high school lovers (requested)

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You stood by your locker putting your books inside. "Hey beautiful girl" You heard your girlfriend's sweet voice come from behind you followed by her hand rubbing your back in a loving manner.

"Hi, Tay" you smiled and pecked her lips before continuing putting the rest of your books inside. "Come with me. I wanna show you something." She closed your locker and took your hand, leading you outside to the empty football field where the last game of the year would be taking place tomorrow night.

It's crazy how quickly it's all gone by for you both. You'll both be graduating pretty soon, just a couple weeks from now. And even though you're both going to the same school in the same state which let you plan to live together in your own place, it still felt bittersweet. You've been together for three years now. You formed the love you've got for each other through this phase of your life and now, soon, you'll be starting a new chapter together.

You sat down on the bleachers together and stared out at the green grass on the field. You've sat on that same bleacher in that exact same spot together so many times before. You've watched your friends play in that field so many times with your head curled up on her lap as she would wrap her hoodie around you to keep you warm.

"I'm gonna miss these days. It's gone by so fast." Taylor nodded and brushed her fingers through your hair. "I know. Tell me something; what has been your favorite part of high school?" She looked down at you lovingly and cracked a smile when you moved your head to her lap and stretched your legs out on the bleachers. "You. Obviously. But you know me; I love my friends, love getting to go to the library and read a bunch of books in my free time. I love coming to watch the games every time there is one. Three years later and I've never missed a single one."

Taylor took a deep breath and smiled. "Yeah. You know music class has always been my favorite." Taylor stroked your cheek and stared into your eyes. She's always been the musical type. She learns as many as she can in her free time while you prefer to do some reading. But that's what you love about each other; that you both have so many different interests, yet you always love hearing the other talking about them.

"I love you. You ready for this next phase of our lives?" You nodded with a smile on your face. She leaned down and brushed her lips over yours. You could hear people walking by as they began to walk home. Classes ended for the day a bit ago but neither you or Taylor are planning on going home anytime soon.

And just like she always does, Taylor shrugged her hoodie off and placed it over you with a bright smile. The birds chirped around you, the sun was shining making it all feel bright and warm. But best of all, Taylor held you in her arms the way she's always held you when you're on the bleachers.

And though this phase of your life would soon be coming to an end, you know the next part will be even better. You'll have Taylor right by your side the entire time. High school might be coming to an end, but your relationship with Taylor as you journey through life together never will.

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