his records and papers.”

“How exotic.” the woman says before asking to see the group of infants next. The couple leaves the room with the nun. The three older kids ranging in ages from 15 to 10 get back to sweeping, mopping, and doing the dishes they all knew they would never be adopted at this point.

Soon the bell rings loudly which means it was school time the kids are split up on their learning abilities and shoved into makeshift classrooms where they learn for four hours then they are sent to do homework then the older kids are made to help the chefs cook dinner. It was a sloppy mess of brown gravy slapped on top of lump mashed potatoes and mystery meat, with stiff crunchy green beans on the side, your choices for a drink? Warm milk or water.

Freddie nearly has a heart attack when the oldest nun asks for him to come with her as he’s scrubbing out a pot and answering the phone, panic sets in, is he getting kicked out? Is he being sent away? Did he break one of the rules somehow? Has he ever broken one of the rules before? He’s been such a good little boy!

A woman with dirty blond hair and a man with blond hair are sitting in chairs a boy of about seven sits between him. The boy looks just like the woman, “Freddie the Taylors would like to adopt you.”

Freddie stammers and stutters something out looking shocked and confused, “Please pack what little belongings you have and come back down to your new family.”

Freddie does as told, stuffing what little belongings he had into a garbage bag. It was only a picture of his mom and dad and him when he was still a newborn, a worn and well beloved stuffed lion he got on his 5th birthday, some clothes that were basically rags, some bedding, and lastly three classical books. His adopted parents seemed shocked at how little stuff he has with him but they don’t bring it up. His adopted father places his bag in the trunk and off they go. 

The Taylors and Freddie arrive at a regular suburban home really plain jane nothing special about it, but Freddie was in love. He’s never seen a home like this before, he last memories of ‘’home” was a cramped flat with four other families living in it, also it was always grey and dreary.

Winifred, Roger’s mother leads the boys inside the house, “Roger you take Freddie into your playroom while your father puts up Freddie’s things.”

Roger drags Freddie into his large grand playroom fit for a prince. The two play dolls together using Roger’s Barbie Dreamhouse,  after a fun time Roger asks, “What happened to your parents?”

Freddie sets down the chubby Barbie doll laying her on the toy bed, “It was my fifth birthday, mama and daddy took me to the zoo and I got a lion plushie. We stopped at a little diner, we had lunch and I got a cupcake. We left and then a semi crushed the car killing mama and daddy.”

Roger went silent after that he didn’t know what Freddie was feeling, it must have stung to lose both his parents on his birthday. Roger hugs him tightly and kisses his cheek, “Don’t worry we’ll be here for you now.”

Freddie smiles and hugs Roger tightly, “You’re my new best friend.”

Roger giggles happily and kisses Freddie’s cheek, “My brother.”

Freddie liked the sound of that, he was Roger’s older brother. He liked having a younger brother. It was nice. 

The boys played with dolls, foam swords, and play-dough. Then they had a nice ham dinner, “Why ham dinner, ma’am, sir? Is something special going on?” Freddie asks,

“We adopted you. That’s pretty special.” Roger’s step-father tells him,

Freddie nods and looks down. He has two plates of dinner before cleaning the entire kitchen and dining room by himself. He then asks where his bedroom is, Roger leads him to a room with two beds, two desks, lots of toys, and a hug TV and gaming console in the corner along with a nice striped couch. And the plushies carpet ever!

“You’re sharing a room with me.” Roger says turning on the console, “Hope you don’t mind.”

“I have a room!” Freddie looks so happy, “And it’s furnished! And I’m only sharing with one other person!” Freddie hugs Roger tightly and runs downstairs to thank his adopted parents.

This was the best day of his life and nothing would change that. He hugs both Winifred and Roger’s step-father thanking them over and over again. Before rushing upstairs to play video games for the first time in his life. Both boys stayed up late watching movies and playing games, munching on snacks too like it wasn’t going to make them sick. Both boys climbed into Freddie’s bed with coloring books and crayons they wanted to color something before bed. Instead they passed out on top of each other kicking the coloring books and crayons off the bed. It was a day Freddie would never forget though, it was the best day of his life.

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