you'll always be my number one - part two (requested)

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A few days have passed since the nominations for the Grammys came out and Taylor still hasn't really been herself.

Your little pep talk hadn't necessarily gone in one ear and out the other, but Taylor still feels as though she hadn't done enough to deserve a nomination. She felt like reputation wasn't as good as she had originally thought, even though you disagree strongly with that.

So, you decided to plan a little something special for her.

You walked downstairs and saw her sitting on the couch with Benjamin curled up to her. She was mindlessly flipping through the tv channels until you let out a heavy sigh and stood in front of the tv.

Taylor groaned and you could only chuckle. "Turn it off. We're going out," she was ready to argue with you and tell you she didn't feel like it, but you cut her off.

"Come on, Tay. Please. I wanna take you out for a really special date. You deserve it." You kissed her cheek and saw the little smile she was trying to fight. She pushed the blanket off her legs and went upstairs to get dressed while you texted Andrea that you would be on your way soon.

You covered Taylor's eyes with your hands as you led her inside the building. "Y/n what are we doing? Why can't I look?" You just giggled at how impatient she seemed and kept guiding her inside. "Just trust me. You'll like it,"

It was a minute later when you stood in the center of the room. You took a good look around at all the different things in the room.

You hung a ton of photos on the wall, all the way from her debut album up to reputation.

Yours' and her parents stood in the room with smiles on all their faces, everyone anticipating Taylor's reaction.

"Okay. You can look now," You said as your hands fell to her back and she was greeted with the sight of the room.

She was in awe, to say at the very least.

She turned to you with a smile on her face.

"W-What is this?"

"This... is your very own award show," you held her hand and led her to a table where awards sat around. She couldn't help but notice how they all looked like Grammys, even though she knew they weren't really.

"See! From your debut album to reputation - you now have an award for every single one of them."

She looked at them with tears in her eyes and you spoke to her about how special each and every one of them was. How much each song from every album meant to you. How much they impacted your life and the lives of millions around the world.

And as you did so, she smiled at you with tears in her eyes as it all hit her; she was so lucky to have someone like you. You did all of this for her. Because she felt like she hadn't done enough to even deserve a nomination.

She felt so lucky and she couldn't help but let her tears fall down her cheeks.

"Taylor? Why are you crying?"

She sniffled and wordlessly pulled you into her arms. She put her head on your shoulder and you could feel her tears hit your shirt.

"Have I ever told you how grateful I am for you? I'm so lucky to have you. I can't believe you'd do all of this... for me. You put together an entire award show and invited our families and... I just love you so much."

Her breath fanned against your neck, every word she spoke but your skin and your heart. It brought the biggest smile to your face.

She felt appreciated again. She felt like her hard work, all the way from day one, had been truly appreciated. And to her, it was appreciated most by the person most important to her.


"I'd do anything for you. I hated seeing you so sad. Forget about the Grammys, forget about all of these awards shows that don't appreciate you or your hard work enough. I know you work hard. You know you work hard. Your family, your friends, your fans - they know. That's all that really matters, right?"

Taylor pulled away to look at you as tears slid down her cheeks. She cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss.

But the sound of a camera flash broke you apart.

"Sorry but this moment was too cute not to capture." She said as she looked at the photo she'd taken of the two of you before she put her phone in her pocket and walked up to the both of you.

"I'm so proud of you, my baby. Nothing's gonna ever change that, okay?" She said to Taylor as she pulled her in her arms. Scott and your parents came over and joined in on the hug.

You grabbed the first award in your hand. You smiled down at it, reading the words on it that celebrated Taylor's first-ever album.

Looking at her now, you knew she never could've imagined how her life had changed. It filled your eyes with tears of joy and pride. Even though you've only been with her for two years, you're still so proud of her and how far she's come.

You took the other two in your hands. The ones you thought would mean a lot to her.

As she pulled away and stood back in front of you, her eyes filled with love and adoration for you, you put the awards for RED and reputation in her hands.

"It's what you deserve. I'm proud of you. Always."

You took out your own phone and took a few pictures of her with the awards that she deserved so much.

But to Taylor, none of this would ever compare to you.

Not after tonight. After what you did for her.

Words would never be able to describe how much love she felt for you, especially at that moment when she saw how proud and happy you were for her.

The awards weren't official; but to Taylor, they were even better. And as long as she had you by her side, she didn't care what awards she got anymore.

It's you and her. That's her whole world.

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