I've got you (requested)

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You waved goodbye to your friends as they hurried out of class for the day. Finally, the long school day was over. It felt like time had dragged by, so you were relieved to hear that last bell go off.

You weren't heading home, though. Every day after class, you and Taylor go out on a date. Your last year of high school was coming to an end and though you anticipated the future, you know that these times with Taylor are moments you won't ever get back.

You gathered your books to shove into your locker for the night, but you dropped them onto the floor.

You started to pick them up, only for another hand to touch yours. You looked up to find Taylor knelt in front of you, her smile bright as she, too, became excited about the day being over and your date only being minutes away.

"Thanks, Tay."

"No problem, darling."

She helped you stand and when you went to retrieve your books from her, she instead took ahold of the ones against your chest and held them for you as you led her out to your locker and put everything inside.

"Okay. The day is over, finally. Ready for that date?"

"You know I am."

She took your hand and made sure you had all of your things before she led you out to her car. You got inside and she drove you to the cute little family-owned restaurant just a few blocks away.

"Are you hungry?" She wondered as she led you inside, fingers intertwined with your own.

"Yes, always."

She laughed and opened the door. It chimed, catching the attention of the staff. Knowing you and Taylor well because you've dined there on your after-school and late-night dates, they just smiled and waved as you made your way to the booth in the back; your booth.

"Don't need a menu, right ladies?"

Taylor shook her head with a laugh and ordered your usual for you before ordering her own.

Time went by quickly. Your food was freshly made and on the table in front of you. Taylor was going on about something that happened in her biology class, talking away.

But you only caught little bits and pieces, too busy staring at her and being stuck in your own head to really soak in all the words falling from her lips.

"Y/n?" She chuckled as she snapped her fingers in front of your eyes and you quickly snapped out of your thoughts.

"Hm? Yeah? What is it?"

"Have you heard anything I've been saying? I've been talking my head off." She said as she unwrapped her straw to put into her drink.

"What else is new?' You teased and laughed hard as she blew her straw wrapper in your face playfully. "I'm sorry, Tay. I didn't mean to zone out. I'm just thinking."

"Yeah? What about?" She asked, stuffing a few fries into her mouth.

"You. Us. Classes. College. Want me to go on?"

She sighed and pushed her food to the side to reach over for your hand.

"I know you're getting nervous. I am too. Everything is starting to come to an end. Soon, we'll be heading off to college. A new adventure together."

"What if things get harder?" You mumbled.

"Y/n," she whispered, teeth sank into her lower lip, biting at the flesh and chewing at the skin nervously. "Things will get harder. We can't deny that or try to dance around the truth. After this, we're adults and we'll have busy jobs and bills to pay. But,"

she paused, squeezing your hand three times with a small smile.

"You've always got me. Okay? No matter how dark or complicated life gets, I've got you. Whether I'm right by your side or we're miles apart. You've always got me."

"And you've always got me, Tay."

She smiled before dropping your hand and climbing out of the booth to come to sit beside you. You laid your head on her shoulder. Her hand fell back to yours, her other brushing along your thigh.

"That ring on your finger," she mumbled, brushing her hand over the beautiful stone. " I meant every word I said to you when I gave it to you. That I love you and I always will. That I've always got your back. You know that, right?"

"I know, Tay." You smiled as she leaned down to brush her lips across your forehead.

"I'm gonna replace it." She said, watching your eyebrows pinch together in confusion. "With something that'll go on your ring finger instead. Something that truly holds the promise of our forever together. once we're out of high school and this tiny little town. Once we're in that same college together and live in a tiny apartment and we work boring jobs to get through it all,"

You interrupted her with a giggle.

"I'll get down on my knees and ask you to marry me. Because even if we have to elope or get married in a barn and we live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment, I'll still love you the same way some people love their fancy cars and big mansions; like it's all they ever need to be happy. We don't need those things. We just need each other."

"You're cheesy," you giggled and turned your head to kiss her lips. "Almost as cheesy as that burger I ate."

She laughed and tightened her grip on your hand.

"I know the future can be scary. But we're in this together."

She kissed you again, this time a little longer than before, but still just as romantic.

"Now, let's talk about prom. Should we do a color scheme?"

"We can talk about that... but you have to buy me a milkshake first."

She waved for the waitress, asking for a milkshake, to which the waitress responded that it was on the house.

"I love you, Tay," you said as you pushed your lips back onto hers.

"I love you too, y/n. We'll be just fine. I promise."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now