she gets angry and ruins your lego craft (requested)

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The door slammed so hard it shook the picture frames on the wall. You jumped and ran downstairs to see Taylor pacing the floor. She was grumbling and cursing under her breath.

"Taylor? What's going on?" She turned to you before tangling her hands through your hair. "I had a really bad day today. Nothing I did seemed to be good enough!" You took a few steps, planning to go put your hand on her back and pull her close. Suddenly, she reached for your recent project on the table and threw it against the wall.

"Taylor!" You yelled, running to where it had landed and was now completely ruined. "Ugh, shit. Do you know how long this took me? My mom helped me make this when I was younger and she just sent it to me."

You felt frustrated. Of course, you understood her having a bad day, but being so angry to throw something so sentimental and important to you against the wall was unnecessary. Taylor calmed down, her eyes now soft and no longer filled with anger.

"Oh y/n, I'm so sorry." She grabbed a small little bowl with a lid and helped you put all the pieces in there. The pieces were now in a safe place and couldn't get ruined.

But now you're upset. You wanted to storm away but Taylor wrapped her arms around you. "I'm sorry, darling. I shouldn't have lost my temper like that. I'll help you put it all together again, okay?" You felt her kiss your neck as she mumbled soft apologies against your skin.

"Okay. But I'm holding you to that. I know it sounds childish but I've had those since I was young and they mean a lot to me." "It's sentimental. I get it, baby. I'll help you put it back together, okay?"

Yout turned around and gave her a sweet kiss. You took the bowl from her hands and took off the lid, dumping the pieces all over the floor making Taylor playfully roll her eyes at you. "Let's start now!" You said gleefully, and Taylor's heart melted just a little.

She sat on the floor next to you and began to put it back together with you, her bad day totally forgotten about now.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now