Queen: You're Stealing⭐

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1dkingwell Here's Your Request

Gerry Sundquist-Taylor, younger brother of Roger Taylor, just graduated high school with the highest grades of his class. Now he was visiting his 25-year-old brother and his thirty-year-old husband, Freddie, in their palace. 

The main reason Gerry was here was to steal Roger’s husband away. He knew Roger only married Freddie for his wealth and fame. Or did he? Freddie was a well known artist, have you seen his paintings?

Gerry snaps from his thoughts as Roger greets him wearing a beautiful pale blue sundress and light makeup. He had rings, a ruby necklace, and golden bracelets on. Gerry thinks Roger looks like a Barbie doll, it doesn’t help that he has long blond hair down to his waist.

“Gerry!” Roger hugs him his perfume smells fruity, 

“Hey, Roggie.” Gerry smiles, acting like the sweet baby brother he was.

Roger invites him inside and Gerry frowns seeing Freddie’s step-brother, George and his family are over along with the couple’s children from previous relationships. Heather, Stella, Mary, and Dhani, are there the girls are bickering and young Dhani stays on George’s lap shaking. George is a well known businessman who also lives in a palace, he’s thirty-two.

Gerry looks around, “Where’s Freddie?” 

“In his study dear.” Paul tells him he too was in a dress but his dress was a beautiful rich red, it looks like Gerry interrupted a double date. 

“Why do you want to know?” Roger asks there was a look in his eyes, 

“Fred promised me a gift if I got good grades and I did!” Gerry beams.

Roger looks annoyed, “Let me come with you.” 

Mary tugs on Roger’s skirt, “Uncle! Uncle!” she holds up her broken dolly.

Gerry escapes down the hall and into Freddie’s study. The handsome man was scribbling away at some papers, his back ridged. Gerry rubs his back making Freddie jump and look behind, “Gerry?”

“Hey.” Gerry swings his his hips some trying to look alluring,  

“Did you get good grades?” Freddie asks.

Gerry shows him his report card, Freddie grins wide that handsome smile that makes Gerry shutter and keeps trying to fix his pencil skirt. Freddie puts down a brand new iPhone on the desk, “Here you go sweetheart.”

Gerry blushes at the nickname and sets up his newest prize. Roger enters the room growling lowly at his baby brother. He makes his way over to Freddie and kisses him greedily using tongue too. Gerry wrinkles his nose and shifts foot to foot never backing down his staring. 

George calls Roger down. And Paul needs Gerry’s help leaving Freddie alone in his study. In the laundry Paul reaches Gerry how to win over a crush as Gerry admitted he had a crush on someone but did not list any names. Paul didn’t realize Gerry was in love with Freddie and was going to steal him away from Roger.

Paul, George, Roger, and the kids leave the house to go get stuff for Gerry’s graduation party. Gerry was left alone with Freddie, it was all going to plan. 

Gerry flirts and jokes with Freddie, he makes his way into Freddie’s lap sitting down firmly. The older man puts his hands on Gerry’s waist, he was much skinnier than his husband. Gerry kisses him and Freddie kisses him back, Gerry found that as a success. 

Gerry grins hearing the front door open Freddie didn’t seem to hear it as he was swapping spit with the younger man. Roger screams when he sees them dropping the party supplies. Roger’s fist meets Gerry in the nose and he’s knocked onto his ass. Freddie tries to split the brawling men in dresses apart as they are going in for the kill. Freddie jumps back when blood starts to appear on their fresh white carpet and George is pulling Roger off.

Gerry rips off Roger’s weave showing his shorn hair, “You bitch!” Roger screams elbowing George off and digging his fingers into Gerry’s eyes. Freddie finally rips his husband off as Gerry holds his eyes in agony.

There’s blood and hair everyone it looks like someone tried to pluck a chicken. The brothers are panting and chests are heaving they both are glaring at each other like cats ready to kill, “Get the fuck out of my house!” Roger booms grabbing his mangled hair off the floor

Freddie stands in between the two men blocking them from each other Gerry grabs his new phone off the desk and kicks Roger in the shins before stumbling down the stairs to get downstairs and out the front door.

Freddie runs to Gerry making Roger sound like a wounded animal tears roll down the older brother's face at the betrayal from his husband and baby brother. Freddie pulls Gerry into his arms and kisses him.

Roger storms into the unfinished nursery and wrecks all the progress they made, he goes into the bathroom and downs his xanax with some booze before slamming the bedroom door, he didn’t want Freddie’s baby anymore. George and Paul are at a loss for words and the kids cry scared.

Gerry leaves the house with one last teasing kiss to Freddie and George hits his brother, calling him a sleazy bastard and a no good loser who’s a bitch. Freddie shrugs him off. He's rich and he can do whatever he wants. George was nothing like his brother.

And so Freddie leaves Roger for Gerry a newer model, someone without all the mental and health issues like Roger. Freddie’s family disowns him but welcomes Roger with warm arms. Gerry is booted from the Taylor family and told to never come back. Freddie gladly pampers and showers Gerry with love and affection spoiling him and their child rotten, Roger never forgives Freddie or his brother. They don’t deserve such a picture perfect family life. Roger grows jealous and bitter, never forgiving them but at least he has his family and child to tend to. That’s all that makes him happy anymore, his child. That looks so much like Freddie that it hurts. Roger will never be whole again.

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