Fredcheal: Sicky ⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Heres Your request

Freddie throws up his breakfast into the bin as George comforts him looking worried. Freddie shakes and trembled looking pale, “G-George, can I have some medicine?”

George grabs some medicine from the cabinet and hands him a few pills along with his tea, “Here you go baby.”

Freddie wolfs them down and Fred looks up at George with teary eyes. It breaks George’s heart seeing Freddie like this. One thought won’t leave his head though, “Freddie are you sure you’re not pregnant?”

Freddie looks at him like he’s the devil, “I am not. How dare you assume that.”

“Look we did have sex and-“

Freddie sobs into his hands it takes hours before George has him calmed enough to explain what the hell is going on, “T-The doctor said I had a very low chance of conceiving and even if I do get pregnant with this miracle baby I can not give birth naturally my pelvis is too narrow.”

George rubs his back, he wishes Freddie told him this sooner, “I’ve always wanted a big family, Georgie. And finding out that may never happen? It crushed me… Please don’t bring up pregnancy.” George nods and kisses his head they could always adopt or foster, it was no big deal.

George brings in his own private doctor to examine Freddie and make sure it’s nothing serious. The doctor tells them it’s a stomach virus that’s been making its way around schools and works, it’s nothing serious but Freddie’s given prescription antibiotics to aid in getting rid of the virus sooner. 

Freddie drags himself to the bathroom when George leaves to pick up his medicines, he gets the tub started and pours in some marshmallow world scented bubble bath. Freddie shakily undoes his robe. He felt hot and sticky, his body felt like it was on fire. The lad relaxes into the hot water letting it work his tired body. Freddie didn’t even realize he dozed off until he realizes he’s coughing up water, his chest and throat burning, George is crouched down next to him panic and worry is on his face.


Freddie throws up all over George’s Gucci sneakers, “You nearly drowned.” George tells him not even concerned about his shoes.

“I-I didn’t mean to, I was just trying to relax.” Freddie whimpers,

“I know.” George kisses his damp forehead, “No bathing without me watching until you’re better.” George holds his hand, “I can’t lose you, Freddie. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Freddie groans and rubs at his throat.

George carries him to their bedroom where Freddie is dried off and clothed. George gives him more medicine and he goes downstairs to make Fred some of his favorite spicy chicken soup. Freddie slinks out of bed once again and opens the balcony door, he steps out and sits in one of the chairs. He watches the ocean a far distance away from the gated home. Fred daydreams off about being a prince in a far away land, George is a king who wants to marry him. They escape by water and start their own kingdom together, he dozes off.

George taps Freddie on the shoulder to wake him up, “King?” Freddie groans rubbing his eyes,

“I’m not a king.” George informs him, handing him his soup, “What were you dreaming about?” George sits in the chair across from him.

Freddie smiles and sips his soup, “I was dreaming I was a prince and you were a king.”

“Interesting. Did I keep my handsome good looks?” George asks jokingly.

“You had a beard,” Freddie groans, “It was so hot.” Freddie goes into graphic detail about his wet dream while George reminds himself to grow a beard.

George’s is snapped form his thoughts by Freddie, “You want to have sex on the balcony?”

“Not until you’re better.” George tells him, “Now drink your soup,” the wind started to blow George’s dark hair around and the clouds, “And head inside a storm is coming.”

Freddie pouts and slowly finishes his soup, he heads inside and George follows. They watch tv before George goes off to shower, Freddie sneaks out of the house, a bright pink raincoat and his black rain boots. He feels much better but he wants to explore where the ocean is and check out the small sandy area.

Fred’s feet sink into the mud and he hops on large rocks trying not to slip and get stuck in the mud that seems so hungry. The storm has hardly begun and yet it was already a downpour, soaking everything through the core. Freddie gets to the small beach his feet hit the sand and he crouches down to feel it, he screams when he’s picked up.

“Shut up!” it was George’s voice booming over the storm that shook the trees and blew harsh wind, 

“George?” Freddie turns around to see George only in sweatpants he’s barefooted and caked in mud, “Do not go on the beach.”

“What?” Freddie whimpers, 

George shakes him, “Do not go onto the beach!!”

Freddie backs up and he thought he felt something grab his ankle, George picks him up and runs. Freddie looks over his shoulder looking at the beach longingly then he sees a blond scraggly haired creature dragging itself back into the small cave, it’s eyes were a pale whitish blue, lips blood red, the fairest of skin. It growled lowly and raised its head, it looked into Freddie’s warm brown eyes and smiles showing its red stained sharp teeth, Freddie screams and darkness consumes him.

Freddie bolts up in bed panting his eyes frantically looking around, he’s safe he’s in his bedroom, George is sitting beside of him looking worried,

“Sweetheart, how do you feel?”

“W-What? I feel fine.” Freddie calms down some, “What happened?”

George hands Freddie a water bottle, “I don’t know I found you passed out on the couch once I came out of the showers. I got the doctor over and your fever spiked very high, they medicated you and gave you fluids. That was yesterday.”

“I’ve been asleep since yesterday?” Freddie asks and George nods.

Freddie pauses, squeezing the water bottle in his hand, “You know that ocean with the small beach front by the house?” 

“Yeah what about it?” George asks, “You want to go see it?”

Freddie frantically shakes his head, “No, no… Just tell me what’s in the cave.”

George pauses. The only way to be able to know about the cave is if you walk down there and see it boarded up with old police tape and traffic cones, “I don't really know it was all boarded up long before I was born.”

“Oh.” was all Freddie muttered before rolling over,

“How did you know about it?” George asks, climbing into bed and cuddling Freddie.

“It was in my dream weirdly enough.”

“You were dreaming?” George questions.

“Yeah playing in the rain on the beach with you.” Freddie lies.

“That’s interesting.” George chuckles, “I’ll have to take you down there some time.”

Freddie nuzzles him, “That’s nice but I really just want to rest here and cuddle.”

“Alright dear.” George kisses him gingerly.

Soon George dozes off but Freddie wide awake he can’t get that monster out of his head. It felt too real to be a dream. For now though Freddie’s left alone with his own thoughts trying to figure everything out on his own. He’ll have to go to the beach.

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