pregnancy rumors (requested)

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Taylor ran the towel through her hair and walked back into the bedroom to find you laying in bed on your phone. You've been feeling so drained of all of your energy lately, even the little things make you feel exhausted. So Taylor has been determined to spend some quality time with you relaxing in bed.

She couldn't help but smile at the tiny bump that was protruding from under your shirt. Or, her shirt that you threw on last night because you love how soft it is. She put her hand over it, loving how everything was becoming more and more real.

You seemed so caught up with whatever you were looking at, so Taylor laid her head on your shoulder and looked at you worriedly. "Everything okay?"

You handed her the phone and Taylor rolled her eyes in disbelief over what she saw.

'Taylor Swift and girlfriend y/n expecting a baby together'

'Proof that Taylor Swift's girlfriend is pregnant'

'Is y/n pregnant?'

They were just a few of the headlines. Although there were no lies behind these articles, it was disappointing to see. Taylor has wanted to try to keep this as private as possible because that's one thing she's always lacked, and even more so now that your relationship was so serious.

"What are you thinking about?" You wondered, stroking her cheek softly. A heavy sigh fell from her lips. "You. The baby. Us. This is so frustrating. We can never have anything stay private. They somehow always found out about everything, no matter how much we try to keep it private."

She threw her head back with a frustrated groan. "I just wanted this to stay private for as long as possible. It's not just about you or us anymore, y/n. There's a baby we have to think about now."

You nodded and waited a few seconds to say something. "Maybe we should think about telling people? I mean, I am almost four months along now. It's safe to say something. Our families know, our friends know. Maybe we should let the fans know too?"

She stared at you seriously. "That's up to you but I don't want you to do this because rumors spread like wildfire and you're nervous that more people will be making assumptions soon or that we have to say something for my sake. If you wanna wait, we'll wait. I'll have my publicist make something up to shut these rumors down if that makes you more comfortable."

You looked at her hand moving in circles across your stomach. "I think I'm ready if you are. I mean it would be nice to get this off our chests now so we can both feel better about these next few months. We'll stay find a way to maintain that privacy we need right now and I know you'll do everything in your power to make sure we're safe at all times."

"Oh, yeah. I'll be cracking down on stronger security, that's for sure." You laughed and gazed into her eyes. "Are you sure?" You nodded. "I am if you are." She leaned in to give you a long and loving kiss.

Unlocking her phone, she went to her gallery and loaded up a photo she took recently when you just started to show.  In that photo you could sense her happiness. She was thrilled about it. With a kiss on your cheek and a hand over your stomach as you snapped the selfie, it was obvious judging from that picture that you really were pregnant and you were both over the moon about it.

She went to her Instagram and before she posted it, she looked at you nervously, waiting for your word. You nodded and squeezed her hand, watching as she hit the post button and the likes started to roll in instantly.

You both let out long sighs but it was obvious that they were of relief. She locked her phone, not wanting to read any of the things she was tagged in and the headlines that she was certain people were creating right now.

"What'd you say in the post?" You asked curiously. Taylor looked at you with a smile. "I said that all the rumors are true; that we're both happier than we've ever felt before and we hope that people will give us some privacy during this time."

You smiled and kissed her lips lovingly. "I love you."

She stroked your cheek softly. "Not as much as I love you, my baby." She kissed your stomach softly. "And you too, my other baby."

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