I believed you all along (requested)

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The sound of her phone ringing repeatedly awoke Taylor from her peaceful sleep. She untangled her arms and legs from yours and reached for her phone to see it was Todrick calling her.

"Todrick? What's going on? Why are you calling so early?"

She barely got the words out before Todrick excitedly rambled about the news that has been circulating all night. "You haven't heard? Taylor someone leaked the call with Kanye... and they believe you now."

Taylor sat up in bed and took a deep breath as she tried to process the news. That time in her life was the hardest of all. It was traumatic. And even though it's nice to know people believe her now, it's still not enough to make up for the damage the world did to her that year.

"That's... good. Thanks for calling me. I really appreciate it." She said, continuing to listen to Todrick as they made small talk while you started to wake up next to her. She wished him a good day before hanging up and focusing on you. "Good morning, sunshine." She grinned, leaning down to kiss across the part of your shoulder that was exposed from your sleeve sliding down in your sleep.

"Good morning! Who was that on the phone?" You rubbed your eyes and let out a long yawn. "Todrick. He called to let me know that, someone leaked... the call."

You didn't even need to ask what call she was talking about. You already knew.

You could see the relief in her eyes but also the slight hint of sadness. You know she's thinking back to that time. You were there by her side throughout that challenging year and have been ever since, not leaving once. You know the impact it had on her mental health and you know that it still lingers with her at times, even though she's fully moved on from it.

"How do you feel about that?"

She stared at you, hand moving to caress your cheek lovingly. "I don't know. Todrick said people are believing me now which is nice to know. But-"

"That still doesn't make up for the hell the world put you through." You finished for her, already knowing exactly what she was gonna say and how she felt. "Taylor that's understandable. You have every right to feel that way." You took her hand from your cheek and started to spread kisses across her palm causing her to giggle. "It tickles."

You both laughed. Your heart swelled a little when you saw her bright blue eyes. She's been through so much and all you want is for her to be this happy forever.

"If it's consolation - I believed you. All along, from the moment the news broke. I believed you. I've always believed you." She sighed and rested her head on your shoulder. "I know and I hope that you know how grateful I am for you."

"As shitty as that year was, I do have to admit that it has led me to the best years of my life. I've got so much to be thankful for. You, first and foremost. My family, my friends who stuck by me, my incredible fans... I'm happy."

You loved hearing those words fall from her lips. She was happy. You could see it in her eyes.

"Which is exactly why I wanna stay here in bed with you for a while and just not move. No social media, no phone calls. Just you and me, in our happy place." She turned her head and kissed across your neck. "Sounds perfect, baby girl."

She blushed. Truly, even though all of this was leaking and resurfacing, she was living her best and happiest life. She didn't care what people thought at the end of the day anyways. The ones who mean the most to her already knew the truth and stuck by her through it all, and she was as happy as ever before.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now