I trust (requested)

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"Where have you been?" Taylor asked as she stood at the kitchen counter as you walked through the front door. She was scrolling through her phone before she stopped and stared at you. Instead of the happy look in her eyes that you usually get when you arrive home or a kiss on your cheek, you saw what looked more like anger.

"Hello to you too, baby."

You were simply making a joke, but she wasn't pleased.

"I actually know where you've been. Hell, the whole world does, now."

"What are you talking about?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You weren't sure what was making her so upset. You hadn't done anything wrong! But when she turned the phone and slid it across the counter, you saw why.

She'd been on social media. Most likely to interact with her fans. But you knew she didn't expect to find photos of you and your ex-girlfriend splashed across every news source and gossip accounts. The photos of your innocent outing had spread like wildfire. Some people had even gone to the extent of photoshopping some, but it was easy to see through those ones. The others, however, were real and there was no denying the happiness on your face or on your ex's.


"I just want to know why you were hanging out with her." She interrupted and began to clench her jaw.

"Because we ended on good terms and we hang out on occasion."

Your girlfriend scoffed and tugged at her hair.

"Tay, I'm telling you the truth! You know I love you and I'm over her. I just enjoy hanging out with her, there's nothing wrong with that! We were friends before we got together and we promised each other that if we dated and broke up we'd never let that get in the way of our friendship. We split on good terms, we were both unhappy and we're better off as friends and that's all we are and will ever be."

She looked at you then back at the photos on her phone.

"You don't trust me, do you?"

"Of course, I do."

"Well, you have a funny way of showing it." You muttered as you folded your arms over your chest. "You really don't believe me? Do you honestly think I'd cheat on you? Because if so, then you don't know me at all. You don't trust me, so what do we have? Without trust, we have nothing!"

You didn't mean to raise your voice but you were frustrated and couldn't help it. You just watched her shrug her shoulders wordlessly. She wasn't responding. She didn't say a word.

So you grabbed your things that you had set on the table when you walked inside, as well as your phone and your keys before you put your hand on the door.

"If you don't believe me when I tell you that I love you and only you then I'm done."

And with that, you were out the door and driving away. And Taylor didn't stop you.

Hours went by before you heard from her. You decided to crash at your best friend's house and you were in the guest room when your phone rang. You didn't even have to look to know it was Taylor. You have delicate set as your ringtone for her and only her. You ignored it and pushed your phone aside and continued to ignore the voicemails and calls she made several times after.

You were watching one of your favorite sitcoms, hoping it'd make you laugh and cheer you up the way it almost always does. There was a knock on the bedroom door and you walked over to answer it without hesitation, thinking it was just your best friend.

But when you opened the door, you saw it was Taylor. You tried to close it again but she placed her foot in the door to prevent you from doing so.

"I just want to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"There is, y/n! I fucked up, okay? I need to talk to you and tell you how sincerely sorry I am."

You walked to the bed and faced away from her. You heard the door close and her footsteps approach you before the bed dipped as she sat beside you.

"I can't believe you don't trust me."

"I do trust you." She spoke softly as she laid her hand on your thigh. "Y/n, you're the only one that I trust with my heart and soul. There's not a single thing that I don't trust you with. I just... I was scared."

"Of what?" You scoffed.

"Losing you."

She confessed and you immediately looked over at her, watching as she stared at her lap then back at you.

"I know my life is crazy. Everywhere we go, everything we do, people know and they find out and they swarm us. There are times that you go out on your own and someone finds out and they swarm you. My life is not normal. It's so far from it. But you make me feel normal. Sometimes I worry there might come a day when you get tired of this, where you want a normal life again. She gave you that. I can't ever give you a life like that, no matter how hard I try. I guess I thought that you found that again and you were tired of my hectic life or... of me."

"Tay," you spoke softly, laying your hand on hers. "I love you. You know there'd never be a day when I stop loving you. I know your life is far from normal but I don't care. I love you and I'm okay with whatever I have to deal with as long as I get to call you mine. I love you for you. I think we've made a good normal; our own little world that no one can intrude upon. So what if we don't have a 'normal' life, we have each other."

She cracked a smile as she looked into your soft eyes and intertwined your fingers together.

"And as for my ex, she's got a new love. She's met someone who she's settling down with. There are no lingering feelings for each other and there will never be. We're done for good but we want to stay friends because that's what we promised we'd do. I love you and she knows that I won't ever love anyone else but you. You're all I want and need. You have my heart forever."

You moved to lay your head on her chest and she happily welcomed you into her arms.

"I'm so stupid for not believing you."

"You are not stupid. You're amazing and you're mine and I love you so much."

She leaned down to kiss you, lips lingering on yours for a minute as she poured out her love for you into the one breathtaking kiss.

"I love you more. So do you forgive me? I'll buy you pizza and candy and all the things you love."

You giggled and kissed her once more.

"I'll think about it." You teased and she gently pushed you onto your back. She tickled your sides and watched you burst into laughter; every second of it filling her heart with joy.

She leaned down to kiss you again and this time, she didn't pull away. Instead, she breathed in every sigh you let fall onto her lips as they moved passionately against your own. Her fingers laced in your hair and you breathed out a soft sigh against her lips.

It was only the sound of the door swinging open that you pulled back and stared at your giggly friend.

"I see you've made up."

Taylor smiled down at you and you nodded happily.

"Good. You're cute together. Now, go make out at your own home."

Taylor laughed and took your hand to lead you out of the house, promising you lots of cuddles and junk food for the rest of the night.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now