Queen: Healing⭐

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Freddie steps out in the hall, his slippers shuffling against the tile flooring he was rail thin his eyes sunken in bruises litter his arms from the IVs he’s receiving. When was his last meal? Freddie couldn’t even remember, his mind was all hazy, he just knew he desperately wanted to fit in with the skinny and perfect students at his college. He manages to drag himself into the cafeteria, his body nearly refusing to walk down a set of stairs.

Freddie plops down with his tray of food next to a boy with curly hair and enough scars on his arms to look like he lost to a knife fight, “H-Hey.” the boy shyly says scribbling into a notebook.

“Hello.” Freddie forces a bite of food into his mouth nearly gagging his brain begging him to spit it out, but he forces it down wincing a little, 

“I’m Brian,” the curly haired boy tells him, “I’m here for my depression and suicide attempts.” that explains his scars,

“Freddie… Eating disorder..” it felt good to admit it and Freddie didn’t know what it felt like he finally got it off his chest and it was freeing.

Brian nods and goes back to drawing on a fresh page, “I miss mama.”

“I miss my mama too.” Freddie whispers, getting more food into his mouth and swallowing it.

A blond haired boy joins them and he bounces his leg eating some food, “I’m Roger!”

“Brian.” he didn’t look up from his notebook,

“Freddie, I have a eating disorder.”

Roger scoots to Freddie, “I have anxiety but I’m being medicated for it.”

“I have depression and tried to kill myself many time.” Brian says nonchalantly.

Roger chews on his nails and looks down, “Oh..” Roger begins to eat the bland slop the asylum feeds them.

A brunet boy walks over talking incoherently to himself he practically sits on Roger still talking incoherently. Roger rolls his eyes, shoving him off, “That’s John he’s a long term resident he has Psychosis.”

John screams, “They’re watching me!” 

Roger shoves cornbread into his mouth, “No one’s watching you!”

“Where’s his caregiver?” Freddie asks making the two saner boys laugh, 

“Caregiver? This is so understaffed they can’t afford one!” Brian laughs, “How do you think I did this?” he shows Freddie where a nasty chunk of his flesh is gone and is only now healing,

Freddie eats more of his food shutting up, “They’re watching me!” John bellows grabbing Roger’s empty tray and tries to hit Freddie, “You’re one of them! You’re one of them! You’re the voice!” 

Freddie shields his head with his arms as the tray comes down hard, Roger has to restrain him, “He wants my dead! He’s telling me I need to die!”

“He just came here two months ago, stop it, John!” Brian yells, “You can’t hurt our friend like that!”

Friend? Freddie has friends now? Freddie looks up only for John to scratch his eye, Freddie covers his eye with a startled yelp. Falling off the bench, “He’s telling me to kill myself! Maybe I will!” John kicks Freddie hard and stomps off covering his ears and screaming.

Freddie got his eye to stop hurting and ate another tray of food. He sits sandwiched between Brian and Roger. After their dinner they are sent to their rooms for the night. Freddie dozes off but wakes up around one in the morning feeling starved. He creeps out of his room and into the closed kitchen he tip toes in trying to be quiet as a mouse. He grabs some food from the pantry and eats it quickly. He nearly screams when something touched his ass, he whirls around and sees John talking to himself,

“Please don’t touch my ass again, I don’t care how crazy you are I will knock you onto your ass.” Freddie warns stuffing bread into his mouth.

John touches his ass again and screams biting Freddie’s arm. Freddie punches him in the face, “Fucking crazy ass cracker.” Freddie hisses covering his hurt arm, 

John starts to cry holding his nose he sounds like a scared toddler. He starts to babble about his father. Freddie scoops up John and takes him back to his room, “This is where I sleep, John you can stay here.” Freddie offered,

John holds his nose still teary eyed blood stains his hand he looks at Freddie then looks at the ground. Freddie got him to the small sink and cleans him up the best he can. John’s blubbering about his father and how he would lock John in a running car in the garage if he did anything bad. Freddie didn’t really know what to say to John’s whole backstory that he was spilling out to him as he cleans his nose up, 

Freddie only says one thing, “I’m sorry for calling you a cracker back there.”

John shrugs, “I don’t know what that means but I’m pretty salty, wanna taste?” he shoves his elbow in Freddie’s face. Freddie swats him, 

“I don’t want to lick you, John. Please get some rest now.”

John climbs into Freddie’s bed crawling around in circles like how a dog would to get comfy. Freddie climbs in next to him, he starts dozing off again when John wraps his arms around his thin waist, “You’re real.” John whispers, kissing his cheek.

Freddie groans and rolls over he finally manages to go to sleep. He wakes up to the bell ringing letting them know it’s 8AM on the dot. Freddie peels John off of him and gets up. He goes to scratch his bum when he feels John’s hand already doing it for him, “You’re real.”

Freddie groans and dresses in the asylum’s uniforms, John follows him like a lost puppy. Afterward it was also Brian, Roger, Freddie, and John hanging out together they were like the four amigos. Roger was checked out first he was allowed to go home and live his life, he visited his friends often and so did Brian when he released. Freddie came into the asylum weighing only 90Ibs and he left weighing 167Ibs, he was proud of his weight gain. John on the other hand took longer since his medications seemed to be failing him along with therapy, he was allowed to leave but he usually came back to stay around every five months but he did therapy bi-weekly. 

And they kept in touch with each other, Brian lived with John making sure he was staying on track with his medications. Soon the other two followed and lived with John, making sure he’s medicated and going to therapy. They were just thankful they had each other, and that they were able to stay friends. They can’t wait to see what the future holds for them.

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