Platonic!Frain: You're Tall⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Little Freddie was excited to meet his father's bandmates. Their names are Roger and Adam. Freddie was also scared, what if they didn't like him? Or they kicked Brian out of the band for having a kid now! He didn't want his daddy losing his job!

Freddie messes with his hearing implant and looks around nervously as they approach backstage where the other bandmates are. What if they hate children? What if they don't want Freddie around? What if they hate brown people?

Many thoughts raced around Freddie's head. He couldn't focus, many thoughts were screaming at him, all bad. He didn't want his daddy to lose his job or to be hated. 

 Freddie snapped from his thoughts when a whitish-blond little boy only in a nappy comes running out Roger chasing after him with a pair of tiny baby shorts, “Felix!”

Felix crashes into Freddie’s legs both of them cry out and Felix wails hitting Freddie and cussing him out even calling him a brownie. Roger picks up Felix like one would do holding a hyper angry Chihuahua that's foaming at the mouth, 

“I’m so sorry. I j-just got him back from his mother’s and he always acts like this once coming back.” Roger apologizes panting, 

"Why don't you get fully custody?" Brian asks?

"Because the courts think it's unfair to deprive a mother from her child even if she's toxic. But will do that to a father for no reason.'' Roger rolls his eyes.

Freddie rubs his knees that Felix beat on, he didn’t respond to Roger or the screaming banshee in his arms nor did he respond to his father. Freddie was thinking back to the orphanage to the boy with dark eyes and skin the color of night, they called him Aadhee Raat he had no real name and he was feral.

Very feral. They don't know where he came from or what happened to bring him to the orphanage. He just lived there being the worst child in the world. He even stole the limited meals from them, leading some of them to starve for the whole day. That wasn't even the worst part.

Beating and mauling them, using his teeth whenever he felt threatened or angry. The workers did nothing, they let Aadhee Raat run amuck attacking couples wanting to adopt, attacking the suppiles,  attacking anyone who dared look in Aadhee Raat's path. The night before Freddie was adopted Aadhee Raat walked into the overgrown fields and never came back out. But when Freddie put his ear against the floorboards he could hear Aadhee Raat he knew Aadhee Raat was near when Freddie's final hours in the orphanage. 

Brian shakes Freddie and the young boy is snapped out of his memories, his thoughts from the horrid place he grew up in. He rubs his warm brown eyes which felt heavy and glances down at Felix, “I-I’m Freddie.”

“You talk funny.” Roger smacks the back of Felix’s head and makes him apologize,

"Sowwy, F'eddie." Felix apologizes giving big puppy dog eyes but none of them fall for it.

Adam came out with his nephew Remy, the boy was about six maybe five he could be even three, Freddie wasn't good at maths. 

Freddie didn’t have to worry about his father being fired for having kids. And both Adam and Roger are tall like his daddy, “You’re both tall.” Freddie whispers, making the men chuckle, "Like my daddy." 

Freddie is left with the other two children as the band does sound checks and don’t need noisy children interrupting them. Freddie plays with the acoustic guitar hearing turned off his implant to play, Felix was beating on the door and crying panicking because he couldn't see his papa anymore. The tot didn't want to be forgotten again. Remy was playing with blocks and other toys that Roger left for Felix to play with.

Felix sniffles and curls up on Freddie’s lap the guitar playing soothes him, reminds him of when his mama smiled and his papa didn't cry at night. The three men come back to see their children curled up together watching tv, the Sonic cartoon was playing on Cartoon Network. The remote was underneath Freddie and Remy and the volume was blasting.

"Boys, who wants some lunch?" Brian calls, "We're going to get some Wendy's." 

The cluster of kids come running their feet thumping off the hardwood and rugs, the adults blindly grab a child and take it with them. Adam had Freddie, Brian had Felix, and Brian had Remy. They got into their cars and drove to Wendy's with their friends' kids in tow.

They kids happily munch on overly salted fries and frosties. Shoving burning hot nuggets down their throats and gulping down some soda pop too, it tasted heavenly to the trio of kids. Brian and his mates watch the kids feast like it's going to be their last meal. They fight over the toys they got in their kids meals before Felix cries and hugs his beanie baby toy against his chest protectively, 

"Good lad." Roger pats his son's head and looks to Freddie, "This is how you parent." 

Freddie drips ketchup onto his white tee, "Whatever you say, Roger." 

Remy stills a bite from Adam's burger and wrinkles his nose, "Ew, onions!" he wipes his tongue with his hands looking so disgusted.

Adam laughs and Freddie relaxes. He really likes this group of people. They made him feel safe and they were fun. Freddie plays with the little toy motorbike he got made of cheap plastic and terrible green paint.

Felix nudges his beanie baby to Freddie and points to Fred's toy motorbike, "I play you play?" 

The two play with each other's toys happily Remy joins in on the fun. The boys start tuckinger themselves out and grow sleepy and tired.

Brian takes his boy, Roger takes Felix, and Adam takes his nephew. They get into their cars and drive home. It was the best day of Freddie's life.

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