Frain: How I Met Your Father⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

“Baba! Baba!” Junior climbs onto Freddie’s lap as he’s nursing little Rosie, 

“Yes, Junior?” Freddie asks with a yawn he's tired from parenting an infant and a toddler.

Junior bounces, “Tell it! Tell it! Story! Story!"

“Tell what?”

“How you and papa met!” Junior grins showing his missing front tooth caused by the monkey bars.

Freddie smiles softly “Okay, okay.” Freddie looks at Junior, his big hazel eyes wide and excited, “It was 1990…”

Seventeen-year-old Freddie was underneath the car of some rich man who needed an oil change and his tires changed for the coming winter. Freddie squeaks and kicks when something touches his ankle that was bare as his Jean cuffs were rolled up. He slides out and sees a man in a form fitting pinstripe suit and his curl hair pinned back soft warm hazel eyes meet Freddie's dark brown ones . 

Good god, he’s hot, and so cute looking with the little bit of eyeliner he has on. Soft pink lips that look so soft and kissable. A faint blush from the cold outside and fair pale skin that is so markable.

“Excuse me, sir?” the man asks, shifting his feet some trying not to get his dress shoes in spilled oil and car fluids.

“Yes?” Freddie gets up off the floor he’s got oil on his face and hands, he wipes his hands off his dirty overalls. 

“This is my car, I’m Brian May. It's the BMW." 

“Oh you're the rich man my boss was tal-.” Freddie gets hit in the back of the head by an oil soaked rag, 

“Shut your mouth!” it was Freddie’s manager, “I’m so sorry, sir. He’s new.” That was a lie. He's been working here since he was sixteen.

Brian raises a brow, “Sir I’ve been coming here since I could drive. I know he’s not new. He worked on my car last year.”

His manager, Paul grabs Freddie by the elbow and drags him back; he leaves markings on Freddie’s arm from how hard he dragged him.

“Fredrick you fucking dumbass! You don’t tell those snobby ass rich people what I said about them when they bring in their brand new off the belt Teslas because it,” Paul puts on a baby voice, “It made a funny noise!”

Freddie crosses his arms, “Sir-“

“Don’t cut me off!” Paul jabs a finger into his boney chest, “You keep this up and you're fired. I’ll get you blacklisted and you’ll never be able to get another job working with cars, can you understand that you poof?”

“Sir, please tu-“

Paul smacks him, “Listen here you Muslim bitch, you can deal with all these fancy snobby silver spoon bitches but you never tell them what I said about them, do you understand me or do I have to force you back into your shithole third world country?”

A cough came from behind Paul and he whirls around to see Brian, “So discrimination and racism is your game?” Brian asks, “Can’t wait to report you.” Brian scoffs looking at his manicured nails they were painted white with a black ring finger. He also had many rings on his hands for decorations.

“Like I’m scared of you.” Paul hisses turning to face him, 

“My father is Harold May, I’m his son Brian May.” Brian holds up a business card, “My father works for that big investment firm that gave a lot of jobs to fine men and women in this town. He even employed your partner, Paul.” 

Paul’s face turns red and he begins shouting saying he doesn’t want Brian here anymore. Paul whirls around to Freddie, "And you're fired!" Paul booms shoving him into his ass and kicking him in the groin.

Brian knocks Paul to the side and helps Freddie up and comforts him "That's no way to treat him or any human, Paul." 

Paul stomps off threatening to take his job and everyone else's. Brian walks Freddie out of the shop, "You want a job?" Brian asks,

"Well," Freddie shoves his hands into his overall pockets, "I really need the money and bitch face just fired me. I got my own flat now and rent's due soon." 

"I need a personal mechanic. I think you're the only honest mechanic around so I want to hire you." Brian pauses, "Let's say for £56,000 a week is that enough for rent and bills?" 

Freddie gasps, "Really? Sir I only make £12 an hour that's too much!"

"No, no." Brian waves his hand, "Now how about I take you on a date and maybe to the movies?"

Freddie blushes, "A date and to a movie?" 

"You're so pretty even oil covered and dirty." Brian flirts, "So a date?" he cups Freddie's cheek making Freddie blush.

Freddie blushes redder looking like a sunburnt lobster, "S-Sure, Brian." 

They go on a few dates and Freddie keeps working for him and the May family for a while too. He earned good money and worked for everything he got; he didn’t allow Brian’s help. Brian soon asks for Freddie's hand in marriage and soon they have their first child, a son named Brian Harold May Jr.

"And that's the story of how me and your father met and fell in love" Freddie hums putting Rosie down in her playpen for her nap he wipes the baby spittle off his shirt with a baby wipe.

Junior coos and looks at the grand wedding picture of his parents, "Do you miss papa?" 

Freddie touches the glass putting his hand on Brian's young face frozen in time, "Everyday." 

"Why did he go?"

"To New York?" Freddie asks softly,

"Yeah." Junior nods.

"For business of course." 

"But why go in 2001?"  Junior ask.

Freddie shakes his head, "The family business needed him down there and so he went and that happened to be that year." 

"Its not fair." Junior whimpers rubbing his eyes.

Freddie holds his son, "I know, love it sucks." 

Junior cuddles his mother and Freddie thinks back to the good days before September 2001.

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