Platonic!Frain: Runaway ⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Freddie was fourteen-years-old he had a service dog for his anxiety he named the dog, Biscuit. Brian was his father; he was over protective and had to monitor Freddie constantly which led to Freddie’s anxiety building up. Brian didn’t mean to be so high strung but didn’t want anything bad to happen to Freddie and he didn’t realize how far it’s gotten.

Freddie comes home from a friend’s house Biscuit tugs on her harness Brian was waiting on the them, he had his phone in his hand, “It says you left Roger’s at 12:45PM and then it says you went to Bastrio’s Pub and Chips and you left at 3:00PM were you trying to see Lennon and that annoying band of his again?”

Freddie tries to stammer out an answer but Brian carries on, “And then you turned off your GPS tracker at 3:10PM halfway to Prenter’s house and you didn't turn it back on till you arrived here at 3:45PM.”

Biscuit tugs and licks Freddie’s hand alerting him his anxiety is spiking, “D-Dad, I-I just-“

Brian grabs Freddie’s phone and forces Freddie to unlock his phone, Brian turns off the password scolding Freddie he turns the tracker back on and looks through his messages, “You talked to Paul about having sex? And you told Roger you’re going to lose your virginity today…”

Freddie started to cry, sinking down to his knees Biscuit kept licking at his face and tried to sooth him, “I-I lied, I wanted to be normal!”

“You’re grounded.” Brian says, “No messaging. I’m putting parental locks on your messaging apps and I’m deleting Paul and Roger from your contacts, they are not good influences on you and I’m telling Bastrio’s owner not to allow you back inside I don’t care if it’s the only place with cheap fish and chips pricing you obviously can’t handle yourself there.You’re just going to get AIDS and die..”

Freddie sobs loudly, his chest tightening and it was hard to breath, Brian does as what he said he would do. He hands Freddie back his phone and he’s sent to his room until dinner time. Freddie only calms down because he passed out in his bed, when he woke up it was nearly dusk. Freddie sniffles and rubs at his face. He had enough, he laid his phone in his closet and packed a duffel bag. He helps Biscuit out the window before climbing out himself. He felt scared and nervous but he kept on walking Biscuit faithfully at his side, her fur looked golden in the sunset. 

They made it to Bastrio just as Lennon’s band was leaving and the shop was locking up, “H-Hey.” Freddie’s voice shook.

Lennon looks over then at his boys, “Hey it’s the boy who comes to all our shows.”

“What’s wrong little guy? You look upset.” Paul speaks up beckoning Freddie over.

Freddie waddles over and starts to calm down. He trusted these men and he knew they were nice and not loony like his father, “Dad was mean to me.”

“So you buggered off down here?” John asks,

“He wouldn’t stop going through my phone and he forced me to turn the GPS tracker back on.”

Ringo speaks up, “He’s shaking from the cold let’s bring him inside and get him some dinner.” so the six of them head up the stairs and into the small flat above Bastrio’s.

Paul gets the heat going and George starts a small meal of chicken and rice, “You left your phone behind, right?” Ringo asks.

Freddie nods and nurses on his thumb rocking back and forth sitting on the couch that reeks of cigarette smoke, sweat, and a faint weed smell. Biscuit sits by his feet guarding and on alert, she stands up when John approaches with a bowl of chicken and rice, “Here, kid.”

Paul sets a bowl full of chicken down in front of Biscuit who happily eats her tail wagging. The five humans enjoy their meal before deciding it was time for bed. Freddie got to sleep on the pullout couch with Biscuit laying next to him, they slept on the couch that night under a pile of spare blankets. And for once Freddie slept peacefully not having to worry about his father bursting in at 5:30AM telling him to wake up and start on his chores, and once done he can have breakfast at 6:58AM then he can go on a walk until 7:30AM.

Freddie wakes up at 9AM and Lwnnon’s sitting on the floor playing video games in his boxers. Freddie tries not to stare. He knows it’s wrong but his dad isn’t here to tell him what’s wrong or what’s right now. He studies Lennon how he tenses during an intense moment in the game, the small sounds he makes as he gets more invested into the game, how he squints his eyes to see the screen better, his Buddy Holly glasses sliding down his nose. How his auburn hair is left messy and tousled not yet slicked back for performance, his tongue sticks out from between his lips as he concentrates.

Freddie begins sketching out Lennon on some loose leaf paper left on the table when he was adding the final shading and last minute detail John tosses the controller and groans rubs his face, “It ate me arse, Freddie!” his eyes darted to the paper, “Did you draw me?”

Freddie holds the paper close to his chest, he was protective of his art due to harsh criticism from his father. Biscuit licks his hands and bare knees trying to calm him. Lennon ease the paper out his hands and his jaw drops, “You’re an amazing artist Freddie!!! This belongs in a museum!” Lennon smirks, “Of course it’s me! I deserved to be in a museum!” Lennon signs Freddie’s paper and Lennon forces Freddie to sign a random card, “For when we both get famous.” John says ruffling his hair.

Soon there was a racket as the door was getting pounding on, the boys who were in various states of redressing looked at the door bleary eyed, not happy with their unannounced visitor. Lennon swings it open, the boy had his dress pants on, and his dress shirt half unbuttoned, “What is, old man?” Lennon asks,

“Old man!” Brian yells, “I’m not old! I’m thirty-five!” 

Freddie pokes his head around, “Dad?”

“You’re dad’s an old man.” Lennon laughs lighting a cigarette,

Brian pulls Freddie into his arms and he cries, blabbering apologizes and saying how sorry he was for doing all this to him, to cause him to run away and live with some delinquents.

“We’re not delinquents.” Ringo huffs, “Don’t get your knickers in a twist.”

Freddie hugs Brian back accepting his apology, “Let's go home.” Freddie says.

Freddie thanks his new friends and he leaves with his father and service dog. His father learned the hard truth on why not to be so overprotective of his son and to not be an ass to him.

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