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The slamming of the door startled you so badly your book nearly fell out of your hands. Taylor stood in front of the couch with her arms folded and her jaw clenched.

"Tay? Did something happen?" You asked as you bookmarked your page and closed your book before setting it on the table to give your girlfriend your full attention.

"Did something happen? Y/N, I spent an entire forty minutes waiting at the restaurant for you! We agreed that we'd meet there for dinner tonight, remember?"


She rolled her eyes while you tried to think back to when you agreed to meet her at the restaurant.

"It's our date night!" She said, clearly frustrated as she ran her fingers through her messy blonde hair. She heard you giggling so she looked over at you, eyes wide and filled with confusion.

"Taylor, our date night is tomorrow night. Not tonight."

She furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "No, it's on-"

"Saturday night. We almost always have date nights on Saturdays! The only way we change it around is if something important falls on that night like an event or unfinished work that you have to have completed the next day."

She hung her head and then brushed her fingers over her face. "I could've sworn it was tonight. I don't know why but I just thought that we agreed for it to be tonight," she mumbled to herself and then tugged at her hair.

You got up from the couch and walked over to where she stood. You looped your arms around her neck and brushed the tip of your nose against hers. Her hands fell to your hips, fingers dancing along your smooth skin as her eyes sparkled.

"Tell you what. You tell me that you're sorry for getting upset with me over nothing and then, maybe, we can have an extra date night tonight. If you're up for it."

She chuckled and dropped her forehead onto yours. "Are you kidding? A night to spoil my girlfriend with extra love, affection, and attention? Why would I ever pass that up?" She smiled. "Besides, you deserve it. Even if you had forgotten it, I still shouldn't get upset or frustrated with you. We always talk things out. I shouldn't have slammed the door like I did or gotten so upset. I'm sorry, baby girl. Forgive me?"

She started to pepper your neck with kisses. You closed your eyes and let a smile pull at your lips.

"Of course I forgive you. I love you, and it's impossible not to when you're kissing my neck like this."

She chuckled against your skin. You let out a soft sigh and lost yourself in the feeling of her lips dragging along your skin.

"We'll go on that date in a few minutes. For now, let me spoil you with kisses." She mumbled against your skin and you turned your head to capture her lips with yours, wordlessly telling her that you were more than okay with that idea.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now