Hapton: Story Of My Life⭐

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George squeezes Eric’s hand as the grandkids sit down in front of them. Eric clears his throat, “I was twenty-four years old, when I met the man I would call my own. Now we got twenty-two grandkids now growing old. In that house that nana’s brother bought us.”

The grandchildren all look excited for story time, “It was 1957....” Eric says.

Eric races down the school hallway he was going to be late for his class his professor was a major bitch and if he’s not in the classroom at 7 on the dot the door will be locked.  Eric looks through his papers trying to read and run at the same time.

Eric’s glasses slid down his nose and he smacked them back onto his face. He looks through his papers, “In 1776 England’s colony we’re showing more signs of treason and-“

Eric’s body smashes into a young lad, their heads clank together and they’re both sprawled onto the floor, books and papers litter the floor, “I’m so sorry!”

Eric looks up and his stomach twists. The lad was cute, like really cute. Small dark eyes, sharp angled face and a nervous smile plastered on it with cute little fangs. He was slender and to Eric the lad was an angel. He was gorgeous, his dark brown hair was stick up in places it looked like he just rolled out of bed. And it was adorable.

“It’s fine, no harm done.” Eric gathers up his belongings in a frenzy heart beating in his chest like a frighten bird wanting to break free, 

“Your lip is bleeding. You musta bite it when falling down.” the lad tilts Eric’s chin back and presses a handkerchief against it. There was initials embroidered into it, “G.H.”, Eric wanted to know this gorgeous man’s name. 

“I’m Eric.” Eric whispers, “What about ya?”

The lad chuckles softly a flash of those fangs, “George, my name’s George.”

Eric blushes and smiles love sickeningly at George, “George, such a pretty name for a pretty boy.” Eric keeps working on the charm.

George blushes and it makes him look more angelic as a rosy blush dawns his cheeks, “I’m pretty huh?”

Eric nods knowing he must be red like a tomato,”The prettiest man all around.”

 “You’re such a sweetheart.” George hums, pulling away from him and balling up the dirty handkerchief before shoving it into his messenger bag.

They both blush and stare at each other as if they are trying to figure out what to do now, “..Who’s class are you going to?” Eric blurts nervously.

“Professor Harrison’s” George says with a chuckle, 

Eric groans rolling his eyes, “Same, he’s such a bitch, I feel bad for his kids man.”

“He’s my pa.” George tells him with a smirk, 

Eric squeaks and twists trying to figure out what to do to get him out of this hole, “Uh, shit— Uh… I.. I’m sorry?”

George laughs , “He’s an abusive dick that has a huge ego. Wanna skip class and go get milkshakes instead of dealing with dick?”

“S-Sure thing.” Eric blushes as George takes his hand and leads him out the building, it’s only missing one college class it wouldn’t kill to skip one.

It was Tom’s Diner they went to which is no longer in operation but it had the best burgers and fries all around. And it was the best place to get milkshakes, any flavor they made it the best milkshake you would ever have.

“So it’s forty-five cents for a milkshake?” Eric asks fishing money out his wallet,

“Yeah. Can we get some fries to dip in?” George asks looking up at Eric batting his long eyelashes and looking so adorable.

Eric smiles, falling more in love with George, “Sure thing baby boy.”

That nickname makes George blush and melt. They go to a private area with a nice fenced-in garden. They throw away their trash in the bins. Eric plucks George a  yellow rose and tucks it in George’s hair. They both blush staring at each other, George stands on his tippy toes and kisses Eric.

From then on Eric always got George a yellow rose whenever they went on a date. George’s father Harold wasn’t happy with them dating. One the Harrisons were Roman Catholic and Eric was raised with the Church of England.

Eric and George didn’t care about religion. In 1961 Eric made a wedding ring out of dentist gold and on a nice summer’s day of that same year he proposed to George who happily accepted.

George and Eric went on the run, didn’t care about religion, he's gonna marry the man he loves. He was George Harrison, and he was Eric Clapton, George took his name and they became one down by the border. They got married wearing borrowed clothes, George looked like a little kid wearing his brother’s suit and Eric didn’t look any better crumpled and wrinkled clothing that was small or too big in some areas.

Eric’s close friend helped officiate the wedding, and help them get to Kingston England away from their rude family and friends. George’s brother had a house built and ready for them. Eric and George’s brother built most of the furniture inside the house and most of the original furniture was still standing today.

And in late 1962 they welcomed their first child, a daughter named Eva Miranda Clapton. They would have seven other children after Eva. Five sons and three daughters were all the kids the Clapton family had.

Eric snaps back to the present and smiles softly, looking at the snow white streak in George’s dark brown hair. Sixty years of loving him and being his husband. One of their grandchildren was sitting on George’s lap listening to their grandpa’s story.

Now they sat by the fire in their old rocking chairs, “You know George, I adore ya.” Eric hums rocking the chair.

George smiles and kisses his hand; their twenty-two grandkids are all running around. These are the best years of their lives.

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