"I don't blame you" (requested)

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You sat in the chair on the set of Taylor's new video.

She's filming in Zimbabwe and, of course, wanted to bring you along with her. It wasn't just a time to film but also a time to have a nice little vacation together.

The downside camping out. You didn't really mind all that much, but it was very hot and you didn't really have much of a way to cool off. But, at the end of the day, it was worth it. You get to spend time with your girlfriend, watch her film a new video for a song that you absolutely adore, and the view was beautiful. You couldn't complain all that much.

You went off the set to grab some water and an arm wrapped around you. You turned around and saw Taylor. "Weren't you just filming?" She laughed and tightened her grip on you. "Yeah but we're calling it a day." She brushed the tip of her nose against yours causing you to laugh. "Cool. Can we go rest now? I'm tired."

Knowing how exhausting the past couple days have been and that it is gonna get dark soon, Taylor nodded her head and grabbed your hand to lead you to the tent.

With tired eyes, you crawled into the tent and plopped yourself down on the sleeping bag. "Uh, y/n, babe, that's my sleeping bag." You quirked your eyebrow at her. "Hmm?" Taylor by your feet and put her hand on your back. "You're sleeping bag is over there, this one's mine."

"Okay...?" You mumbled and closed your eyes but opened them when you heard Taylor groan. "What?" You asked, slightly annoyed. "Can you please move to yours? I'm tired and wanna sleep." You scoffed at her. "I don't get it... why can't you lay here with me? We're both tired, let's just sleep."

And normally Taylor would just mumble an apology and agree to just let it go. But for some reason, she wants to be in her sleeping bag alone. She didn't mind holding you, but she wanted to be in her sleeping bag by herself. "Because I wanna be alone."

"Oh..." You said sadly and Taylor let out a groan. "Please don't do this, y/n. I'm tired and overworked. Just get in your sleeping bag and we'll call it a night, okay?"

Sadly, you moved out of her sleeping bag and into your own. You put your head on your pillows and when Taylor settled into hers she went to put her arm around you, but you pushed her away. "What the hell, y/n? You're seriously not mad at me." You stayed quiet. "You know what? If you wanna act like a baby and pout then why don't you just leave this tent and go to the extra?"

You let out a sad sigh but didn't disagree. You started to grab your stuff while Taylor watched, slightly baffled. "What are you doing?" With tears in your eyes, you looked back at her. "I'm leaving the tent. This is what you wanted, right?" You unzipped the tent and walked to the extra one leaving Taylor a little angry.

She zipped it back up and laid back down, unaware that this would become one of her biggest regrets.

You both fell asleep, in separate tents and with slightly bitter attitudes.

But you woke up a couple of hours to rustling coming from the outside of your tent. You thought it might be Taylor so you unzipped it, but when you poked your head out you didn't see her. "Taylor?" You stepped outside and looked around for her, but she wasn't anywhere.

You turned around and saw something that made you freeze right on your feet. A hyena. It was staring right at you.

It started to growl making you let out a small whimper. You didn't know what to do. Crawling back in your tent would be useless and going to Taylor would only make they hyena follow you there and you didn't want her to get hurt.

But before you could even think about what to do next, it started to run towards you. You fell onto your back and let out a blood-curdling scream as you felt the teeth sink into your skin. You tried pushing it off but it sunk its claws into you. You covered your face and neck instead, but you could feel your hands getting cut as you did.

Taylor woke up to the sound of you screaming. She immediately rushed out of her tent but she could've never prepared herself for the sight she'd have to face.

You were bleeding as the hyena clawed and bit at you. Taylor panicked but remembered the pepper spray in her bag. She ran back into her tent and grabbed it before rushing back out to you. She got a little closer and when the hyena turned she sprayed it.

It whined and ran off into the bushes. Taylor dropped the pepper spray and she knelt down by you. The amount of blood you were covered in was enough to make her feel sick. "Y/n? Baby, hang on me for, okay?" She pulled off the sweater she had on and covered your worst wound - the one on your leg that wouldn't stop bleeding.

She tied it around your leg and picked you up before rushing you to the car that was parked nearby. She laid you in the backseat and kept checking on you in the rearview mirror. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her vision a little blurry but she didn't care.

She didn't even park in a spot, she just parked it by the doors and gently picked you up before carrying you inside. She yelled out for help with tears evident in her voice. A nurse was the first to see you and she yelled for a doctor, a couple of them and more nurses running out with a bed.

Taylor laid you on it, explaining frantically that you had gotten attacked by a hyena. She wanted to be by your side as they examined you, but she couldn't. A nurse gently pulled her out of the room as she cried and yelled out for you. "No, y/n. Please!" She yelled, begging to be able to be by your side.

"They gotta get her into surgery. I'm sorry." The nurse comforted and guided her to a chair where Taylor collapsed. The nurse brought her a cup of water and Taylor took a few sips, trying to keep herself as calm as she could.

But she couldn't. She remembered the blood, the sight of you soaked in it. She felt that it couldn't be good.

Hours passed by. She was pacing the empty waiting room. She heard the whirring of the vending machines, the annoying clock ticking, and the sound of her teeth biting at her nails. She was desperate for any information, but no one would tell her. She understood that they couldn't, but she was driving herself insane without any word on if you were okay. If you were even alive.

She sat back down on the uncomfortable chair. The only thing that prevented her from getting in her own head was the sound of footsteps approaching her.

She jumped up when the doctor came over to her. "Is she okay?" Her voice cracked, her eyes filling with tears again. "She's alright." Taylor let out a sigh of relief and felt the doctor pat her shoulder. "She's resting but you're welcome to go in to see her. She should be waking up soon. Just so you know there had to be a lot of stitches put in, so she might not look like herself right now."

Taylor nodded her head and followed the doctor down the hallway to your room.

She saw you laying in the hospital bed. The gown was slightly falling down your shoulder, you were covered in cuts, some that didn't need stitches. She heard the door close as she walked over to you. It was just the two of you in the room now.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" She whispered softly as she reached for your hand. "I just need you to know that I'm sorry. I started that stupid fight. It was just a sleeping bag, it wasn't a big deal at all. But because I was tired I blew things out of proportion, and I'm so sorry. This wouldn't have happened to you if it weren't for me."

She cried but she froze when she felt your hand give her a squeeze. "It's not your fault." You said, your voice scratchy but she didn't care at all. "You're okay!" She said as tears fell from her eyes. You managed to lift your hand up and wipe them away from her cheeks. "Don't cry, my baby."

Taylor sniffled and smiled down at you. "I don't blame you and I don't want you blaming yourself. Okay? You didn't cause this, it's not your fault at all. I still love you, just as much as I always have, and nothing could ever change that." She grinned and leaned down to kiss you softly.

"I love you too. I'm so sorry." You shushed her softly. "No more 'sorries'. It's fine, I'll be fine." Taylor couldn't help but be in awe of how wonderful and incredible you are. "My tough, loving girl... I love you so much." She said and kissed your forehead.

She knew it'd take some time for you to heal up, but she was grateful that you only wound up with some scars, because she didn't know how she'd ever make it without you.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now