Starrison: Frostbite⭐

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Beatlefanatic9 Here's Your Request

Ringo shivers. It's a cold February and close to Valentine's Day. What does Ringo have for Valentine's Day? Rent and loneliness. That's all he's got now.

Ringo pulls his jacket closer to his body and begins the long walk to the bus stop. His nose is numb by the time he reaches it, he almost forgotten about his honked it was so numbed.

Ringo huffs and looks at his watch, 7:15AM, where was the damn bus? It should be here by now, and now it's running late? Ringo taps his foot scared to be late to his job, his manager isn't a forgivable person. He'll fire Ringo without a second thought.

A car stops and Ringo squints the car has tinted windows. The passenger window is rolled down, "Need a ride, man?"

The lad was dressed warm and he had some unusual teeth which looked like fangs in the early morning light which was fogged, a hail storm was coming soon, "Y-Yes, please." Ringo trembles from the cold.

Ringo scrambles into the car growing warm as the heat snuggles him and sinks into him, embracing him like a long lost lover. The lad drives the radio on low playing some old country songs that your grandpa will play while bad mouthing your raical ambiguous new neighbors because his lawn gnomes went missing the same time they moved in.

Ringo decides to break the silence. He takes a breath, "I'm Ringo and you?"

The man glances at him dark brown eyes meeting his sad blue ones, "George Harrison at your service, sir."

Ringo blushes, god he didn't realize how hot this guy was until he got close, and that accent was to die for. The car jerks and sputters as it got colder out and it snow started to beat down on the sleepy town where nothing happens and it's all sunshine and lollipops and rainbows, George pulls over on the road and checks under the hood. He calls Ringo out of the warm car to help him with the issue which there wasn't any.

Ringo was trustful of George, he seems like a great lad and leans in to help as George walks behind him to get to the boot of the car. Ringo screams when George's arms are wrapped around him, the older man begs for his life scared to be mugged or killed. Ringo was only 22.

George's fangs sink into Ringo's neck like when one bites into a juicy red apple on a summer's day, refreshing and nourishing.

Ringo's screams die down to a whimpers as he collapses against George's chest unable to fight back, growing too weak to do so. He gasps and his eyes roll back into his head when George's fangs leave his neck. The warmth of George's tongue presses against his neck licking the new wound, "You taste delicious."

Ringo falls into George's arms and is dragged back into the passenger seat. His body trembles and whimpers. His eyes are glossy with tears and fear is paralyzed onto his face.

George rubs over his knee softly like someone trying to calm a child, "I'm going to take good care of you, don't you worry."

Ringo's voice croaks seeing his manager opening up the store, he knows his landline will be ringing asking why he wasn't there to open up the shop all his manager will get is the lineland and the voicemail, "You've reached Starkey residence Im not home at the moment please leave a message and I'll get back to you soon. Peace and lov- *beep""

Ringo cries unable to move his body. George gingerly carried inside a large home. The place is grand but all Ringo can focus on is his aching neck and how dry his mouth felt.

He's placed in a room fit for a prince, the bed seemingly made of feathers and the sheets are made of a silky smooth material that are cool to Ringo's skin.

George places a cup against Ringo's lips, "Drink my prince."

Ringo gulps the sweet liquid, its tangy and refreshing sweet like mother nature's nector. Ringo's body collapses against the pillows many, many pillows that are light and fluffy. He's exhausted and before he can ask George for more he's out like a light.

Ringo wakes out alone in the room now only lit by a lonesome lantern by the door. Ringo's bare feet hit the chilled hardwood and he shivers. The older man grabs the lantern and ventures down the hall, a wonderful scent fills his nose and his mouth waters.

Ringo finds himself in the dining room where plates of organic vegan food are laid out in front of him. He wolfs it down feeling like he hasn't eaten in days. His vision fogs and he steps back bumping into something he yelps and turns around. Ringo puts a hand over his chest, "Godamnit, George!"

George kisses him gentle and Ringo pushes him back, "I want to go home, George. This is kidnapping."

"You ate my food. And drank the juices." George grabs him by the waist and kisses him again, "You're mine."

Ringo fights him off and more juice is poured into his mouth. His vision blurs and he collapses down something warm catches him, he felt a sense of comfort.

Ringo wakes up to a man by his bedside he has the most unusual teeth; they look like fangs. His eyes are a cute shade of brown he looks very handsome.

"Who are you?" Ringo asks,

"I'm your husband, George." George lies kissing his head, "You got into an accident and hit your head. The doctor said you may have memory loss."

"Oh." Ringo was saddened that he couldn't remember his husband, "I don't remember you, sorry."

George kisses him gignerly, "That's okay. The doctor said you would."

George shows him a album of photoshopped images of their life together. Ringo feels more bad about it, "Happy Valentine's Day, baby boy."

Ringo smiles and kisses George gignerly, the younger man puts a hand on Ringo's waist, he's won.

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