Deacury: Recovery ⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your request

Freddie groans and holds his head. The lights in his hospital room were far too bright and everything seemed to hurt. He yelps as the lights dim startling him, “Mr. Ma-,” the male nurses look down at Freddie’s chart, “Mr. Bulsara, how are you feeling?”

Freddie looks up his vision blurry, he rubs at his eyes, his throat hurting and he feels sore and his stomach feels like knives were digging into it. He gags and covers his mouth, his nurse rushes over with the trash bin, “You can let it out, sweetheart. You had your stomach pumped it’s going to feel all funny.”

Freddie’s eyes dart all over his nurse until he finds a nametag: “RN: John R. Deacon”, “Do you know why you’re here?” John asks him,

Freddie's eyes catch the gold cross necklace John is wearing he knew he would lose his nurseonce he admitted he was queer. He looks down trying to hold back tears, “B-Brian cheated on me with some whore named, Roger.” Freddie felt a tear run down his cheek, “We moved across the country where we know no one to start our new lives together…. We only moved so he could be closer to Roger.” Freddie’s voice broke his throat hurt worse now, “He promised me I’ll never be alone.. he promised to marry me… he promised me a family and a big house cat!”

John hands over the Kleenexes letting Freddie rave and rant to him, “I-I caught them in our bed, our bed! That fucking whore was sitting on my man’s face getting ate out!” Freddie balls his fists up gripping the blanket you can see the tan line where a ring once was on his finger, “Told Brian and his whore to leave he can come back and get his shit tomorrow.”

John changes out Freddie’s IV bag with a fuller one, “And then what happened?” 

Freddie’s voice trembles and he sobs, “I bagged all his stuff in big black bags and shoved them into the entranceway closet, there was only his jacket left laying on ou-... my bed… I smelled it and hugged it…” Freddie’s voice drops to a weak whispers, “I took his prescription painkillers and my antidepressants along with my old sleeping pills… grabbed handfuls of all three and swallowed them down with a bottle of wine that we were saving for our anniversary, laid back in bed Brian’s jacket pressed against my face….I cried….. then everything gets all fuzzy after that.”

John looks down at Freddie’s chart again. The lad has only just turned twenty, he caught his boyfriend cheating on him on his birthday, ouch. John puts the chart back where it was and offers to get Freddie some water. Freddie nods his head and snuggles into the blankets he looks so small and weak. John returns with his medicine and water, “Here you go, sweetheart.”

Freddie takes them, he lays back, he closes his eyes and whimpers, “Thank you, John.”

John nods, “I’ll be back in an hour to check on you and bring down, Dr. Seymour from Arbor Heights.” John noticed how bone thin and unhealthy Freddie looked.

“Dr. Seymour? Arbor Heights?” Freddie rubs at his eyes whatever medicine he was given made him feel so tired.

“Dr. Seymour is a therapist, Arbor Heights is a rehab.” John explains, “Arbor Heights is next door to us.”

Freddie only whimpers and pulls the blankets up to his chin, “Okay, John.”

Freddie sleeps for a few hours. Only being woken up to have blood work done and his vitals being checked. When he was fully awake and ready to deal with people, John brought him a dinner tray and Dr. Seymour. 

Dr, Seymour was an older man with salt and pepper hair, small circle glasses, and stubble. He had kind green eyes and was very caring and sweet towards Freddie like he was the boy’s grandfather. Freddie warmed up to him right away.

John got Freddie more water and checked on his catheter during and after Dr. Seymour leaves, “You want to try standing now? You’ve been in bed for two days.”

Freddie nods and leans against John for support as John leads him into the bathroom. He uses the bathroom and walks back to his bed unassisted. He’s checked out of the hospital the next day and is immediately placed in Arbor Heights to begin everything. John visits him the six months he’s there and when Freddie leaves for good, he sends John a small bouquet of flowers.

John slowly begins to forget about Freddie since the boy has moved back to his hometown. Freddie becomes only a mer blur of memories. And when he’s completely forgotten about the lad a nurse tells John he has some visitors by then it’s been over eight years since he’s seen Freddie let alone thought of him.

John comes out of his office looking confused, “Yes?” he does a double take as his sees Freddie standing there.

Freddie’s a healthy weight now, his hair is cut short and he has a mop full of dark curls. He’s standing next to a pudgy man with dark hair and hazel eyes, “John, it’s me Freddie. This is my husband Jim and our daughter, Caoimhe.” 

John smiles softly as the family hands him a small bundle of flowers, l”I just wanted to say thank you for all that you did for me all those years ago.” Freddie says softly and when Jim looks at Freddie it’s so full of love and affection, it shone like thousands of stars on his face. John smiles, happy that Freddie met a man that truly loves him.

Jim takes Caoimhe to the bathroom Freddie and John are left alone, John puts the flowers on his desk and hugs Freddie tightly. Freddie nuzzles him the feeling of comfort takes over, “I’m so proud of you.” John whispers, pulling away, “You have healed. That’s all I can ever wish for anyone.”

Freddie smiles and they hug one last time before Jim tells Fred that Caoimhe is hungry and they got to go. The old friends exchange numbers before leaving, John has never felt such a pride for any of his patients. Freddie is special though. He’s someone you can never truly forget, he’s such a free and wild soul. John shakes his head a stupid grin on his face as his places the flowers in water, he’ll never forget Freddie ever again.

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