stretch marks (requested)

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There was nothing better than being wrapped up in your girlfriend's arms. With your head on her chest and her arm around you, a good movie playing on tv while her fingers moved through your hair, you weren't sure if you had ever felt so content.


She shifted her gaze from the movie and down to you when you said her name. "Yes, beautiful girl?"

"I love you."

She leaned in to kiss you, only intending to lay one soft kiss to your lips. But one was never enough.

You hummed against her lips, causing her grip on you to become tighter. You moved so you were sitting on her lap. Looping your arms around her neck, you quickly became lost in the kiss, and you didn't mind one bit.

She pulled away from the kiss, trailing her lips to your cheek where she pressed a bunch of kisses there in a playful manner, making you laugh and squirm in her arms.

"You're beautiful." She whispered and let her forehead fall to yours. You leaned in for another kiss while her hand moved from the small of your back and traveled to your thigh. Thanks to the dress you had on, it was easy for her fingers to brush along your skin.

Your eyes suddenly flew open. "Wait, no," you whimpered and tried to wriggle out of her grip.

You threw Taylor into a panic right away. "What? What happened, darling?"

She tried to disguise the worry in her voice but it was impossible. You fell onto the couch beside her. Her hand fell to your thigh, just to comfort you. But you shook your head and pushed it away, only causing Taylor to worry more.

"Did I do something?"

You bit your lip and tried to focus on anything but her worried gaze. You could feel her eyes on you. You knew she was worried and you understood why.

"Baby... talk to me. Please? If I did something to make you feel uncomfortable,"

"It wasn't you." You interrupted. "It's me, well, my thighs, anyway."


You gave into the urge to gaze up at her. Maybe it was because you felt insecure about your thighs and that you never liked the idea of anyone, let alone your girlfriend whom you love oh so much, looking at them. Or maybe it was the worried look her eyes held. You were trying to blink away your tears either way.

"I have stretch marks on my thighs. You almost touched them and I," you paused and exhaled shakily. "I don't want you to see them. I don't like them."

Your teeth sank into your lip. You felt her hand lay over yours and give it a squeeze, comfortingly.

"Oh, how I wish you could see yourself through my eyes." She smiled. "You're so beautiful, y/n. It breaks my heart to know that you feel this way about yourself because every inch of you is beautiful."

You looked down at your hand in hers but she could see the smile forming on your lips. "Really?"

She squeezed your hand again. "Really, baby. I'd never lie to you. So believe me when I say that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Nothing will ever change that."

You felt your heart skip a beat. Her eyes were bright as you looked into them. She leaned in and gave you a soft kiss.

You felt her hand on your thigh and this time, when her hands brushed across the stretch marks on your delicate skin, you didn't push her hand away.

"And just when I think you can't possibly be any more beautiful or that I couldn't ever love you more than I do right now, you prove me wrong."

She watched your cheeks turn red and she pecked your lips a few times. "You're fucking gorgeous, y/n. Don't you ever forget that. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently."

"You make me feel beautiful." You responded and watched her grin wider than you've ever seen before.

"Then I'm doing something right."

And just like that, your lips were right back on hers. Her touch was comforting.

She never just told you that you were beautiful. She made you feel beautiful. With the brush of her fingers and the love that she gives you.

She's everything you've ever wanted, and you couldn't believe how lucky you really are to have her.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now