JimBurt: Happy New Years

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It’s New Year’s Eve, Jimmy is rushing last minute to the store. He’s shoving a few bottles of wine into his buggy along with some snacks to munch on. He sees that some tarts are on sale and picks some up. He rushes home with minutes to spare before their guests arrive. 

Robert looks frazzled their two month old son is in a carrier on his back peacefully sleeping as his father looks frantic, “The Johns showed up a little early and they brought some snacks with them and-“

“Why are you panicking?” Jimmy asks putting the wine and tarts into the fridge,

Roger looked nearly in tears, “I can’t find, Jagger.” 

“Our son?” Jimmy asks slowly, seeing the small sleeping human strapped to his father’s back.

“Yes!” Robert tosses his hands up yelling, “Our son, Jagger!”

Jagger wakes up and begins to cry, not happy being woken up, Jimmy takes Jagger off Robert’s back and rocks the poor thing. Robert looks at them, his jaw drops open, “He was on my back?” it was a broken whisper that left him. 

Jimmy nods and Robert slides down the wall, hands in his hair he looks so exhausted and worn, “Get some rest.” Jimmy’s voice is calm, “I’ll wake you up when more people arrive.”

Robert nods and walks down the hall to their bedroom and Jimmy makes sure he hears the bedroom door close before checking in on the Johns in the living room, “How are you boys doing?”

John Paul scratches his chin, “Is Robert going nutty?”

John B looks at John Paul, “They have a baby. Let’s be thankful he didn’t leave Jag in a car yet.”

The three agree and Jagger squints at his two uncles deciding if they are friend or enemy. Jimmy hands Jagger to John Paul and goes to get the camera, “Say happy 1980 everybody!”

Right as Jimmy snaps the picture Jagger spits up all over his uncles and begins to wail. Jimmy rushes over holding Jagger away at arms length as he runs down the hall into the nursery. John Paul follows after trying to help and John B is left stunned. He looks out the window as light rain begins to fall and a bird hits the window. John B goes to find the others after that,

By the time they got everyone changed and cleaned up it was a thunderstorm going now and Jagger had his white noise machine at full blast. The three adults talk softly in the living room Jimmy brings the Johns some wine and Jim just snacks on marshmallows happily. Robert soon lazily joins them. He curls up in Jimmy’s lap with a yawn. He's back to sleep within mer minutes of exiting the bedroom and joining them in the living room, “How much longer?” John Paul asks squinting at the clock.

Jimmy absentmindedly pets Robert’s hair, “It shouldn’t be that long,”

John B leans into the clock which was getting harder to read as the years started to show on the ancient thing, “It’s roughly 11:35.”

Jimmy gingerly lays Robert on the couch and walks over, “We can turn the radio on quietly and listen for the countdown?”

And the three adults gather around the radio like children Robert lumbers over and rests his head on Jimmy’s shoulder yawning, “Don’t want to miss the countdown.” he kisses Jimmy lovingly on the lips once then twice, 

“What till the countdown.” John Paul joke,

“I got to get my daily kisses.” Robert whines pulling Jimmy closer to him. To the point both were pressed against each other tightly, “I’m cold too.”

“So John what did John get you for Christmas?” Robert asks,

Both Johns try and overtalk each other and they shove each other trying to speak at the same time. They manage to speak one at a time, 

“John got me a beautiful necklace.” John B says fishing the necklace out of his thin gray t-shirt,

“And John got me some new stuff for my bass.” John Paul tell them excitedly before going into full detail on all the cool bass stuff he got for Christmas.

“And Robert what did you get?” John Paul asks,

“Jewelry, a new microphone, a harmonica, clothes, books… and, uh..” Robert taps his chin sleepiness ridden his face, “Rough butt sex.”

Jimmy shoves him, blushing a dark red he matches John Paul’s flannel now, “What?” Robert yawns, “It wasn’t your ass it was mine.”

The Johns laugh hard and Jimmy’s left covering his face muttering that Robert needs to go to bed and he’s not getting sex for a week,

“But I love sex.” Robert tells him bleary eyed, “You’re so sweet to me and you make me feel like I’m the only man in the world.”

Jimmy still redder than a lobster with a bad sunburn, “You’re so sweet and sappy I just wish you weren’t so opened mouthed in front of our friends.”

“Hey! I found Johnny Paul in the trash; he's very much mine!” Robert hisses petting John Paul affectionately on the head.

“I mean it’s true, in high school some cunt pitched me in the garbage and Robert found me when he tossed his half full milkshake onto my head.” John Paul explains, 

“He was a runt back thing that could barely be 5’0 then.” Robert laughs smacking the 5’8 tall bassist’s back. They have a laugh about that before focusing on the radio again,

The three awake and not sleep deprived adults talk about the year and their Christmases and their families as well, and then the radio crackled in all staticy from the thunderstorm, “It’s going to be 1980, in 10,”

“9, 8,” the Johns chant,

“7, 6,” Jimmy chimes in,

“5, 4,” the three adults say along with the radio, 

“4, 2..” Robert yawns, “1.”

“Happy New Year!” Johns and Jimmy cheer.

Jimmy kisses Robert and the Johns kiss each other, with one big thunderous roar of the storm the power goes out and Jagger begins to cry from the loud noise. Jimmy quickly rushes or grab him and the other adults light candles, so much for 1980 being a good year. What else could go wrong with 1980?

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