Prichel: You Bastard⭐

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1dkingwell Here's Your Request

Prince and Micheal Jackson were madly in love with each other. They were voted as the best couple of the school and they were voted prom kings. Micheal thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with Prince. Then a few months of them graduating Micheal got pregnant. Although they both wanted kids it was well after graduating both high school and college.  

But they were both joyed and so happy to welcome their little bundle of joy. Then tragedy struck the family soon after they graduated. Prince was driven off the road either by the slick wet roads or another car, he was reported missing for six whole years. Micheal took care of their daughter, Noble, the entire time. Prince’s car was found rusted at the bottom of the lake. The lack of body wasn’t weird as bodies left in water are brutal and decompose faster.

Micheal mourns him, he kept his hopes up that Prince was still alive and well somewhere. And now that he was confirmed dead it was a big blow. Noble didn't seem to understand or care. She never met her father, and sure it did hurt a little but how can you mourn someone you never met? 

Micheal left their small town with Noble; he couldn’t show his face around anymore . Everyone wanted to coddle him and baby him, it didn’t help with the mourning process. Micheal started a new job a simple office job. He dropped his dream job to take care of Noble and keep the bills paid, an office job was the job he found paid the most in his new town.

There was one coworker, a handsome blond with pale blue eyes. And such a sunny personality he’s bubbly and sweet. Everyone called him “Sunny”, due to his sunshine personality. But Micheal just called him Gerry; he remains professional with Gerry trying to keep his feelings at bay.  

Gerry gave Micheal some winter clothes for him and Noble he understood what Micheal was going through and wanted to help him. Micheal was at first embarrassed. His mother taught him to never accept freebies. You must work to earn everything. 

But Noble was getting cold. Her coat had grown too small and was full of patches. It looked like moths ate at it. Micheal wasn’t gifted with his mother’s sewing skills. And he knew deep within the school would be throwing a hell fit over his little girl not having properly fitted clothes. So Micheal accepted the clothes.

Soon Gerry was walking him home making sure Noble and him had food, making sure they were clothed, making sure Micheal got the bills paid on time. Gerry and Micheal soon started dating. It was perfect, Micheal was healing and everything was well for them. Then the biggest thing happened: Prince came back.

Micheal was out going to the park with his new husband and Noble. Noble was talking about a new art piece she was doing with her fifth grade class. And then there he was, standing by the water fountain playing on his phone.


“What?” The man looks up trying to look confused but it’s clear he knows Micheal and he knows he’s screwed. He knows Micheal knows he’s Prince.

Micheal lets go of his husband’s hand and collapses to ground screaming. Police and ambulance are called as Micheal smashed his head off the sidewalk. This makes Noble scared and she hates the man whom she doesn’t know is her real father, she sees Gerry as her father.

Prince is arrested for grand fraud and Micheal was treated for his head injury in hospital. Micheal cries a lot after that, he just keeps crying. Folks back in his old town kept calling him some with sympathy, others just to tease him. 

Gerry turns off Micheal’s phone so the calls would stop. The family moved; they now lived in their winter cabin far from civilization but not too far that they couldn’t take Noble to and from school. There was no electricity but there was water and heat. Gerry splurged and got them electricity around the time Noble was entering high school. Micheal was getting better, the hurt was still fresh and stinging.

Micheal makes a visit to the prison and demands to talk to Prince. They talk behind a glass protector, phones pressed to their ears, tears running down Micheal’s cheek. 

“Why, Prince?” Micheal after after stony cold silence, 

“Why what?” Prince asks

“You know what I mean Nelson.” 

Prince sighs cold eyes meeting Micheal’s teary eyes, “I didn’t love you anymore. I was dating Mayte now. You were clingy. Then you stopped taking your birth control so you could lock me in. I wouldn’t allow it.”

Micheal screeches, “I stopped taking it because I was breaking out into hives you dick! I sent you pictures of me in the hospital!” Micheal grips the phone, “You said it was alright. You had sex with me still, I begged you to pull out you “accidentally” came inside of me.” Micheal didn’t care who heard him, “You begged me not to tell anyone what we did and when I became pregnant you bought our then unborn child a little lamb plushie. You were overjoyed.” Noble still has the lamb plushie.

Prince’s face darkens, “You would never understand me.”

Micheal cries more, “You’re an abusive asshole!” She slammed the phone down to its receiver and left his shoes squeak against the tile floor.

Micheal rips the shoebox out of the closet when he gets home and it was filled with Micheal and Prince’s love letters to each other from the beginning of freshman year till their senior year. One last letter from Prince before the “accident” tells Micheal how they’re going to get married, have more children, get a big house, and so many pets. All lies.

Micheal lights the burn barrel and tears the letters pitching them into the fire he laughs. It’s a sad laugh but it’s a laugh, years off hell is finally over. Mcinesl’s got the closure he so desperately needed, now it’s time for a fresh new chapter. 

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