Kid!Queen: This Isn't The End

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Freddie covers his head hiding in the closet underneath a pile of blankets and clothes, he was only 7-years-old and it was happening. Something his parents wanted him about for years. He can hear the sirens outside blaring and screeching. It was pitch black out there, there was no light, there was nothing to see only darkness.

The robotic voice starts up again, “Do not rush for a torch or candle. Just stay calm”

Easy enough if you’re not a scared kid left home alone as your parents went to the grocery store and warned you to keep all doors locked, and they promised you that they’ll be back before it happens, but it happens and they’re not home.

Freddie remains firmly in his hiding spot shaking like a leaf as the robotic voice chimes back in, “You may feel like you’re being watched. You are. But do not worry, they are not there to harm you. They just got a bit overly excited.”

Freddie squeezes his eyes shut and grips onto one of the blankets he can’t stop shaking, “Sometimes, during a blackout, a single TV will come on. Turn it off.” the Bulsara’s didn’t own a TV thankfully.

“You will often hear voices. If you focus you can make out what they are saying. Feel free to strike up a conversation if they seem friendly.”

Freddie covers his ears whimpering and biting his lip trying to remain calm and not panic, “Remember, nothing will hurt you during a blackout unless you panic.”

Freddie tries to listen out for any real voices all he heard was static, “This is a nice opportunity to go outside and look at the stars. Do not try and find the constellations though. The ones you know are not there.”

And then it begins to repeat itself Freddie scuttles out of the closet his heart pounding, he stumbles around bruising himself as he tries to find the front door. When his hand touches the cool brass metal of the handle he twists it slowly counting to himself in Hindi to calm himself down, the outside greets him with blinding light, the stars are far brighter than normal Earth stars. It was almost too much but it’s better than to be in a pitch black house cowering in fear.

Freddie squints and stumbles around the empty streets scared out of his mind as the sirens keep going off, “Hey!” Freddie bumps into a kid taking pictures of the sky and taping them down in his sketchbook, 

“Sorry, I’m Brian.” 

Freddie wipes his hands on his jeans, “Freddie.”

“Are you trying to find the bunker?” Brian asks, 

“Bunker?” Freddie questions,

Brian sniffles and looks at him. They are the same height, “Yes, we are meant to hide in the bunker.”

“Then what are you doing?” Freddie questions.

Brian just went quiet. He led Freddie around holding the boy’s hand. The stars were starting to dim now and Brian took more pictures muttering to himself. Brian nearly trips again and Freddie stops, “It’s a kid. A baby!”

The little brunet was in a fetal position on the street shaking his green paci was dangling from his lips as he shook. He was about 2-years-old or 3-years-old, and tiny as hell.

Freddie kneels down, “Hey what’s your name?”

The boy looks up his greenish grey eyes full of fear, “John.” he whispers clutching his paci in one hand,

“Well John, I’m Freddie.” Freddie points to himself, “And that’s Brian.” he points to the one taking pictures.

John sniffles and shakes, Freddie picks him up and carries him as they try to find the supposed bunker. They get stopped by a trashcan falling over and blond boy a few years or so older than John scuttle out with some food. He munches on it, “Hey kid where’s your folks?” Brian asks.

“Daddy killed mama, he said Jesus was coming down to kill us all.” Roger gnaws on the stale bread,

“Mine too,” John pipes up, “I hid.”

“What’s your name?” Freddie asks the blond, 

“I’m Roger and you?”

The three introduced themselves just as the sirens got louder the gangle of misfits took off running as fast as their little legs would take them. Once they found the bunker it took three of them to lift the door open, once the door was safely shut and they were cooped inside Freddie turned on a torch. The bunker had several bunk beds and food to last up to many years. There was a few books, an old radio, and some games to keep you occupied.

“We made it. We’re safe.” Brian whispers,

“Safe from what?” John whispers scared and in need of a nappy change,

“Whatever caused that blackout.” Brian tells him pinching his nose, “Did you soil yourself?”

John nods, “Yeah!”

Freddie looks around for any nappies he found some cloth ones in a small box under one of the bunk beds. He hastily changes John the best he can before shoving the diaper elsewhere to be forgotten about. The four misfits rummage around looking for something to do when the bunker door opens up again making the kids scream. An older man comes down looking startled to see a bunch of kids in his bunker, “Ah, you needed shelter too?” he had to be in his late 60s or early 70s, he had golden rimmed glasses on, a long white beard, and a small box under his arm. He had black trousers on and a red sweatshirt.

“Yeah the monsters are out there.” Freddie says, “We’re sorry, sir. We can go.”

“No, no.” the man says, setting the box on the table, “I understand.”

“Are you Santa?” John asks shyly peeking out from behind Roger who was still gnawing on that garbage bread.

A twinkle appears in the man’s eyes, “Ah no, sadly. But I’m his brother, John.” the man fibs, he was really named John but he wasn’t Santa’s brother.

John’s eyes widened, “I’m John too!”

The man grins, “Funny little world then?” the man had a strong Irish accent.

John happily plays with “Mr. Clause” as the ground starts to shake and the world crumbles around them. At least they had each other and they were safe and warm. Freddie holds Brian’s hand as the boy grabs onto Roger trying to steady themselves. It’s over, they won from the creatures.

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