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You held Taylor's hand in yours as you sat in the chair and waited for the nurse to come in with your flu shot.

It's never anything fun - having to get your flu shot. But you and Taylor are both very adamant about getting it each year since you both travel and go out quite often.

There was a gentle knock on the door before the nurse came in with two needles in her gloved hands. Your grip on Taylor's hand tightened just a little and she chuckled before leaning down to kiss your neck softly. "You're gonna be okay, darling." She promised and used her free hand to rub your back soothingly.

"You ready?" The nurse asked and you shook your head and bit your lip as she stuck the needle in your arm. You winced but the pain quickly passed as it was pulled out. You stood up and swapped places with Taylor who let out a heavy breath. You ran your fingers through her hair. "Just a quick pinch" the nurse muttered and smiled politely at Taylor when she was done. "Alright. You're both done!"

Taylor stood up and smiled as she put her arm around your waist and took your hand to lead you back out to the car. And even though flu shots are supposed to shield you from getting sick and make you feel better and not worse, that was the opposite of what seemed to happen to you this year.

You woke up the next morning feeling like you had been punched in your arm. Though it was anything unusual after getting any kind of needle, it seemed to hurt more than it ever had before. You would wince and try to move your arm around but it didn't seem to help any.

"You okay?" Taylor asked you throughout the day and you'd just frown and nod your head. "Yeah. It feels weird but I'll be fine." You assured her, but you felt anything but fine. Especially after a month or so had passed.

You woke up in the middle of the night. The time was a little after three am, the room pitch black, and you felt warmer than you normally do. You kicked the blankets off your legs and sighed as Taylor's arm around your stomach tightened and caused a sick feeling to arise.

You quietly cleared your throat, hoping it was just a passing thing. But then it grew stronger and eventually became too strong to fight. You knew what was about to happen.

You moved Taylor's arm off your body and ran to the bathroom, the sound of your feet hitting the carpet waking Taylor out of her sleep. She whined when the light hit her eyes but when she heard that awful sound of you vomiting, she started to panic.

She cursed under her breath and pushed the blanket off of her body before running into the bathroom. "Oh, y/n, shh," She whispered as she sat behind you and pulled your hair up in a messy bun. She kissed your warm neck and tried to soothe you the best she could while you continued to throw up.

"That's it, darling. Get it out, just let it all out." She muttered and rubbed your back. She could tell that you were crying and that it was physically hurting you to throw up, as your body shook with every bubble that your stomach seemed to have.

You finished a few minutes later and dropped your warm forehead against the toilet seat, not even caring at that moment how unsanitary it was. You felt miserable and completely drained and you didn't care about anything at that moment.

Taylor stood up and grabbed a small plastic cup from the sink, filling it up with water and sitting back down behind you. "Here, babydoll. Take a few sips of this." She soothed and put her hand on your forehead, sighing at just how warm you felt. "You're burning up." She rubbed your shoulder as you put the empty cup down on the floor by your feet and rested your head on her shoulder.

"You still feeling sick?" You nodded, whining at the nauseous feeling in your stomach. "Let's try to get you back to bed. I'll get you a bucket" she promised and gently lifted you up from the floor to carry you back to bed.

Your eyes were closed already when your back touched the soft mattress. Taylor kissed your forehead and went downstairs to grab you some water, a cool cloth for your forehead, and a bucket - in case you got sick again.

She put it all by your nightstand and knelt down on the floor next to you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "You okay, baby?" You nodded your head, not feeling so nauseous anymore. "I'll be okay. Will you please cuddle with me?" Taylor smiled at you and climbed back into bed next to you.

She put her head on your shoulder, her lips pressing against your neck comfortingly. "I'm right here if you need me. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to wake me. I love you." You coughed into your elbow and closed your eyes. "I love you too, Tay. Thank you." You said softly as you drifted back to sleep in her arms.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now