she has food poisoning

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The feeling of Taylor sliding out of bed and the sound of her bare feet on the floor caused you to awake with a jolt. You weren't exactly sleeping great in the first place. How could you when your girlfriend was clearly feeling unwell? When there were moans and groans of pain falling from her lips and she'd move around on the bed to try to become more comfortable - only to regret moving in the first place.

It had all started with the dinner you ate together. There was a new restaurant that opened down the street. Taylor wanted to try it. She was so excited, pleading with you and showing you pictures of the delicious foods they make! You were on board with it; you enjoy trying new foods and they also served a few of your favorite things there, too.

But after you ate she seemed off. She didn't wanna be touched. She'd hold her stomach and try to hide the sweat on her skin that formed. It was easy to tell she wasn't feeling well. But because she doesn't like to worry you, she just told you her stomach hurt and she wanted to try to sleep it off.

But now, she can't hide it from you any longer. You could hear her gagging from inside the bathroom and when you rushed out of bed and made your way in there you could tell immediately how terrible she felt.

Her fingers were shaking slightly as she held her hair back. You quickly moved her hand away and took her hair gently into your hand. You used your other to rub her clammy skin. Your touch always seems to soothe her and this time was no exception. Even though she was a little anxious and felt really unpleasant, it was a huge comfort to know you were there.

"It's okay, Tay. You're gonna be alright." You soothed. "Just let it all go. I know it's horrible, but I'm here with you." You told her and let your nails sink into her skin ever so gently and you could tell she appreciated that. It made her skin tingle and the tension in her shoulder dissipate.

"We're never going back there." She muttered in between lurches, as if it wasn't already obvious. As if it wasn't already the thought swirling through your brain, along with the many of worried ones when it came to her. It did ease your mind a little though. It caused a chuckle to escape your lips before you nodded with a sad smile.

"I know, baby girl." You kissed her shoulder softly. "Let it out." You whispered and hoped that this would be the last time she'd vomit for a bit, considering your heart was already sunk deep in your chest and the tug at your heartstrings wasn't stopping.

She crinkled her nose and spit a couple of times to get the taste off of her tongue. It wouldn't be good for it to linger; it was nearly enough for her to throw up again. But, thankfully, it wasn't.

She caught her breath for a moment and waited to see what was gonna happen with her stomach. When a moment or two of nothingness passed by, she was quick to flush the toilet and close the lid before letting her head fall against the fluffy cover that was over the porcelain.

"Are you alright, my baby?"

She shook her head weakly. "No. I feel awful." She mumbled.

"Do you feel like you're gonna throw up again?"

She shook her head, much to your relief. You combed your fingers through her blonde locks, admiring the scent of her shampoo that lingered in your hair. You kissed her head and rubbed ehr shoulders while she caught her breath.

"Come on, Taylor. Let's brush your teeth so we can get you back to bed."

Moving surely didn't sound ideal or fun to her. But because she wanted to be back under her covers and safe in your arms again, she agreed. She stood on her shaky legs and brushed her teeth as fast as she could. She rinsed her mouth out a few times, trying to rid that nasty taste from it until it was finally gone.

"Do you need a bucket?" You asked when you helped her into bed.

"I don't know. Maybe." She admitted.

You moved the empty trash can closer to her side of the bed, just to make sure. "Anything else, Tay?" You asked as you brushed your fingers through her hair and watched her heavy eyes close.

"Just you."

You cracked a smile and kissed her forehead before climbing into bed beside her. You let her roll into your arms and you made sure not to touch her stomach, just so you wouldn't make her more uncomfortable.

"Get some sleep, baby girl."

She nodded tiredly, eyes already closed as she started to drift off to sleep. "Love you lots."

"Love you too." You said back to her and held her close as she fell asleep.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now