Freddie Mercury: Dog Training ⭐

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Freddie lays on the floor grasping at his chest unable to breathe or speak Bring, his new service pup in training just wags his tail and watches his human wither around on the floor.

Biscuit comes and lays on Freddie, licks his face and starts barking, alerting Freddie’s family, Brian signals Biscuit to get off and Freddie sits up, “Bring! That’s what you’re meant to do! Not watch me suffer! Be like Biscuit.”

Bring barks and runs out the doggy door to go potty and Freddie groans ruffling his hair up, “He’s untrainingable!” 

Roger shakes his head, “Give him some time and he’ll learn.”

“It’s been months! Biscuit’s getting too old to do her job and Bring, is just about as useful as toothpaste is for a meth addict!”

John speaks up from playing with his toy cars, “Maybe he’ll be like lassie but he has to be in a life or death situation first.”

Freddie scoffs, “As if.”

“Go clean up, Fred. I think you’re laying in piss.” Roger tells him,

Freddie jerks up and flees into the bathroom screaming,

And weeks of training nothing seemed to be working. Bring would just roll over onto his back, bark on command, or fetch Freddie’s pill bottles then run off to play with them. Then after everyone has given up hope on teaching Bring it happens. Freddie’s alone in the house his dad and step-brother are at the allergist, his step-father is at work. The phone won’t stop ringing. It's some sexist telemarketer and they always leave threatening voicemails since Freddie picked it up once thinking it was one of his parents. Freddie has a panic attack and it’s a big one too he can’t breathe anymore he’s heart is beating wildly and his vision is blurring with tears he’s gasping and laying on the floor. He’s struggling and struggling, he can hear the phone be knocked off and there’s beeping then barking Freddie’s vision is really going south he manages to scream and struggle for more air. Bring jumps on his chest going ape shit he licks all over Freddie’s face and bounces he smashes into the table knocking off the pill bottles he gets them to Freddie. Thanks to Bring’s help Freddie manages to calm down and take his medicine but then there’s knocking on the door, “Police, anyone home?”

Freddie yanks open the door looking scared, “Y-Yes officers? How may I help you?”

“We got a 999 call here at this address but all that could be heard was screaming and a dog barking.” one officer tells him,

“Oh Bring is my service dog and I had a bad anxiety attack… I guess Bring dialed 999.”

They lecture Freddie on the misuse of 999 and to never play around with it again not believing the boy’s story. Bring stays by Freddie’s legs, his tail tucked and he looks afraid of the officers but he’s guarding Freddie with all his puppy might. Freddie shuts the door and locks it once the officers are gone, he sighs and ruffles Bring’s ears, “Good boy….. don’t know who taught ya that but good boy.”

Bring barks and wags his tail happily at the praise Freddie hug the puppy tight and thanks the little scrapper over and over again making the dogs tail wag harder. Freddie heads upstairs with Bring at his heels Biscuit was limping behind them, she kept an eye out on Freddie no matter who he was with. He's still her owner no matter what and she still loves him greatly.

Freddie lays in bed and his two service dogs lay at his sides blocking him in, “I love you doggies.”

He snuggles them both but he buries his face in Biscuit’s soft golden fur he relaxes and settles into bed. Biscuit alerts him to eat before taking a nap, “Oh, Biscuit!”

Biscuit licks his face and takes him downstairs Freddie makes himself a few sandwiches before crawling back into bed with both dogs at his side. He yawns he’s always tired after a grand panic attack, he snuggles into Biscuit’s fur once again and happily dozes off with a full belly and nothing to stress or worry about, for he had the two best dogs in the world, Biscuit and Bring. Freddie couldn’t wait to tell his parents what Bring did today. But for now the lad was going to nap and rest up since his medication did make him a tad bit sleepy so a quick nap would be nice before his folks got back home. Freddie closes his eyes and snuggles Bring tightly the puppy plants a wet sloppy kiss on his cheek, “I love you too, Bring.” Freddie yawns kissing the pupper on his snout. Biscuit huffs and nuzzles his cheek, “And I love you too, Bisquick.”

Biscuit barks and wags her tail, licking him firmly on his cheeks and nose, and then his mouth, “Kibble breathe.” Freddie groans laying back with a huff. Biscuit lays on him nuzzling his neck and face, Bring nuzzles Freddie too and gives him a few licks as if saying, “You’re alright?”

“I’m fine.” Freddie tells him petting his head gingerly, “Now let me rest, loves.”

Freddie pulls the blanket over the three of them and snuggles the two doggies that are piled on him. He closes his eyes and tries to sleep, Bring kicks Fred hard in his nuts that kept Freddie awake for a bit. Finally as he gets nice and cozy the phone rings and Freddie screams. He huffs down there and picks it up, “May residence, Freddie speaking.”

“F’eddie!” John squeals, “I’m using a pay phone! I remembered our number all by myself!”

“Good job, buddy.” Freddie praises him.

“Do you want McDonald’s?” Brian’s voice comes in,

“Sure, pops.” Freddie says giving his father his order which was a very basic standard order any teenager would give and he hangs up after telling them he loves them both very much.

The boy curls up on the couch and finally falls asleep he uses his dogs as pillows and blankets. Today was an exhausting day.

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