All: Pride

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Freddie got out of the car, his rainbow flag tied to him like a cape, Brian locks the doors as soon as Roger crawls out. He’s covered in glitter his hair tied back he has the non-binary flag and the pansexual flags painted on each of his cheeks, his eyes have a child like wonder as they look around at the pride festival. Brian wasn’t a part of the LGBTQA+ community but he was there to support his friends and anyone else, no one should feel alone.

Before they can run into any people Brian asks, “Hey Rog?”

Roger turns around messing with his beaded necklace, “Yes?”

“What pronouns are you using for today?” Brian finishes his questions, 

“Him/him, please.”

Brian nods he wanted to know so if some asshole purposefully misgenders his buddy he can beat their ass into the ground.  He walks in the middle of Roger and Freddie and he can easily protect them that way. Freddie points over to a couple sporting a obisexual flag, “That’s Paul McCartney and John Lennon.”

“Aww is that their son?” Brian asks pointing to John who has a baby carrier strapped to his chest and a small wittle baby is in it.

“That’s John’s son from his last relationship.” Freddie tells them as they walk past, “Sweetheart,” Freddie says facing Brian, “Your ally flag is falling off.” he fixes it for Brian.

Brian chats to John and the man with the thick glasses lets Brian hold baby Julian. Who once held by the stranger throws up on him. Brian leaves for the bathrooms real quick after that.

Roger crashes into someone not stopping in time with his friends he blinks slowly the face looks familiar on the person he’s crashed into but the only name that leaves him is, “Joanna? I haven’t seen you since high school!”

The brunet flinches, “I’m John now.” he holds up his flannel where the transgender flag is, “Have you seen my girlfriend. She’s about 5’5, red hair?”

“Sorry man but no.” Roger says, “You can join my group and we can help find her.”

John smiles at that and goes over to them Brian takes a look at John and John waits to be insulted, “Hey who’s this handsome man?” Brian asks grinning.

“Oh Brian, this John he went to my old high school. John this is Brian.” John and Brian shake hands, “And the one talking to the bear Irishman is Freddie.”

Freddie stops talking and waves at John, “Hey guys this is, Jim.”

Jim smiles warmly and waves, “Hey, is this your first pride too?”

The four of them nod and Jim joins their group Freddie has a laugh joking that they are stealing all the new people here. John gets to sit on Brian’s shoulders trying to find Veronica, his girlfriend. He squeals and points her out, it looks like a flock of lesbians have token her in as their own. She’s currently sitting in their lawn chairs drinking water having a grand time with them, John hops off Brian and takes off to his Veronica. A few of the women protest John taking Veronica

"Ronnie you know them?" a red haired woman asks sitting in a black haired women's lap,

"Yes Ava I do he's my amazing boyfriend." Veronica squeezes John's hand, "John this is Ava and her girlfriend, Delilah."

John talks to the lesbians warmly he goes to leave, the gaggle of women eye Veronica but they back of and they let her go.

"Since when do you go Ronnie?" John teases playfully,

"Since I joined the lesbians' group." Veronica giggles, "They're amazing people."

Veronica joins their group and she happily talks about her boyfriend and the church they go to and how they’re going to have a big family. Jim tells her he has nine siblings and most of them shared rooms with each other. Veronica and him chat about their large families, Roger points to a couple, “It’s Robert and Jimmy Page.”

“Mm,” Freddie hums, “Did, Robert finally come out as bi?” Freddie asks squinting to see what is going on,

“Uh maybe but look!” Roger points painted on Robert’s face was the non-binary flag, “See he’s like me and Jimmy finally got top surgery!” Roger points outl

They greet the Pages, Roger hugs Robert and praises them for coming out, and then they carry on their way. As things are dying down Freddie starts to cry in front of his old friends and his new friends, “What’s wrong?” Roger asks, rubbing his back gingerly.

Brian darts over using the wheels on his clogs to go faster, “Was someone mean to you?” he hugs him tightly and kisses his cheek like Freddie does to him.

“No, no,” Freddie says wiping his cheeks and face, “I’ve never felt more free and loved before in my life. It made me feel better about being gay!”

Roger and Brian pull him in for a quick hug, Freddie kisses each of them on the cheek and goes to Jim’s side, “I’ll catch ya peeps later okay? Jim’s taking me out for sushi!” Freddie gushed clinging to Jim’s beefy arm.

Brian and Roger chuckle, “Stay safe, love.” Brian says waving him off,

“If he hurts you there’s a pickaxe and a jerry can in the boot of my car!” Roger warns Jim, giving him a playful glare.

Jim chuckles and whisks Freddie off down the street to where most cars are parked, “Well bye guys.” John says hugging Roger, “Don’t forget to add me on Instagram!”

“I will.” Roger says kissing his cheek, “Stay safe, take off your trans pin so you don’t get hurt.” Roger tells him.

John nods and tucks the pin into his pocket, “Talk to you later.”

And the two leave only Roger and Brian remain, “So you want to go get some soft serve?” Roger asks,

“Sure hop onto my back.” Brian says squatting down.

Roger climbs on him and Brian grabs onto his legs he wheels off down the street to where the froyo shop is. Everyone was happy and grand, and Freddie was absolutely smitten with Jim. John and Veronica were happy with their son Robert, and Roger was developing a crush on Brian. He felt awful for doing so but he couldn’t resist him, the cutesy laugh, the beautiful hazel eyes, and those amazing curls that seem so pullable. Brian’s eyes always looked at Roger softly and full of love, but it’ll never happen Brian’s straight. The hazel eyed boy has his heart set on his bio classmate, Chrissie, even if she would never love him back. Roger wished he wasn’t in love with his childhood best friend. 

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