it's all gonna be okay (requested)

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Sort of an add on to 'family isn't always blood-related' which you should go read before you read this, if you haven't read that yet. Find it in book two or in my Taylor miniseries. 💗


You've been wishing this day wouldn't ever come.

Not for your sake. Although, seeing Luke was bad enough, but when it's under these circumstances it's even worse.

You're in court today, fighting for custody of Carter. Taylor was obviously right by your side. Not only did you need her there but so did Carter. It was painful to think about; the possibility of losing your little boy. He was everything to you. Your pride and joy, heart, and soul. He's been your entire world since the day he was born and you can't imagine him not being there with you every day.

It was also hard to think about what he's gonna go through just a few minutes from now. Luke thinks he has a solid case, a team of lawyers that he's boasted about time and time again. He had so many reasons why he thought Carter needed to be with him. Yet, for the last few years of his life, he hasn't even attempted to be involved. The only reason he wants to be involved now is because, somehow, the word got out about Carter's future trust fund for college that you and Taylor already put away for him.

But he disguised that with something terrible. Which, was no surprise after everything he's done to you in the past.

You had tears in your eyes just thinking about what could possibly happen today. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you. Strong, safe arms that you crawl into each and every night. The ones that not only hold you but hold Carter, the little boy that Taylor treated as if he was her own flesh and blood. This was just as hard on her as it was you.

But all you could wonder was how your son felt.

"Hey," Taylor whispered when she saw the first tear leak from the corner of your eye. "It's gonna be alright."

"What if it isn't? What if the judge sides with Luke? What if I never see Carter again?"

"Don't say that. Y/n, that won't happen." She said as she lifted your chin up so she could look into your teary eyes. "He hasn't even tried to make an effort to be in his life since before he was even born. He has no case."

You sniffled. "You are the most amazing mom I've ever seen. The judge is gonna see that too. Don't you worry." She leaned her forehead onto yours as you let out a shaky breath.

You both knew the reason he dragged you here today. You could only hope the judge would see that too.

The session soon started. And right off the bat, Luke was being the same jerk you've always known him to be.

"Every child needs a father figure, your honor. My son needs a male figure in his life."

"He has them, your honor." You started to say and sent Luke a death glare. "He has his uncles, my father, Taylor's father, and all of our friends. Trust me, he has plenty of male figures in his life. Ones that set a better example than Luke has."

The judge just simply stared down at Carter.

"I'm really only interested in hearing from him." The judge said as he looked over at Carter.

Carter went wide-eyed. Your heart broke as he looked between you and Luke. He was so young and didn't understand the full extent of it all. But one thing he did know was that he didn't wanna lose you or Taylor.

"What do you want?"

Carter stood small and fragile. You felt a tear fall down your cheek at the sight.

"I want my momma!" He yelled and ran to Taylor, leaping into her arms. She caught him happily and rubbed his back comfortingly as he buried his face in her neck, both of them shedding a few tears. "It's okay, buddy. It's all gonna be okay. I promise you." Taylor whispered.

Your heart shattered over his little sobs. You kissed him on his head and tried to stay composed yourself.

"Well, then. That was an easy case. I believe it's settled."

"But, your honor, that's not fair! I mean, that's not his mom-"

"Biologically, no, sir. But family isn't always blood-related. Your son already made the choice, just like you made yours years ago when you left before he was born. You haven't even tried to make much contact with him since he was born. You're not fit for custody. He stays with y/n and Taylor."

Taylor grinned and pulled you into her arms. You giggled when you felt Carter's hand on your back before he leaned into you. "I told you it'd all be okay."

A tear streamed down your cheek as you kissed her and then kissed Carter on his forehead. You brushed your fingers through his curly hair. "I love you both."

They repeated the words back to you.

"So? Lunch?"

Carter cheered at Taylor's question. "I'll take that as a yes."

You laughed and walked out of the courthouse hand in hand with Taylor as you gazed at your son that was smiling and clinging to her.

You felt relieved, grateful, and happier than you have in a long time.

You'd never lose your two favorite people.

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