you're scared of the dark

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The feeling of Taylor running her fingers along your cheek awoke you from your peaceful sleep. You opened your eyes to find her staring down at you. Head still on her chest, you could hear every beat of her heart and how it skipped a beat when you hooked your fingers under her chin and brushed your thumb along it lovingly.

"You fell asleep during the movie, baby girl." She mumbled, but it was clear that she wasn't complaining, judging by the smile on her face.

"Sorry. You're warm and you're holding me so close. I guess I was just too relaxed to stay awake."

She giggled and looked out the window. "Sun is down. It set a couple of hours ago."

Your eyes went wide. How long had you been asleep?

Before you could even ask her you caught a glimpse of the time on the clock on the wall. It was after ten o'clock!

"I guess I should get going." You said, although sadly. You tried to move out of her arms and sit up, but she only tightened her grip on you. "Tay?"

"Stay with me tonight." She said as she brushed her lips softly against your forehead. "Please, baby? It's what I want more than anything."

You couldn't say no to that, even if you tried. So you just nodded with a smile and let her get up from the couch. She took ahold of your hand and kissed across your knuckles before she led you upstairs to her room.

Olivia was laying at the foot of the bed. You went to pet her when Taylor's shirt suddenly hit your shoulder.

"You can wear that." She winked and let you get settled while she went to brush her teeth. You made yourself cozy under the covers. You figured she'd come out and turn something on tv; a movie or a series you could both watch till you'd drift off to sleep.

But she was tired and when she climbed into bed moments later she went to turn the light off. Your heart started to hammer against your chest. When that light turned off, it would be pitch black in the bedroom.

"Wait!" You tugged at her hand causing her to turn her head with a frown.

"What is it, darling?" She wondered and lifted her hand to caress your cheek. You looked scared and all she could think was that you had suddenly changed your mind about staying. "Did you change your mind? D-Do you wanna go home?"

You could hear the hint of sadness in her voice so you reassured her by shaking your head no.

"Not at all, Tay."

"Then what is it, baby? Are you not tired? Do you need me to get you something?"

You played with your fingers. Picking at the polish on them and trying to disguise the way they were shaking slightly as fear began to wash over you.

"No." You mumbled. Slowly lifting your head, you could feel her eyes on you before you locked eyes with her. You could tell she was worried and a little confused. "Please don't turn off the light."

A few seconds of silence went by before it all clicked.

"Oh. Are you scared of the dark, baby?"

You nodded slowly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, thumb brushing over your knuckles as she grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I don't know."

She sighed and squeezed your hand again. "Do you want me to turn something on for you? A movie or something?"

"I'd love that." You chuckled in relief as she turned the tv on and passed you the remote.

"Whatever you want, baby girl."

You browsed around for a moment before landing on a movie you really loved. You put the remote on the nightstand then curled up to Taylor. She slowly turned the light off and she was relieved when you seemed to be more at ease about it now.

"You're safe with me. I love you."

"I love you too, Taylor." You said, kissing her collarbone a few times before you both drifted off to sleep.

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