Poly!Queen: Tickles⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Freddie winces as the straps tighten around his wrists, “I’m sorry.” Freddie whines twisting around, “I didn’t mean too.”

“You destroyed the house, Frederick.” Brian’s voice was stern, “You need to be punished.”

Freddie whines and bucks, “Brian!” he whines.

Brian gestures for Roger to come over and the younger boy does so, “I’m going to let you have some fun with our Freddie for a bit.”

Roger tackles Freddie and begins tickling him, “I meant like fuck him raw and he’s not allowed to cum, but tickling I guess works as a punishment.” Brian snorts stepping aside.

Roger drags his nail across the bottom of Freddie’s bare foot not enough to hurt but enough to give him a slight tickle sensation. Freddie wiggles and worms as Roger begins to tickle him faster with many different objects,

 “Can I use to flogger to tickle him?” Roger asks rummaging around their drawers as Freddie remains tied to the bed John’s sitting on his chest.

“It’s used, Roger. I wouldn’t want to be tickled by something that was on someone’s bare arse.” John speaks up wiggling a bit.

“Brian used it on you last time.” Roger remains, him pulling it out of the drawer.

John hops off of Freddie who whines and tries to touch John’s ass but his restraints wouldn’t let him. John sticks his tongue out and shakes his ass teasingly at Freddie who whines and pouts.

Roger hits Freddie’s chest with the flogger, “Brian hits harder than you.” Freddie spits.

Roger snorts and begins tickling the man with his hands. Freddie bucks and squirms, laughing like a hyena. John and Brian quietly play Go Fish in the corner waiting on Roger to hurry up.

Roger grabs the feather duster and tickles Freddie’s feet, the boy keeps jerking and twisting around tears running down his face. Fred was so red he could be mistaken for a boiled lobster. The. Freddie’s coughing and wheezing more tears, Freddie holds up two fingers for when they need to stop but can’t speak.

Roger doesn’t realize and keeps going, Brian shoots up and grabs Roger by the collar of his shirt and sets him to the side. Brian undoes Freddie’s restraints and helps him sit up. John holds a water bottle against Freddie’s lips, Freddie drinks it greedily before stumbling into the bathroom to clean up. Roger follows apologizing and giving him kisses on the head.

“What happened sweetheart?” Roger asks in a gentle tone, “Is it something I did?”

“I couldn’t breathe and my chest started to hurt then everything hurt.” Freddie whimpers rubbing his throat.

Roger nods and gets him into the warm bubble bath. He lets Freddie soak as he grabs Freddie some ice cold water to drink. Freddie chokes it down and shivers some trying to relax, Roger washes his hair and cleans him up. Freddie seems to be calm now and relaxed. John helps him dry off and get into his lion onesie. Freddie cuddles up to Brian in their bed sleepily, he wants to watch a movie now and nap. 

Roger rubs Freddie’s side and loves on him. Freddie swats his hand away, “No tickling.”

“I’m trying to love you.” Roger pouts nuzzling him, 

Freddie moves his head and kisses him gingerly before snuggling back up to Brian. John kisses each of his boyfriends’ heads before going to the kitchen and getting them snacks. Freddie yawns and nuzzles his boyfriends, 

“I love you.” Freddie says softly, “I love all of you.” he cuddles his plushie and shyly looks away from his boyfriends.

Brian kisses his nose, “I love you too.”

Roger strokes his side and kisses his cheek, “I love you to— Hey!” 

Freddie kicked him as he tickled his side and it made Freddie’s soreness feel worse. Freddie pouts and curls up snuggling all his plushies. John returns with juice boxes and Lunchables, “Who wants snackies?”

Freddie perks up and reaches for one and a juice. He happily munches on it looking like a kid again. Freddie makes little sandwiches out of the crackers, cheese and meat, he guzzles his juice and wolfs down his food. Brian turns on “Over The Garden Wall” for them to watch as they dine on their fancy feast. Roger tries to tickle Freddie again; Fred cusses him out and threatens to leave him on the balcony if he so much puts a hair on him. 

John kisses Freddie running his fingers through Fred’s lush ebony hair, the oldest man loves on John and kisses him back nuzzling close to him. Roger whimpers and cuddles Freddie keeping his hands away from Freddie’s ticklish spots. Freddie puts his face into Roger’s chest balling up hugging his plushies. Roger rubs his back lovingly and kisses his head. John wraps his arms around the both of them, Brian tries to hug all three of them.

They lay in bed cuddling letting the tv drone on behind them, “You’re the best boyfriends ever.” Freddie says softly.

“Aw, Fred.” Roger coos kissing his head, 

“Our baby.” Brian leans over and kisses Freddie’s cheek.

John loves on him and gives him kisses, “Baby boy.”

Freddie coos and looks at his boyfriends with love on his face, he’s never felt so much love for someone in all his years until these three fine young men came along. 

Freddie kisses each one and let’s them know how much he loves each other. They have a massive cuddle session in the middle of the bed loving each other and being adorable boyfriends. Freddie falls asleep squished in the cuddle pile he felt so warm and loved, he was so thankful for his boyfriends. They were a lot better than Paul and Freddie never had to beg for food once he started dating them.

Freddie keeps himself pressed against Roger and John, they make him feel more warm. Freddie snores softly and his boyfriends coo over him calling him a cutie and snagging pictures of their baby. Brian smiles at all of them he wished these moments lasted forever.

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