accidents (requested)

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You walked into your parents' house with Taylor. It's been a few months since you've last been over to visit them and you've been so excited to see them again.

Your mom rushed over to you and pulled you in for a hug while your dad hugged Taylor. your mom was careful not to touch your hearing aid as she ran her hand through your hair.

You're not exactly deaf, but without your hearing aids in you can't hear anything. You can't really speak either, only able to really use sign language to communicate with those around you.

And things have been that way for you for as long as you can remember. Everyone around you was so understanding and never allowed you to feel bad for being hard of hearing, and especially not Taylor.

You learned to read lips, watch people's body language, and watch people's facial expressions.

Your ears were feeling a little sore today so you decided to take them out for the time being. Taylor took them and put them on the table for you before kissing your forehead and going to talk with your parents.

While they talked you decided to go outside and get some fresh air for a few. You walked onto the front porch and took a good look around when you saw a car park on the side of the road from the corner of your eye. You grinned when you saw that it was your brothers.

You quickly ran down the steps and over to him. You wrapped him in a hug, thinking he'd return it. But little did you know that he was in a bad mood, having had a really bad day at work. And since you didn't have your hearing aids in you couldn't hear him yelling at you.

"Y/n let go. I had a bad day at work, get off of me." He warned, only becoming more aggravated by the second. "God, y/n! Let go of me!" He yelled and pushed you off. But he wasn't being careful and you fell to the ground in the middle of the road. You scraped your knee on the way down, momentarily distracted by the blood rushing out.

Taylor saw what was happening from inside. She looked out the window concerningly and your parents did the same. She ran to come to help you but froze in true terror when she noticed the car coming down the road.

She ran as fast as she could and your parents were running behind her. But they weren't fast enough.

When you finally came back around you realized you were in the middle of the road. You turned your head and saw the car coming towards you, and then everything went black.

Taylor screamed when she heard the sound of the brakes squealing as the car tried to come to a stop, but wasn't quick enough to do so. She saw it, every second of it. The man got out of the car and rushed over to you just as Taylor had gotten over to you.

"Y/n!" She cried as she tried to keep herself from throwing up, both from the sight of you covered in blood and the anxiety and fear she felt. Tears streamed down her face as your parents knelt down by your body while your brother stood back in shock.

She got up and angrily stormed over to him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled and pushed him back. "You pushed her!" A tear slid down your brother's cheek. "I-I didn't mean to. She just came to me and tackled me in a hug and I had a bad day at work, I was just overwhelmed-" "So you push her onto the street?" She was frantic.

"I told her to get off of me-" "She didn't have her hearing aids in!" Your brother sobbed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Taylor could hear the sound of sirens approaching before the ambulance pulled up. She reached out and held her hand out for your brother to help him up.

He took it and they both rushed over to you as the paramedics put you on the stretcher and loaded you in the back of the ambulance. Taylor ran inside and grabbed her keys, and your hearing aid, before unlocking her car and having your parents and brother both ride in.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now