Frain: I'll Keep You Safe⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Freddie keeps his guide dog by his side as he begins his shift at Mercers’ Grocers.  He clocks in and talks to the owner before his shift like he’s been doing since he started to work a month ago, “Just work the registers and if something goes wrong or if a customer is rude to you come to me.”

Freddie nods and makes his way over to the registers. He signs in on one like he would normally do. It hums to life. Freddie hit the audio option and connected it to a Bluetooth earpiece that’s in his ear. He smiles and scratches behind his guide dog’s ears.

“Is this an express lane?” a woman asks, 

“What’s the number above the machine ma’am?” Freddie asks sweetly.


“No this is a regular register.” Freddie tells her,

“Good, where are the white cashiers?”

Freddie shakes his head, “I’m the only one working right now.”

The woman sighs softly, “Fine, I really need these right now.”

Freddie reaches out and grabs onto the first product it was something in a plastic feeling bag. He scans it, the pill bottle and candy bar also.

“Credit or debit?” Freddie asks touching over the buttons,


“Alright,” he presses a button and the total is told to him through the Bluetooth, “Your total is £12.22. Thank you for shopping at Mercers’ Grocers.”

She rips the receipt out of his hand and storms off. Freddie shrugs and waits on the next customer. He heard the woman’s shrill voice screaming and the manager trying to calm her down, “He did this! He made fun of me!”

“Ma’am?” Freddie questions.

“He was rude and disrespectful! He always has his sunglasses and earphones in! He laughed at me when I bought my pads and medicine! He made me scan them saying a man shouldn’t scan pads!”

The manager looks at her then to Freddie, “You want my blind cashier to look at you, remove the hearing piece that allows him to use the register? And how did he make fun of your purchases if he can’t see them?”

The woman huffs and turns bright red, “He’s just a filthy fucking Paki! This is why I should have never let his kind touch my purchases!” she chucked them hard into Freddie’s face, “I’m never coming back here!”

She storms out leaving Freddie shaking and sitting on the floor behind the counter hugging his guide dog tight. The manager leans over the counter, “Why don’t you go sit in the break room and calm down?”

Freddie sniffles and does as told he kept apologizing but the manager tells him he did nothing wrong, “Here sweetheart.” the manager hands him a candy bar, “You need something a little sweet today.” they rub his shoulder and they leave him alone in the break room.

Fredddie manages to calm down nibbling on the candy bar he heads back to the front before bumping into someone ignoring his dog’s command to yield, “S-Sorry, sir.”

“Hello, Freddie.” it was Brian’s voice sweet as honey, “What’s wrong? You look white.”

Fredie touches his own cheek, “I-I got yelled at by a scary lady.”

Brian pulls him into a hug, “I’m sorry hun. Wish I got here earlier to keep you safe.”

Freddie pauses, Fred hugs the older man tighter. Brian smells like home to him, along with ink and whiskey. It was comforting to him, “L-Love you, Brian.”

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