Froger: King

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Freddie sits down as his servant, Roger braids his long silky ebony hair into a nice braid to get him ready for the feastival for tonight, “I still haven’t picked a partner to take with me to the feastival.” Freddie says softly looking at his painted nails they were freshly painted black and a clear coat was placed over them to make them look shiny,

“I’m sorry to hear that, your majesty. Shall I send the guards out on a hunt for a suitor for you?” Roger asks, sticking a yellow faux roses into the braid, “There’s the Huttons, the Prenters, the Lennons, the McCartneys, the Deacons, the Mays, the Austins, the Harrisons, the Starklys, Uh..” Roger’s mind started to blank on names and he panics a little.

“For the last time call me, Freddie, darling.” Freddie tells him, “And about having no suitor… I want you to take me.” he states plainly like he’s telling the weather and not asking Roger who developed a crush on the king after knowing him over the years.

Roger drops the basket of faux flowers off his lap, “Excuse me, your majesty?” he flinched and quickly picked up the fallen flowers, “Freddie, I mean Freddie.”

Freddie calmly helps him pick up the flowers their hands brush against each other and Roger stains his pale cheeks with a rosy blush, “I want you to court me.” Freddie tells him softly, tucking a stray hair behind his ear, “You’re my most trusted friend.”

Roger blushes and looks down at the basket and at their hands how the tips of their are brushing against each other, “I-I don’t even have the proper clothes, let alone the mannerisms to be your beau for the night. I-I”m only your servant because your late father bought me from my f-family.”

“I’ll teach you everything you know, and I’ll loan you some clothes.” Freddie says standing up and dusting off his robes.

Roger stares up at him, his mouth gaped open, a servant wearing the king’s clothes, can you imagine? Freddie gingerly closes Roger’s mouth with two fingers, “Keep that closed dear you don’t want flies.”

And with that he walked out to alert his councilmen of his plans for the festival leaving Roger a blushing red mess.

Soon the festival was starting right at sunset and the two were reunited again, Roger had his hair neatly combed and he was wearing a beautiful blue kimono with flowers on it, Freddie had a red and yellow one on it had some flowers on it,

“You look beautiful.” Roger tells him blushing hard, he hands Freddie a pink flower and he tucks it behind his ear.

Roger holds his hand as they walk around the festival Roger points to the lanterns strung up all about and the many food vendors that surround the area. He seems so giddy and Freddie just smiles happy that he’s happy.  They bump into a neighboring king and his queen,

“Roger, this is King John and his queen, Brian.” Freddie introduces, “They rule over the neighboring kingdom, remember?”

“They are our allies from the northeast, their kingdom is Eden.” Roger announced clearly and loudly spewing stuff out from his poor memory.

“Ah,” John says with a small twinkle in his eyes he nods approvingly at Roger, “Have you finally found a queenly suit your diva needs?”

“Maybe so.” Freddie beams giggling squeezing Roger’s hand making the younger lad blush,

“Really?” Roger whispers there’s a hopeful tone to his voice and Freddie nods his head.

“John,” Brian’s soft voice chimes in warmly, “I need your assistance, my corset needs fixing.”

The two walk past them giggling like school girls rubbing and bumping against each other, Roger spots something. Roger tugs on Fred’s arm, “Can we do the boat ride, pwease?” Roger pouts and gives him the biggest puppy dog eyes imaginable, Freddie nods happily that Roger was opening up to him and showing his true self.

They have a nice and safe boat ride around the lake and they get off at the dock, the two head to the food vendors and get some snacks. Roger snags a few drinks from the small bar and starts to relax more as the booze trickles throughout him. Soon everyone is gathered around the lake as some of the special lanterns are unstrung and sent into the air flying away lighting the sky up with millions of lights. Roger snuggles into Freddie watching the scene he oohs and awes his eyes lighting up and the magical sight. He snuggles further into Freddie as it starts to get colder out.

They begin to walk back to the castle Freddie’s hair was starting to come undone from his braid. He was looking tired but was still giddy from the feastival. Roger was blushing a beautiful rosy color that looked so darling on his pale face and bright blue doe eyes. They walk to the servants quarters where all servants sleep away from the castle, Roger tugs out Freddie’s ribbon sending the king’s knee length hair fluttering lightly in the wind struggling to settle down, Roger goes a little cross eyed swaying on his feet he drank a little too much. His big eyes settle in on Freddie's warm dark eyes and then his cute nervous smile. A dopey lovesick grin appeared on Roger’s face. He leaned down some and kissed Freddie firmly but sweetly on the lips, “Goodnight my king.”

Roger stumbles into his bedroom and it was Freddie this time to blush a deep orangish blush. The king for once in his life was left speechless, and he knew he could see a future with Roger. Freddie hastily runs back into his bedroom chamber inside the castle and quickly writes down a marriage contract ready for his councilmen to read over and sign in the morning. Freddie knew he wanted this boy and he didn’t want to wait for it. He just hoped Roger still felt the same in the morning.

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