did you cheat?

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You coughed into your elbow and watched Taylor move her token across the game board.

You're sick and Taylor pretty much forced you to stay in bed and rest up. When you woke up you were bored and tired of laying in bed and somehow, you managed to convince Taylor to play a game since she wouldn't let you do much of anything else.

You've been playing for about an hour now and you're getting a little sleepy, so you've been trying to discreetly move around and take your turn faster, and you felt excited when you reached the end first.

You looked up at your girlfriend. You thought she'd be telling you that it was time to get back to bed, but instead, her eyebrows were knit together and she was frowning at you. She eyed your token and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Did you cheat?" You scoffed. "Seriously? You don't wanna lose so badly that you're actually accusing me of cheating? Taylor, you know I'd never do that."

"Let me see your dice." She said and reached out for them. "No! I didn't cheat, Taylor." She groaned and tangled her fingers in her hair. "You seriously think I'd cheat?" You raised your voice a little but your voice cracked and you coughed into your elbow again.

It was harder this time, so hard it made your chest hurt. Taylor got up and went over to you, rubbing your back in circles and trying to comfort you as you kept coughing.

She put her hand on your forehead and sighed when she felt that your fever was higher than before.

"You okay?" You heard Taylor whisper in your ear when you stopped. She heard you trying to catch your breath and she placed a few kisses against your neck. "I'm sorry I accused you of cheating. I guess I just wanted to win."

She heard you chuckle lightly. "It's okay. I get it. I think we're both tired anyways. You spent most of the night up with me to take care of me. I think we should get to bed."

You turned around and Taylor took your hand and led you up the stairs to bed. She helped you lay down and covered you up with the blankets, just in time because you began to shiver.

Taylor crawled in bed next to you and pulled you in her arms, rubbing her hand up and down your back and placing little kisses across your warm forehead.

"I love you, beautiful girl. I hope you feel much better soon."

You let out a sigh as you curled up against her chest and started to feel warmer. "I love you too, Taylor. Even though you're a bit of a sore loser." She laughed and ran her fingers through your hair, rolling her eyes playfully at you. "Sweet dreams, my sweet girl."

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