you're jealous of her new friend

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"I'll be back later, okay?" Taylor said as she quickly kissed your cheek and walked out of the house.

It's another day of her leaving to hang out with her new friend. You hate to admit, but you're a little jealous. Taylor has been spending most of her time with this girl and you feel bad. You want that time with Taylor, too.

You sighed sadly and turned on some music as you cleaned up the house and played with the cats. She got home later that afternoon to find you scrolling through your phone as you ate some lunch. She came up behind you and wrapped her arms around you only for you to push her away.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" She asked confused. You put your plate in the sink and shook your head, feeling too frustrated and jealous to talk rationally. You tried to leave the room to go upstairs but she caught your hand in hers and tried to wrap her arms around you to hold you back. "No, baby. Tell me what's wrong."

"What's wrong? You really wanna know?" Taylor nodded her head and you took her hands off your waist, spinning around to face her. "I really don't like you hanging around that girl!" You said it a lot harsher than you meant to. But you couldn't help it. You're jealous and a little hurt. "I hate that you keep spending so much time with her when I'm right here! That's what's wrong."

you stormed up to the bedroom as Taylor quickly followed. She saw you sitting on the bed with a hurt expression on your face. She sighed and sat next to you. "Y/n are you jealous?" You shrugged your shoulders and looked at your painted nails, but Taylor hooked her fingers under your chin and tilted it up.

"Yeah. I guess so." Taylor tried to hide her smirk but she couldn't help but let it show. "Will you stop smirking? This isn't funny." You tried to look away but Taylor laughed and wouldn't let you. "Okay. I'm sorry. I guess I have been hanging out with her a lot more lately. But darling, you've got nothing to worry about. She knows about you and if she ever tried anything I'd never hang out with her again."

You tried to look away again but Taylor shook her head at you, signaling she wasn't gonna let you. "I've never given you a reason not to trust me, right?" You sighed but nodded. "Trust me now. When I tell you that there'll never be anything between me and her. Okay? you're the only girl that I wanna be with." She smiled and started to kiss your face. "The only girl I come home to." She began to drag her lips down to your jaw. "the only one I kiss" You giggled when her breath tickled your neck. "The only girl I love." She smiled up at you and moved to kiss your lips.

"I'm sorry I got so jealous. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I miss you. I miss you spending your days off with me, holding me and kissing me." Taylor smiled but it soon turned into a smirk before she began to kiss your jaw again. "Well, we've got the rest of the day today and a few days coming up. I say we spend them in bed watching Netflix and sharing kisses." You giggled as she pushed you on your back and laid down next to you.

She handed you the remote and let you turn on whatever you wanted before she had you lay your head on her shoulder so she could lean down and kiss you. "Love you" she smiled as she stroked your hair and gazed into your eyes. "Love you too, Tay." She kissed your forehead and stared back at the tv, ready to spend the next few days with you just like this.

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