Maylor: Crazy

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Brian steps through the portal he's in a mall and he looks at the money that appeared in his hand, "I'm in the future."

He looks around and hears a bell chime from somewhere. Brian walks around what mall has a bell chiming? The curly haired man crashes into someone he feels their drink soak through his clothes, he snaps his head up and sees a blond, his baby blue eyes wide with surprise and shock, “I-I’m so sorry, sir.” the blond dabs napkins onto Brian muttering about how sorry he was.

“It’s fine.” Brian laughs a little collecting the money he’s dropped when crashing into the blond, “I’m Brian.”

The blond tucks a strain of his honey yellow hair behind his ear, “I’m Roger Meddows Taylor.” he blushes and looks away.

“Meddows? That’s a cute name.” Brian flirts, 

Roger blushes more and his baby blue eyes search Brian’s face, “Hey let me buy you a soda, Meddy.”

Roger blushes darker and hides his face with his hair, “Cutie.” Brian takes his hand.

Roger lets himself be dragged around until Brian finds a food court, he buys Roger a soda. Roger is very smitten with this strange boy who uses outdated slang and terms. He’s so odd but cute, Roger could handle this, Brian was too adorable.

Roger stares at Brian lovingly as he sips on his drink letting Brian ramble on about outdated information and space. He’s some strange man but Roger’s absolutely in love with this strange man, “Can I take you back to my place?” Roger asks.

“I don’t know-“ another bell chimes, “Do you hear a bell?” Brian asks,

“Bell?” Roger tilts his head, “There’s no bell, love.”

Brian rubs his ears, “Maybe it’s just my ears ringing.” Roger shrugs and tosses his empty cup into the bin,

“Let’s do some shopping.” Roger suggests, 

“I have £10 on me and nothing else.” Brian states.

Roger blinks, “Well you want me to buy you something?”

Brian heard more bells, “I gotta go.” he stood up his chair screeches making people stare.

“Brian?” Roger stands up.

Brian runs fast, he leaps over the tables and rolls into the men’s bathroom. He pulls out the folded paper from his jean pocket, he reads over the name printed on it from the typewriter, “Of course it’s him.” Brian’s heart sinks, “I got to kill him.”

He crams it into his pocket, hands shaking he needs to go, he’s allowed to skip one case a year. Brian will do that, Roger’s too nice to be killed. Brian sneaks out of the bathroom and heads back down the escalator. 

Someone grabs his wrist and Brian nearly throat punches them, “Brian.” it was Roger’s sweet soft voice, “Did I do something wrong?”

“N-No… My ears are killing me. I need to go somewhere.” Brian fibs some.

Roger looks at him, “Okay, dear.”

Brian blushes some he goes to an empty area he wants to open the portal, but Roger follows him like a lost puppy, “Brian where are you going? The exit’s over there.”

Brian pauses, “Roger…. You love me right?”

“I guess? I’m starting to fall for you even if you’re a bit off.” Roger admits honestly.

Brian looks at him, “Come here.”

Roger does so worried he’s going to be murdered as the cameras don’t go this far out. Brian takes his hands, “I’m not from here.”

“Where are you from? Ireland? Scotland? Uh, Wales?”

“No, no. I’m a time traveling assassin.” Brian admits.

Roger laughs nervously, “Y-You’re just crazy then!!” Roger backs up not wanting to get away from the crazy.

“Look,” Brian opens the portal he can hear Roger gasp, 

“What the hell?” 

Brian takes his hand and leads him through the small office, “Welcome to my work space.”

Roger is shaking, he looks so shocked then the paper that was in Brian’s pocket is handed to him and he pales tearing up, “Y-You’re going to kill me? Why?”

“You were going to get pregnant with your ex’s baby. That baby was going to grow up and kill a lot of gays, trans, blacks, and Hispanics. If we took you out there was nothing… I was hoping you falling for me would deter you away from him. And I guess it did,” Brian’s voice went soft, “Welcome to 1969.”

“1-1969? It was 2006.” Roger whimpers.

“Do you want to be my spouse?” Brian asks,

“I j-just met you.”

“And this is crazy but if you become my spouse you won’t die and get to be happy.” Brian tells him.

“I have no rights here! I’m an omega!” Roger shakes, “But I like you… and I trust you to keep me out of harm's way.. fine, I’ll marry you.”

Brian beams and within the week Roger was wedded to Brian. And they got use to each other they did their own tango together, they worked in harmony. Now Roger’s standing in the kitchen bare-foot, just  a t-shirt in the kitchen with no make-up looking like the most beautiful omega in the world.

Brian knows this isn’t right now Roger’s pregnant, he’s stuck at home. Brian doesn’t trust this baby that’s growing in his omega, there’s something sour about the whole thing. Is it bad to not trust an unborn baby? Maybe it’s just his assassin instincts? Brian can’t shake this whole thing off. He's even talked to his best friend and co-worker, Freddie, about the whole thing who just shrugs it off and tells Brian he’s getting dad brain about the whole thing. Then Roger goes into labor it’s a struggle and it’s in and out for Roger. Brian’s worried sick about the little omega he rescued but then the baby’s born it’s sent off to be clean before it’s placed on it’s mother’s chest.

Brian worries as Roger gets all patched up and fixed, “Baby?”

“They are being taken care of.” Brian informs him.

Then the baby is brought out and Brian’s heart drops. They are a beautiful midnight haired baby with beautiful tawny colored skin, Roger slept with Brian's best friend.

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