waking you with kisses

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The alarm blared annoyingly loud in Taylor's ears, waking her from her peaceful slumber.

Opening her eyes to turn the alarm off, she regretted it as the sunlight hit her eyes. She squeezed them shut but soon let her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks as a small smile pulled at her lips when she heard you snoring softly beside her.

She hates days like these. Days when she knows you've got nothing else to do other than lay in this warm bed when she knows she can't stay with you.

Work calls.

But, then again, when doesn't it?

Things have thankfully slowed down, moving at a more comfortable pace than before now that she's got ideas and plans for the important things like music and videos.

But there are mornings like these still; mornings when the sun hasn't been up much longer than she has and she wishes she could only stay asleep and hold you as the hours pass by.

She opened her eyes, squeezing them closed involuntarily when she let out a long yawn. She stretched out before looking back at the clock, only to find that she only has a good twenty minutes to go till she has to be out the door - like it or not.

She let out a sad sigh and kicked away the blankets before tiptoeing to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and pulled her into a messy ponytail before exiting the bathroom quietly, heart doing leaps in her chest when she noticed that you'd rolled over to lay on her side of the bed.

She changed into some sweats and a hoodie before pulling on a cozy pair of socks. Before she slid on her shoes, she dropped them onto the floor and crawled back into bed beside you.

She couldn't help herself. She still has a good ten minutes and she wants to spend them with you.

She let her hand fall onto your back. Your skin was soft and smooth against her fingertips and she brushed her lips over your skin softly, unable to resist.

She trailed them along your back until she reached your neck. You stirred when she pulled back and instead let her fingers brush along your sides.


"Hey, baby girl. I'm sorry to wake you. I just wanted to see you before I have to go spend the next few hours in the studio."

You whined when she said that, rolling onto your back and pouting at her as you opened your eyes.

"I don't want you to go."

"I know. I wish I could stay here with you all day long." She spoke softly, trailing her fingers along your face lovingly. "But, if all goes well, I'll only be gone a few hours. I'll probably be back in the early afternoon."

You nodded slowly, pouting your lips once more only for her to kiss it away. You closed your eyes again; both from being sleepy and from melting into her soft kisses that she was peppering all along your face.

"I love you. Have a good day."

She smiled and pressed her lips onto yours for one last kiss.

"I love you too. Go back to sleep, beautiful girl. I'll be home soon."

You nodded and closed your eyes once again. Taylor gathered her things and headed for the door, turning back to look at you one last time.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful girl. I love you so much. See you in just a few hours."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now