she catches you self-harming (requested)

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sensitive content ahead. please don't read if this kind of stuff makes you uncomfortable
Your bare feet felt cold from the tiles on the bathroom floor. You stared at your reflection and all you could see were flaws.

The words from the media and the fans who have been sending you hate keep echoing in your head. You felt ashamed of yourself and of every part of you that people saw as imperfect. It's warped your brain and now, that's all you see too.

You grabbed your razor from the sink and sat on the edge of the bathtub as you began to cry. You watched the blood start to appear and just as you went to do it again, you heard Taylor's voice.

"Y/n?" You jumped and began to panic. She's not supposed to be home, not for another couple of hours. You panicked, even more, when you noticed that you had left he door unlocked. ou go up, ignoring the blood that trickled from your vein and down to the floor.

You were only a few feet away from the door, almost able to reach the lock that you needed to turn when the door suddenly opened.

Taylor's smile disappeared when she saw the sight of you bleeding. She took a couple of steps closer and saw the razor blade on the tub. "Oh, y/n..." You sobbed at the sadness in her voice. You never wanted Taylor to see you like this. You never wanted her to find out and you never even planned to tell her.

"Let me see..." She whispered as she gently took your bloody wrist in her soft hands. She took a cloth and wet it under the faucet before placing it over the cut and applying some pressure to stop the bleeding.

You tried to pull away from her but she wasn't letting go. You wanted to sink to your knees and sob. You felt more ashamed than ever before. You figured it was only a matter of time till she asked questions. Like "why didn't you tell me" or "what caused you to do this", but Taylor took you by surprise, as she often does, and instead pulled you in her arms.

She sat on the floor and pulled you on her lap. "You don't have to tell me anything right now. Just know that whenever you wanna talk to me, I'm gonna be here to listen." She gathered your hair in her hands and moved it to one side of your neck, her lips lightly brushing the other side.

You started to cry but Taylor didn't let go. Her arms wrapped around you as she whispered encouraging and comforting words in your ear. "I'm sorry." You apologized. You kept repeating it over and over only for Taylor to tell you that everything was okay.

"It's okay. Don't be sorry. I'm right here with you, y/n." You sobbed, the tears falling and every so often hitting her arm, but she didn't mind one bit.

"I don't wanna ever let you down." Taylor kissed your head and started to rub your back. "You could never let me down. I know it's tough but so are you, my beautiful girl. It'll all be okay. You know why? Because I'm gonna be right by your side every step of the way. You're not gonna have to do anything on your own. We'll get you some help and get you feeling better again."

You turned around and rested your forehead on hers. Her thumbs brushed away the tears that fell from your eyes. She took your wrist in her hands and brushed her lips across every scar that marked it. "You're so beautiful and so strong. I'm sorry for whoever has ever made you feel differently. But I promise you that you are absolutely stunning just the way you are."

She kissed your cheek softly and promised you that she loved every inch of you just as it is. "I'm never gonna leave your side. We'll get through this together. Okay?" You nodded and put your forehead on her shoulder. She kept rubbing your back and kissing the top of your head. She was never letting go.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now