you're scared of the thunder and lightning

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You jumped once more as the thunder crackled outside. You moved closer against Taylor, trying to ignore the anxiety washing over you.

You have a really big fear of storms. Everything about them is scary for you, but especially the thunder and lightning. It makes you squirm and you can't go out when it's storming because it makes you too anxious.

You whined and closed the remaining gap between you and Taylor. You're as close as can be now but it's not enough. This time, the thunder boomed so loudly and so forcefully that it caused the house to shake a little.

You pulled the covers over your head and tried to take a few deep breaths to steady yourself. Taylor pushed the covers off your head and wrapped her arms around you. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here. I've got you." She promised. She knows how scared of storms you are and it always broke her heart to see you in such a fragile state when they happen. It's one of the many instances when her protective nature will come out.

"You're safe, I promise." She whispered, making sure your head was position on her chest so you could put your ear against her heart. The sound of it beating in your ear was always soothing for you. Along with the feeling of her chest moving steadily up and down as she breathed, it was a way to bring you comfort. To remind you of where you were at that moment and that she was right there with you.

"You wanna watch a movie?" You shook your head and whimpered against her skin when the lightning struck again. "Can you sing to me?" Your voice was coated with tears. She could sense it in your voice. "Of course. Any special requests?" You lifted your head and put your chin on her chest. "Lover" she nodded.

"We could leave the Christmas lights up till January" she began to sing softly in your ear. Your eyes closed, focused on her heartbeat and her steady breathing, as well as her beautiful and soothing voice, and it was enough to help lull you to sleep despite the storm right outside your window.

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