darling, you're my lover (requested)

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You tried to hide how uncomfortable you felt sitting next to Taylor who was currently surrounded by a few of her ex's.

You don't exactly feel jealous, you feel insecure. Looking around this room and taking a good look at everyone, including your girlfriend and the people crowding around you, you suddenly feel out of place. You don't feel like you belong here.

You tried to ignore the way they were looking at her, how their voices were smooth and the cheesy lines and compliments that came from their mouths were even smoother.

Your mind became flooded with thoughts and insecurities. You've always wondered what Taylor sees in you. You're not famous, you're just a normal girl. These ex's, the ones that have millions upon millions of fans throwing themselves at them, were more what you thought Taylor would desire to be with. They know the rundown of the industry, they sing or act or even both. And to you, they looked better than you thought you ever could.

You let go of Taylor's hand and left the area faster than you should have, because Taylor was worried and following right behind you. You ran backstage and to a bathroom, closing and locking the door. You looked at yourself in the mirror, hating what you saw.

"Y/n? Y/n are you okay? Open up, let me in." Taylor knocked, her hand repeatedly tapping on the door. But you couldn't open it. You just fell to your knees, dirtying the dress you thought you weren't good enough to wear in the first place.

The knocking stopped but Taylor didn't leave. She rested her forehead on the door and listened to the sound of your cries, each one of them hurting her heart.

"What's wrong, darling? Talk to me. Let me in." You could hear the sadness in her voice. She didn't know what was happening but she thought maybe you had gotten overwhelmed with everyone in the room and it was causing you to have an anxiety attack. She was worried. She wanted to hold you and never let you go, if you'd only open the door.

"Why are you with me?" You spoke, curious and confused. "What? What are you talking about, y/n? Let me in."

You sat in silence for a minute until you were longing for her to hold you. You unlocked the door and moved back as Taylor opened it then closed it behind her. She sat on the floor with you, not even caring about her dress. "What's going on?" She asked you softly as she put her hand on the small of your back.

You turned your head to look at her but remained silent. "Is this about my ex's out there?" You turned away, confirming Taylor's suspicions. "They were flirting with you..." Taylor sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "Y/n-"

"I'm not jealous. I just... can't stop thinking how much better than me they are." Taylor furrowed her brows. "What? Why would you even think that?" You scoffed and shook your head. "Are you serious? Look at me. I'm sitting on the bathroom floor in tears, ruining the dress I probably don't even look good in."


"And then, there's them. Every one of them. They have millions of fans, fame, money... how could you possibly pick me over them?"

"Because I love you. Y/n, I don't care about that stuff. I was with them because I liked them, but never did I love them. Y/n, I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. And yeah, so what if they expensive cars and money and record deals or movie deals... they're not you. They don't have your big heart or your infectious laugh. They don't call me when I'm at the studio super late at night, just to check if I've eaten or if I'm doing okay. They don't take an interest in my music the way you do. They don't make me wanna write albums and albums worth of love songs about them. You do, y/n. You're the one that I love, you're the one I wanna spend forever with. You're the one I wanna wake up to every day. You're it for me, y/n. You are not inferior to them, you're the most loving and beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on."

You had tears streaming down your cheeks again by the time she was done. She kissed them away, her hands moving to rest on your shoulders. "All I want is you. Okay? No more of this, you're the one I'm in love with."

You smiled and leaned your head on her shoulder. She started to trace circles on your exposed arms, her nails just lightly brushing along your skin. "I love you too, Taylor. You always know what to say to make me feel better."

She grinned and cupped your cheek, pulling you in for a small kiss. "It's only the truth. I love you too. Now, let's go back out there, okay?" She wiped the rest of your tears away and stood back up with you, her arms wrapping around as you stepped out of the bathroom and walked back out to your seats.

She never let you go. She placed little kisses on your skin or your lips whenever she could, always keeping her hand in yours and telling you how beautiful you looked and how much she loved you, making all of your worries vanish as she held you close.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now