Jimercury: Oh Darling⭐

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__Unk0wn__28 Here's Your Request

Seventeen-year-old Jim takes Freddie’s hand and the two dance slowly in the garden the radio is crackling and struggling to play, but the music is comforting for the two, 

“I think those dance lessons are finally paying off.” Jim beams as Freddie deeps him down and tries to kiss him,

“You think so?” Freddie asks, eyes sparkling he looks so giddy.

“You’re not dropping me anymore and I’m 204Ibs.” Jim laughs, 

“And I’m a stick of only 98Ibs.” Freddie kisses him stretching to meet his lips.

Jim manages to twirl them and lift up Freddie, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Freddie coos nuzzling him loving up on him,

“Are you ready to go to the restaurant?” Jim asks giddy to have saved up enough money to take Freddie on a first date, the poor Irish boy had big plans for his boyfriend.

Freddie nods grinning showing his imperfect teeth off that Jim thought was so cute, 

“You’re so cute.” Jim whispers as they take the back roads that no one travels on anymore.  

Freddie blushes and looks down shyly. Jim cups his face and kisses him gingerly, "I love you." 

"I-I love you too." 

They made it to the restaurant after hours and they were let in through the back door by the owner, "Jim?" 

"Elton's queer like us. I know we can't go on a date within the public eye but Elton will allow us to feel like any other couple for one night." Jim promises kissing Freddie's hands.

Freddie blushes and smiles wide his eyes soarkle, Jim doesn't know how he got so lucky to be with this handsome man right in front of him.

Jim pulls out Freddie's chair smiling wide, "Pretty men first." 

Freddie blurbs and sits down dainty like, he can't keep his smile off his face as he stares at Jim. Jim blushes and holds Freddie's hand as Elton pours them a glass of wine, "Are you two ready to order?" 

Jim shakes his head, "No, no. I haven't had enough time to look." 

Elton nods and leaves them alone. Jim faces Freddie, "I was too busy looking at your handsome face to pay attention to the menu.''

Freddie blushes and hides his face with the menu. They order their food and make light chit chat with each other, Jim knew what he was going to do that night, his mind was officially made up. After they ate, Elton brought the bill out.

"Only £15.00?" Jim questions, "Shouldn't it be £35.60?"

Elton chuckles softly, "You received the family and friends discount along with the anniversary discount and the kids under 12 discount."  

"This isn't our anniversary and we're not kids we're all adults..'' Freddie speaks up, he felt like he was stealing if the discount was a lie.

Elton winks at them putting a finger to his lips, "Only us and the walls know that's a lie. Please give me the £15 and enjoy the rest of your night boys."

"Well if you really want to." Jim chuckles pulling out his wallet and so does Freddie.

They look at each other both staring like in one of those wild west movies right before the epic fight in the saloon, 

''Im paying." Jim states, "Don't spend your money, darling. Tonight I'm spoiling you." 

"Well I'm tipping like the Americans do then." Freddie replies.

Jim lets it be and slides the money on the table along with Freddie's tip, Elton picks it up and counts it then he pockets it. Jim thanks Elton and so does Freddie. They leave with their sprites held high. Jim stops at Fear Gabhair's Bridge, Freddie looks confused.

Jim takes Freddie's hand, "Fred my love you're a wonderful man, the best boyfriend anyone could ask for." 

Freddie starts to panic was he going to be broken up with? He dealt with many shitty boyfriends in his young life and grown to be weary of his partners,

 "I know this isn't much but here." Jim finishes holding out a ring, "Consider it an engagement ring, I'll marry you when we leave Ireland, maybe move to France where they are more accepting." 

Freddie nods and kisses him lovingly, "I can't wait to be your husband." 

"Neither can I.'' Jim whispers caressing his warm cheek.

"Hey ya poofs!'' 

Jim whips his head around ready to defend his Freddie. A boy about Jim's age and a few others were circling them. Calling them names and threatening to kill them. Jim fights off a few before he hears a scream and sees Freddie being tossed over the bridge, Jim gasps and leans over the railing he knows Freddie can't swim. 

Jim yelps as he's tossed over too, he makes a big splash. As he raises back to the surfaces he can hear the boys laughing and walking away like they didn't just try and kill someone.

"Freddie!" Jim yells swimming to where he last saw his fiancé.

Jim grabs onto the collar of Freddie's jacket and drags him to shore. Freddie coughs and throws up water, he begins to cry. Jim wraps his arms around his honey and comforts him.

"I-I lost the ring!" Freddie cries holding up his barren hand.

Jim kisses his hand, "Your life is more important than some ring. I can always get another ring but I can't get another you." 

Freddie sniffles and clings to Jim. Jim carries Freddie, bridal style back to his house, comforting him and letting him know how good he is. Jim loans Freddie some of his clothes to change into after he's dried off.

Jim chuckles at the sight, it was like a little kid playing dress up. Freddie gladly accepts the hot chocolate one of Jim's many siblings made, Freddie cuddles Jim in his bedroom soft kisses are exchanged and plenty of "I love yous'' are tossed around. Jim keeps Freddie close, soon he hears soft snores come from his wonderful fiancé and he can't help but think how lucky he's gotten to be with someone like Freddie and he can't wait to marry the lad.

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