MalBon: It's Too Late?

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Bon watches from across the room as the party drones on for Angus' 19th birthday party, Bon swallows his pride watching as his baby is dancing with another man, he realizes that he should of spent more time with Malcolm, bought him flowers, spent every second of his time with him. Now he's happy with someone else. Bon's thoughts are interrupted by Malcolm coming over giggly,  "How's you and your boyfriend?" Bon asks.

"Boyfriend?" Malcolm questions before looking back over his shoulder, "You mean my brother, John?"

Bon felt his face go red, "I-I uh... I uh..." there was 8 Young siblings only 1 girl so it did get confusing tracking everyone and keeping up-to-date on their looks.

Malcolm squeezes his shoulder, "This is why we're working through this. Like the therapist said to."

Bon looks down, "I'm sorry. I haven't spent enough time with, ya.... And I thought you were..." he gestures with his hand.

"No, never." Malcolm tells him, "I promised to work things out. We're going through a bit of a rough path but we'll smooth things over." then he smiles lovingly pushing any hair out of Bon's face only he can do that anyone else and Bon throws a hissy fit over.

Bon smiles back at him trusting him, "Thank you for dealing with me, I'm such a sourpuss.''

"We both need to work through our traumas then everything will get better." he kisses Bon gingerly.

Bon smiles and loves on him, Malcolm leads him away from the party and takes him upstairs. They talk about their feelings and love on each other, it made them feel better about each other. Malcolm kisses him pinning him down against the bed, kissing on him gingerly like it would be their last kiss, tender words are pass between the two. Bon nearly forgot how much he loved Malcolm on top of him, how much the boy looked so pretty.

Bon cups Mal's face rubbing his thumb against Mal's cheek, "You're so beautiful. What did I do to deserve you?"

Malcolm kisses his hand and smiles at him lovingly, "You're the best fiancé ever, Bon-Bon."

Bon blushes looking at him, "Don't call me that. I feel like I'm some type of sweet.''

Malcolm nips him, "You are sweet, Bonnie."

Bon blushes and pulls Malcolm closer to him, "I'm sorry I'm not around much."

Malcolm's face soften and kisses Bon on his forehead, ''I know how crazy the band life can get. Don't worry."

Bon nuzzles him and kisses his nose, "My little worm."

Malcolm rests his head on Bon's chest listening to the steady beat of his heart, it was soothing to Malcolm it was the same heartbeat he's learned to fall asleep to over the years, "You don't think, Angus will be mad if we sleep in his guestroom?"

"No," Bon yawns putting a arm around his waist protectively.

Malcolm smiles and kisses his neck, "I love you."

Bon smiles wide and kisses him, "You don't realize how much I love you, Mal."

Malcolm blushes and kisses him passionately sharing all his love into that one kiss, ''I never want to let you go."

Bon rolls him over and spoons him, "We can make that work." he kisses the mop of hair on his head, ''Trust me."

They cuddle up in each other's arms talking about life and their future together, ''I want a nice suburban home and five kids."

Bon smiles and nods, "That sound excellent."

"What would you want to name our son and daughter?"

"Louisa Jamie and Tyler Malcolm." Bon tells him.

Malcolm blushes and coos, he kisses Bon on the nose and loves on him, "You'd name our son after me?"

"Malcolm is the best name around. Why lose it?'' Bon states.

"I love it!" Malcolm claps with a yawn, getting tired.

"Someone's my tired wittle bear." Bon teases snuggling to the hell out of him.

Malcolm snuggles into Bon's chest, "I'm not tired." he yawns again rubbing at his eyes, "This proves nothing." Malcolm whines.

Bon pulls him closer and rubs his back whispering soothing words to him. He lets Mal rest his head on Bon's chest, the boy seems to calm down hearing the familar heartbeat in his ear it was like a lullaby to him by this point.

Bon smiles and watches as Malcolm's eyes flutter open and close battling to stay open, "Shh, go to sleep." Bon tells him kissing his head, "I'll still be here." Bon promises him kissing him gingerly.

Malcolm smiles and relaxes greatly he closes his eyes and settled down finally. He let sleep take over him, Bon struggled to fall asleep he thinks how mean he was to Malcolm in the beginning and how much he learned from his mistakes. He holds his baby boy closer and thanks whatever is out there that kept Malcolm in his life, he will not ruin his second chance to be with Mal. Nothing will ruin him now, he'll marry that boy and give him the life that he wanted. He can picture them in the future, a army of kids running around, he sees Malcolm's happy laughing face and joy fills him. He couldn't wait to see that future.

He snuggles Malcolm close and kisses his head loving on him as the sleep starts to take over. His body wants to fight it, to keep thinking of the future but he doesn't want to anymore. He just wants to take a good old nap with the love of his life, for now though he can dream of white picket fences and Malcolm's happy face. He scoots down letting Malcolm cling to him and Bon holds Mal close to not wanting to let go of the boy.

Soon sleep starts taking over and Bon snuggles further into Mal like he was security plushie. Bon falls asleep and the lovers sleep in each others arms, so smitten with each other now, you would never guess there was marriage issues going on. But all was good for now and that was all that mattered for now.

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