Frain: Why⭐

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MaylorandDeacury101 Your request dear

Freddie has Tourette's syndrome which means he has tics, and sometimes they are really bad. He's hit and cursed the hell out of his boyfriend, Brian. Yet the younger man still stayed and loved on him, even though people give him sympathetic looks and ask him if he's in a abusive relationship. Even if Freddie says some pretty shitty things to him, he still stays because he loves, Freddie. And the older man didn't know why Brian would love him.

He started to cry he felt like Brian didn't really love him, and he was just waiting on the right time to end it. Freddie knew he wasn't the best boyfriend, he was by far the worst right? He hurts Brian and leaves bruises on him, he cusses him out, yet he still stays and what for? To be beaten and dogged? He loved Brian greatly but he felt like Brian didn't, who would? Freddie knew he was a freak, "I'm a retard." Freddie cries.

Freddie hits something when his shoulder got touched, it was Brian of course back from the store and he didn't look hurt. He sits down beside of Fred and takes his hands only for Freddie to jerk them back and shake them, "Fred," Brian says softly.

"Brian?" Freddie parrots before jerking his hand back and nearly slapping Brian.

"I, love you. You're not a retard," Brian tells him kissing him on his forehead, "You're the only man for me."

"Slut!" Freddie screams before apologizing nearly ripping the pillow as he yanked on it.

Brian smiles softly and tucks some of Fred's loose hair behind his ear, "Listen the reason I love you is-"

"Titties!" Freddie punches Brian's pecs.

Brian rubs at that spot gingerly ignoring the pain, "You're my only family left my father abandoned me and mum," Freddie tries to fight back a tic he bites down on his lip, "and my mom abuses the bottle too much. She's a drunk 24/7 and-"


Brian laughs, "Yes she's a big Scottish bitch."

Freddie claps his hands and laughs bouncing a little. Brian kisses him and Freddie kisses back and pulls on Brian's hair, "Pony!!" he tugs hard.

Brian chuckles and moves his hands away, "I wanted to give you something."

Freddie smacks him, "Cunt!!"

Brian laughs, "Hopefully this will change your mind," he jokes, holding out a jewelry box, "Freddie will you marry me?" he opens it up to show a pretty golden ring.

Freddie screams and smacks the box out of his hands, ''Yes!!! And I-Im so sorry!!"

Brian giggles and picks it back up, "Its fine. Its fine." he places the ring on his finger, "I hope you like it."

Freddie cries and hugs him tight he hits his chest with his head, "I-I love you!!"

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Freddie cries and hugs him tight he hits his chest with his head, "I-I love you!!"

Brian smiles wide, "I love you too."

Brian smiles at him lovingly, "You want to eat out to celebrate?"

Freddie shakes his head, "No! No!" he squeals hitting himself, "M-Meanies!!"

Brian remembers the last time they ate out, Freddie was coloring away sometimes being a little loud but he was trying to control himself. And a woman screamed at Freddie till he cried.

Brian grabs Freddie's hand, "Let's get food delivered here then?"

Freddie smiles and nods, "O-Okie dokie!" he shakes his hand, "Ring!! Ring!!"

Brian smiles and orders over the phone for delivery, Freddie punches him in the arm again.

"Im thirsty." Freddie whimpers.

"I'm going to get your water bottle so you don't spill anything." Brian tells him getting up.

Freddie nods and hits Brian in the ass hard once he stands up, "Boing!!"

Brian keeps on walking into the kitchen he didn't even hear the doorbell. When he returned he sees the bags on the floor and Freddie sitting on the floor shaking trying to count money out. The delivery man was kneeled next to him helping him count and explaining it to him, "Fucker!!" Freddie screeches ripping the man's name tag off.

"I'm so sorry he has Tourette's and-"

The delivery man waves Brian off fixing his name tag back on and keeps helping Freddie until he has the right amount to pay.

"Thank you." Freddie thanks the man.

"Not a problem for me." he sets the bags on the table for Freddie.

"Tip?" Freddie asks handing the man two twenty pound notes.

The delivery man looks at Brian, ''Can I?"

"If Freddie wants to tip you can take it."

The delivery man takes it and thanks the both of them, "His name is Vincent we call and ask for him to get a raise." Freddie tells Brian sternly before throwing his wallet into Brian's face, "Fat ass!!"

Brian nods and calls the restaurant to tell them that the delivery man needs a raise and Brian asks if he can be the main one to deliver to their home.

Freddie was shaking as he eats, "I-I finally felt normal."

Brian goes to comfort him, "I-I finally didn't get treated like a freak."

Brian kisses his nose, "You are not a freak. And if anyone tells you that you are let me know they'll be fertilizer."

"Wanker!!" he flings rice into Brian's face.

"S-Sorry." Freddie apologizes,

"Don't," Brian taps him on the head, "Say sorry for something you can't control."

Freddie smiles shyly and looks at him lovingly, "You're my best friend."

Brian kisses his knuckles, "You're my best friend as well."

Freddie smiles and finishes eating, Brian cleans up the table putting away any leftovers. He comes back with Freddie's blankie and his teddy, ''S-Snuggles and movie?" Freddie asks shyly.

"Yes, love." Brian tells him grabbing the remote after he handed Fred his things.

"Dick!!' he kicks towards Brian's groin who grabs Freddie's foot in time,

"No." Brian says sharply before sitting down.

Freddie mumbles a quiet "sorry" before snuggling into Brian his eyes on the movie. He falls asleep halfway through it in Brian's arms, he looked peaceful and happy cuddled up to Brian and his wonderful fiancé was wondering how he got so lucky.

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