McHarrison: Love Bites⭐

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1dkingwell Here's Your Request

Paul fixes his sunglasses and approaches George he could smell the younger boy from here and he smelled delicious, like warm vanilla mixed with honey. Paul covers his mouth and throws him into the car before speeding away, he had to get him away from the public eye.

Paul pins the lad down when they arrive at the cottage. Paul’s fangs grow and poke past his lip. He sinks his teeth into the young man, loving how he screams and in its, god he tasted so good, he was so refreshing, like cool wine on a summer’s night. The man begins to cry underneath Paul.

Paul pulls away blood dribbling down his lips, “Hey love don’t cry.” he wipes away the man’s tears, “I’m Paul.”

The man sobs and shakes, “Answer me, love.” Paul taps his cheek, “What’s your name?”


“Good boy.” Paul praises before drinking more blood from him.

George twitches growing too weak to fight back, “K-Kill me.” George whispers.

“I’m not going to, baby.” Paul informs him carrying him inside. 

Paul lays George down on a bed with soft yellow sheets, “Let me get you some food and drink.”

George whimpers and cries, “Please let me go! I won’t tell anyone!”

Paul shushes him and places chocolates into his mouth, “Be a good boy for me.”

George keeps crying as sweets are crammed into his mouth. He just wanted to go home. It took a few months before George settled down around Paul, he was used to Paul drinking from him now. It felt grand to George now. He knew it was disgusting and wrong to like it, hell it was wrong for him to be with a man but he loved it. It was a thrill to be with Paul. 

It was a quiet day when George plops down on Paul’s lap, craning his neck wiggling on his lap, “What is it?” Paul asks, sniffing him.

“Make me a vampire.” George begs.

“George,” Paul says softly, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Please,” George whines, “I’ll be a good boy.”


“I’ll run away and report you.” George hisses.

Paul throws him down onto the couch George winces when his head bounces off the couch arm. George squeals as Paul’s fangs sink into George’s tender warm flesh, it feels so good on his lips. George screams, clawing into Paul’s back, it hurts, it burns.

“Paul!” George cries, “Stop! Stop!”

Paul can’t once it starts he has to ignore George and keep going. George is sobbing and scratching mauling at Paul. The burning was spreading all over now, George kept screaming he felt like he was being roasted alive, sweat trickles down his forehead. Then a shooting throbbing pain hits his mouth. George is shut silent as the wind was knocked out of him and he saw a flash of white before he blacks out.

When George awakes his mouth still throbs but it isn’t as severe. He glances around and he's left in his tight little briefs. Sprawled out on the couch, there’s a sweat puddle on the couch. George gets up and the room spins, his neck throbs and it feels stiff. He forces himself to stand. 

George stumbles around the spinning room knocking over Knickknack and  decorations, he grabs onto the furnishings to help him move. He’s never felt so thirsty before in his life. Somehow he makes it out the back door and into the yard. George collapses in the mud falling to his knees. One thing Paul didn’t mention was how you can hear the faintest of sounds and how you can smell everything it was nauseating.

George lunges at a rabbit that was napping in the bedding of grass and twigs. He didn’t care what he drank, his vision was blurring again and the thirst was strong. The rabbit tasted so delicious. It’s good, warm and plentiful, George didn’t want to lose any amount of this delicious taste.

There’s a laugh behind him and George turns around he sees Paul floating behind him, “You have no self control.”

George looked down, seeing the mangled rabbit it’s neck twisted and knotted, it’s beady eyes looking up at him, all of life was gone from it. His stomach drops when he sees the collar ripped off and laying in the ground, “Thumper,  if found please return to…”

George sobs and Paul holds him close shushing him and comforting him, “You’re lucky there’s no sun out.”

George sniffs, “Yeah, I would have died.”

Paul raises a brow, “What? Not unless we were in the sun for six hours. We’ll just have a slight sunburn.”

“Oh,” George shoves the mangled rabbit away, “I-I was vegan my whole life.”

“Well now you’re not.”

George hugs him tight burying his face into Paul’s neck, he smelt good too. Paul runs his hands down George’s back, “No biting I can feel your fangs poking me.”

George pouts and Paul carries him inside, “Until I can get you plasma packs you’re gonna have to hunt.”

George nods sadly he hates to do that, “For now we’ll train and work on your powers.” Paul says.

“Train? Powers?”

Paul floats up in the air then he disappears in a cloud of purple smoke before reappearing before George’s eyes. Paul makes his eyes glow green, “See and there’s many more!”

George gasps, “Woah.”

Paul smirks. “Impressed?”

George nods and reaches for him. Paul floats down and kisses him tasting the blood on his lips. Paul squeezes his waist and pulls him closer. George whines when Paul pulls away, “You’re not ready yet.”

Paul was giddy he finally had George under his spell, “You want to try human?”

George backs up, “I-I don’t know.”

“Come on.” Paul coos cupping his face watching as George melted under his touch, 


Paul kisses him, “I’ll go get you a human, for my good boy.”

George waits patiently once Paul leaves. George munches on some raw bacon in the fridge as he paces around. He heard the bell jingle and he knows Paul’s back. George eagerly rushes out there. Georges stomach drops when the burlap sack is taken off the human Paul picked. The memories flash back to when he was human and not lost. He looks at the broken teashades on the floor that the man was wearing his hair was shaggy and messy. His brown eyes look into Goerge’s dark eyes,

 “Hello John.” George whispers, “My fiancé.” 

Has John always smelled that good? It’s delicious scent, it was mouth watering. Lavender and rosemary. George couldn’t resist, he had to take a bite.

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