JimBert: Crispy

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Robert owns Dela Bakery and Goods on Main Street it was in the middle of a small urban community, he always makes little sweets and sometimes meals for a cute firefighter that always comes in, his name is Jimmy.

Jimmy comes into the shop like normal Robert was running around his dirty blond hair pulled tight back and hairnet was on his head. His eyes light up seeing Jimmy, "Well, good evening, Mr. Page."

Jimmy chuckles, "It's actually 11AM."

"Oh.. Daylight Savings Time, right?" Robert asks fixing the clocks.

Jimmy nods, "Can I have my normal order?"

Robert hands him a premade bag, "Been sitting under the warming waiting on you." he flashes Jimmy a warm smile and sets the bag on the counter their hands brush against each other making the two blush and pull away. Robert giggles and scoots the bag further to him and Jimmy grabs it grinning, taking note of Robert's flour stained apron and how tired he looks, he doesn't look thirty anymore. Jimmy shakes that from his head and looks at the bag, his mouth watering from the amazing aroma coming from the white and blue labeled baggie.

On the bag with the bakery name on it was a cute little note pinned to it, Jimmy blushes and mutters a small thanks, "You'll be back for dinner, right?"

Jimmy nods, "Like clockwork, Robbie. Don't worry, I never miss a chance to have your meals." he reads the note which tells him to have awesome day and a little doodle of Jimmy putting out a house fire was next to it. And he's out the door a big grin plastered onto his face and a rosy blush, even if he knows his coworkers will be asking him if he finally has a girlfriend, he'll say no, he's just friends with the best baker in town. He missed the blush that appeared on Robert's face, he missed the love sick look appearing on his face too.

As the afternoon turns to dusk, and then into night Robert is left filling out orders and helping customers, all while thinking what he's going to feed Jimmy for tonight, he did have some spare pepperoni rolls and a few sausage rolls, some meat filled potatoes, he could give him. Once it reaches 11AM he closes up shop and waits on Jimmy in the alleyway, he shows up and takes the bag from Robert thanking him profusely. He wolfs down the rolls while trying to talk to Robert at the same time, Robert chuckles softly and keeps the conversation going. Soon Jimmy had to head back to the station and he wishes Robert well and that he'll see him in the morning. Robert sighs and goes back inside he decides to experiment on some recipes to impress Jimmy in the morning with, first was some crab cakes which tasted stale and way too fishy to be enjoyable.

Second was a nice fruity drink but he used way too much sugar so that flopped, he glances around the kitchen and cleans it up some as he goes along with the cleaning process and tries to spruce it up before he heads home. Then he decides on one last thing to try before going on, he startled to get some oil heated up and grabbed some nice potatoes, he got distracted by a banging sound coming from the pantry, he decided to go and explore real quick.

Jimmy goes inside the fire station to catch some sleep but is awoken a few hours later by the alarm going off like crazy he slides down the pole and gets his gear on, "What's going on?" Jimmy asks over the shriek of the sirens.

"There's a fire on Main Street, the bakery." his supervisor tells him, Jimmy's belly does flips worry fills him and he nearly vomits at the though of Robert being hurt.

They arrive and the bakery is engulfed in flames before anyone can really do anything, Jimmy is rushing in. He's searching the entire small bakery. He pushes past the smoke and spots a blurry figure laying on the floor, his heart drops and he races over nearly getting hit by a fallen beam. He grabs the thing and breaks down a wall to escape, he manges to get out of the bakery, he can clearly see he's holding a unconscious Robert in his arms, he felt a tear run down his cheek. He rushes into medical mode and begins helping him.

The next few days are blur for Jimmy as he's constantly rushing between being by Robert's bedside and going to work. He decided to take a few vacation days and stay by Robert's side. It was a week later that Robert open his blue eyes and Jimmy practically jumped for joy, even Robert looked happy seeing Jimmy.

Jimmy squeezes Rob's hand, "Look I don't know how you only burned half you arm... It's a miracle you didn't die on me."

Robert whimpers and touches his oxygen mask, "Keep that on." Jimmy warns him, "You need that on."

Jimmy shivers and looks him in the eyes, "I'll try to keep you safe forever now." a blush dusts upon his tired face, "I'm going to love you like I'm going to lose you."

Robert squeezes his hand tight Jimmy carries on, "I won't take you for granted."

Robert pushes his oxygen mask off to the side and kisses Jimmy, "I love you." his rasps out.

"I love you too, you git. Now put that on before you die."

Robert does as told looking up at Jimmy and how his curls bounce around. Jimmy manages to crawl alongside Robert in his bed being mindful of wires and cords, "I promise to never let go of you."

Robert mutters something incoherent but it sounded so full of love, Jimmy kisses his cheek, "I'm never going to leave you. Promise that you'll never get hurt." And Jimmy did stick to his promise he made sure Robert never got hurt and Robert had Jimmy by his side whenever he needed him.

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