coming home from the army (requested)

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Taylor was pacing the living room. She had her phone in one hand, her other hand was running through her now messy hair.

She's been waiting for this day. She's been counting it down since the moment you left. She marked each day off on the calendar, knowing each one that got crossed off was one day closer to you being home again.

You called her every day and every spare moment that you had. But for both of you, hearing each other's voice through the phone or seeing the fuzzy image of each other's faces wasn't enough anymore. Your heart ached every day you were apart. And even though you knew you were doing good for yourself and for your country, you felt like part of you was missing.

Taylor heard the vehicle pulling up in the driveway. She ran to the window and pulled back the curtains and when she saw you get out of the car she was out the door. Throwing her phone onto the couch, she ran out the door and over to you where she ran into your arms and spun you around.

"You're home! You're finally home! I missed you so much." She was crying, but how could she not? You've been away for eight months. Eight months without hugging you, kissing you, getting to tell you to your face that she loves you instead of through a phone. She was emotional but she didn't care. She missed you way too much.

You wrapped your arms around her as she swayed your bodies from side to side. "I missed you so much, Taylor. I'm so happy to finally be home with you." You heard your bags hit the ground before the driver bid you both goodbye and drove away.

"Come on, let's go inside." She took your bags and carried them in for you. She closed the door behind you and threw your bags down. Right away, her arms were wrapped around you and she was leading you to the couch where she collapsed and pulled you to her lap.

"It was so lonely here without you." She whispered as you buried your face in her neck. The smell of her perfume lingered on her skin and it brought tears to your eyes. It was a reminder that this moment was really real. You were really home again, finally back in the arms of your girlfriend.

"My brave girl." She smiled, caressing your cheek softly. "How was it?"

You shook your head at her. "I'll tell you later. But for now, I just wanna sit here with you. Want you to hold me tight and never let me go."

Her hands held your hips as you leaned in for a long kiss, one that was passionate but filled with love. One that was way overdue.

"Now that you're back I'm never letting you go."

You smiled and kissed her neck softly. "That's okay with me."

It felt so good to finally be home again.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now