Froger: Froger: Nightmare Island

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Roger gets clunked on the head by something as he’s getting ready for bed when he awoke he was laying in some dying grass he groans sitting up. His head throbbed a burning pain shoots through his head when he tries to touch it, a laugh echoes out making his head hurt worse, “Welcome to Nightmare Island! Where your dreams come to life, enjoy your stay,” the voice drops from cutest baby doll voice to demonic, “Because you’re never leaving!” the moonlight goes away leaving Roger in the dark.

Roger panics and stumbles around, “Wha? You can’t do this! I graduate college tomorrow!!” he stumbles around the dark area until he bumps into a parked car he sees a pair of keys laying a few feet ahead of it, he snatches them up pricking his finger on something in the grass. He winces and suckles on his finger as he gets in, “Please work! Please work!” Roger begs jamming the keys into the hole. It sputters and coughs Roger grimaces waiting for it to fail him but the headlights flicker on and he starts to drive, he eventually finds a dirt path. 

He comes across a highway after what seems like hours he checks the gas and it still says it’s full, he recognizes some signs even if some of them had misspellings. He takes off down an unknown exit he hasn’t seen any other signs of life yet and the feeling of dread fills his stomach. Roger gasps as he sees headlights come on from behind him and the car speeds up, he curses at himself for taking the unknown exit off the highway. Roger screams when the bumper is hit, the junker of a car swerves and Roger struggles to gain control back. The other car keeps grinding into the bumper before backing down then speeding up and going full force into it. 

The car topples off the road down the mountainside and into a river. This was one of Roger’s worst nightmares come to life, he struggles to get out a water starts to fill in he’s panicking more as the water comes over his head. He had a fear of drowning as well, he screams when something yanks him out of the water, he thrashes around until he realizes it’s another human. Tan skinned, messy ebony hair pulled back tightly in a bun, dark circles under his eyes, he looks starved. The older man looks at Roger, “I’m Freddie.”

“Roger.” Roger says as Freddie sets him on the ground and gets a drink from the river, “How long have you been here?”

“.... Maybe six months? Time or logic  doesn’t really seem to exist here.” Freddie tells him water dribbles down his chin.

“Come on then.. let’s figure out how to leave.”

Freddie laughs, “Seriously? I’ve been trying to for what feels like years!”

“Lets just team up then… and try and find hope.”

Freddie shrugs and follows after him, they nearly get killed by a man in all black as they walk. Then as gunfire blasts off from nowhere and as they lay in a trench stacked on top of each other hiding Freddie tells Roger something, “I never had my first kiss… And I don’t want to die without one.”

“And I never kissed a boy.” Roger says softly with a slight shrug, “..... You wanna?”

Freddie kisses him they both felt a shock literally it hurt like a bitch yet they kept kissing and soon a scream was heard from far away a tree falls down over the trench and yet they’re still able to climb out,

“What is happening?” Roger looks around and notices a lot of things crumbling around them.

“We must have broken a rule or some shit.” Freddie hisses wanting a cigarette badly,

Roger pulls Freddie in by his ratty jacket and kisses again getting them both shocked, “I love breaking rules.”

They walk hand and hand down a cobblestone pathway making Freddie’s feet hurt as his soles of his shoes were so worn down it hardly protected his feet.  As they approached a nice looking home voices ran down from above calling them horrid words for a gay person and insulting their sexuality. Freddie starts to cry and nearly stops walking but Roger keeps forcing him to. They make it inside a house where a little old lady greets them with cookies and tea none of which the boys touched they just gawked at her, she’s about in her 80s possible in her 90s they don’t ask why she’s here she doesn’t seem like a real person plus it may be too personal to ask. Roger starts to realize something she sounds a lot like the announcer who greeted him when he first arrived, the woman’s voice begins to crack and a demonic voice starts to slide through.

 Roger whispers to Freddie what’s going on and he notices it too. Roger grabs the tea kettle and bashes her head with it, green ooze splatters onto his face and the woman hisses scuttling around on the floor her lower half became that of a spider’s.

She squirted her web at them hissing as they beat her and threw objects at her Freddie straddles her a sprays Raid bug spray into her mouth she foams and exploded covering everything in green gook. Freddie gags. The smell was horrible and they couldn’t escape. The windows seemed to be stuck and the main door was locked, Roger tried the basement door and it unlocked.  Inside the ceiling was covered head to toe in webbing, some filled with wrapped up bodies, some were  still trying to move Roger gasps and Freddie did too both staring in shock and horror. They see a small window and Freddie breaks it open, the escape ignoring the sounds of groaning bodies.

They stumble as they run landing on dock, the two decide to get on the boat and once they used the oars to steering the boat Nightmare Island seemingly combusted buildings toppled over and things started to shake, once they could only see black smoke nothing else Roger felt a sharp pain in his side and Freddie holds his stomach, still trying to steer. They make it onto land and Freddie kisses him again, “We escaped.”

Roger laughs, “We escaped!”

They make their way to the police department where they found out Freddie’s been missing for seven years and Roger’s been gone for a full year. They are asked a lot of questions they either don’t know or have to fib. They are soon let go and released back to their families. But one question remains: why were they the only two on the entire large hellish island?

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