a small bump (requested)

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Taylor smiled at you as you grabbed her shirt from the closet and made your way into the bathroom.

This is the first morning in weeks that you woke up feeling great, so Taylor has offered to take you out for breakfast this morning! You're basically all ready to go, you just wanted to take a quick shower first.

But something caught your eye as you took off your clothes. Being twelve weeks, you knew this day was bound to come sooner or later, but it was better and more beautiful than you imagined it would be. You could see the roundness of your abdomen, a beautiful sign that your baby was beginning to grow.

"Tay!" You yelled excitedly and faster than she ever has before, Taylor raced into the bathroom hurriedly. "What?" She asked worriedly. "Everything okay?" You turned around with tears in your eyes, nodding toward your stomach.

Taylor took a second to catch her breath before it was stolen from her once again.

She slowly made her way over to you and when she was standing right in front of you, her hand fell to the tiny bump. "Whoa..." She whispered in awe as tears began to well up in her eyes. "Our baby is really growing in there!" She giggled tearfully as she lifted her head to gaze into your eyes.

"They are! Isn't it amazing?" You wondered.

Taylor fell to her knees and just studied your bump for a minute. She let her mind wander with thoughts of how your baby, the baby you've both been waiting so long to have, was really making a little home in there. She started to picture how you'd look as your bump continued to grow with each and every day and it only made her fall more in love with you.

You placed your hand over hers and it made her snap out of her thoughts. "You okay?"

She nodded quickly. "I don't think I've ever felt so happy or so amazed by you. You look so beautiful." She watched as you smiled brightly and she placed a couple of kisses to your tiny bump before getting back on her feet. "Mind if I take that shower with you? I wanna keep holding you a little longer." She whispered as she brushed her fingers across your stomach.

You opened the shower door and turned on the water before grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze.

"We'd love that." You grinned and stepped inside the shower and Taylor joined you just seconds later.


She really loved hearing that.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now