Deacury: Squeaky⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your request

Freddie cuddles his boyfriend nuzzling him and touching his sides. Then John squeaks jerking Fred's hands away, "Wha?"

"I'm ticklish." John pouts.

Freddie grins wickedly, "How ticklish?"

John crosses his arms, "That's none of your business."

Freddie pins him down and tickles him all over causing John to buck and squeal, laughing too. He has tears rolling down his cheeks some time after.

"Freddie! Freddie!" John screams kicking.

Freddie keeps tickling him at his feet and sides, "S-Stop!!! Stop!!! I'm going to piss!! Piss!!!"

Freddie stops and John bucks him off racing into the bathroom already yanking his pants and boxers down, "Why are you wearing your Christmas boxers?" Freddie calls to him.

John doesn't answer he just pisses into the porcelain groaning. Freddie sneaks up behind him and touches his shoulders, "Boo bitch!!!"

John screams and falls back getting some piss on the floor, he sniffles then he starts crying.

"Oh, oh, Johnny." Freddie felt like an ass, "Come here."

John fixes his pants and lays himself in Fred's arms. He shifts and wiggles around in Freddie's lap until he felt something poking his jean clad ass he whispers into Freddie's ear, "I bet you want me."

Freddie groans and nods his head eagerly, "Well," John presses down on his boyfriend's erection, "Too bad."

John stands up sticking his tongue out, "You fucker!'' Freddie screeches standing up.

John cackles and runs down the hall, "Come back here!!"

John covers his mouth and hides under their bed all curled up trying to suppress his giggles as his small boyfriend searches the house for him.

"You dick!" Freddie pouts, "You made my dick sad, you dick!"

The brown skin man heard snickers from inside their bedroom he opens the door gingerly so it wouldn't creak.

John laughs hearing Freddie he screams when he's ripped out from under the bed, "Daddy no!!"

Freddie growls and pins him to the bed, "You really know how to drive a man crazy don't you?"

John looks up at him shyly, "Please be gentle."

"Oh I don't want sex."

John looks up at him confused as he rummages through their box in the closet, "No sex?"

Freddie holds up the cuffs, "Maybe some sex but I want to try something first."

John blushes, "I'm aroused and confused."

Freddie handcuffs him once he had John only in his boxers. He runs his fingers a long John's sides watching as the younger man twitches and jerks, "F-Fred."

Freddie tickles him watching as John whoops and hollers squirming and wiggling about. He cries and screams, he doesn't call out the safe word he let Freddie tickle him until he was sore, "You're not fun." Freddie pouts still tickling him.

John cries out and bucks, "Y-You're the asshole."

"You can say the safe word anytime." Freddie reminds him.

"Never!!'' John cries jerking his head.

Freddie didn't stop till he spotted a dark spot starting to appear on John's boxers, ''Don't piss yourself."

John's chest heaves his breathing fast, "H-How do you know it's piss?"

Freddie laughs and kisses him, "You dork.''

John giggles, "Can you uncuff me?"

Freddie nods and uncuff John and the younger one pounces on Freddie butt wiggling like a cat. He tried tickling Freddie all over, "You're not ticklish are you?'' he pouts.

"Nope never have been ticklish in my life.'' Freddie tells him smugly, "I don't have a ticklish bone in my body.''

John smirks and goes for his neck, nothing, armpits, nothing, sides, nothing, and John goes for the feet and Freddie squeaks loudly like a squeaky toy he cusses John out and calls him a hairy bastard which only makes John laugh and keep tickling him,  "Not ticklish huh?'' John teases brushing his fingers over the sensitive spot, "Not a ticklish bone in your body?" he teases, "Well look what I found!"

He tickles both feet as Freddie let's out his broken squeaky toy laugher, it's infectious because John starts to laugh as Freddie laughs harder and harder, John thinks he's finally has the apprehend until he's flipped over and pinned by his tiny boyfriend, "I think I'm winning this tickle game." he tickles John again making the boy jerk and laugh, he twitches and wiggles about on their bed as Freddie is merciless on John with the tickling he doesn't stop even as John has tears running down his red cheeks as he kicks and screams. Freddie only stops when he hears "asparagus" their safe word.

"Asparagus, Freddie! Asparagus!''

Freddie stops and John rushes inside their master bathroom and takes the piss of his life, "You okay in there?" Freddie asks not hearing John.

"Yeah, I'm fine! I think I just here. I think I hear the rats again."

"Want me to call a exterminator?'' Freddie offers.

"Yes this is like the fourth time of hearing them."

Freddie makes the call and they're all set for next Sunday, "We're all good in the hood now."

John nods and kisses Freddie's nose, "That's good."

Freddie rubs John's sides, "Don't." John says sternly.

Freddie holds his hands out, "I get it. I get it. Your body your choices, I shouldn't do anything without your consent like a good boyfriend does."

John smiles and cuddles him nuzzling hom, "You're the best boyfriend I ever had!"

Freddie beams and grins wide showing his teeth, "And you're teeth are amazing too."

Freddie kisses him passionately and loves on him, "I'm so lucky to have you." Freddie coos.

"No,'' John cups his face, "I'm lucky to have such a amazing, talent, sex goddess for a boyfriend, and I dont regret a single bit of it."

Freddie kisses him again and loves on him a lot sending tons of praises his way and John sent some back, "Oh look at how cute you are.'' he pinches Fred's cheek.

Freddie tears up and holds him close, "I don't deserve you!!"

"Faith brought us tougher." John tell him kissing him on the nose.

Freddie holds him close, they cuddle and love on each other even if Freddie tries to tickle John or John tries to tickle Freddie it was all perfect.

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