all you are is mean (requested)

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Taylor watched Carter run off the bus and up the driveway to her, as he does every day.

It was a little tradition they have made together, one they both looked forward to every day. But something was different today, something just wasn't right. She could tell by the way he hugged her legs and the tears that fell from his eyes and onto her skin.


She bent down and the little boy threw his arms around her neck. He was six now, but even as he grew he still continued to find solace in Taylor, just as he's done for the past three years.

"What happened? Are you hurt or anything?" He shrugged, rubbing the tears from his eyes. "Kids at school keep picking on me." He cried, his bottom lip wobbling, breaking Taylor's heart. "Oh no. C'mon, buddy. Let's go inside and talk about it. Your mom is still at work but I'm here, okay? Talk to me and I'll try my best to make it better."

He nodded and continued to cling to her as they walked inside. Taylor took him straight to the kitchen, grabbing a few cookies she made the night before and put them on a plate in front of him. She grabbed him a glass of milk, loving the tiny smile that crossed his face when he started to munch on them.

"Tell me what they're saying."

He let out a tiny sigh, swinging his legs against the chair as he opened up to Taylor. "They make fun of me for having two moms." Taylor sighed and laid her head on her forearm. "Well... how do you feel about it? Are you embarrassed by that?"

The little boy just giggled and shook his head. "No. I love you and mom! You love me and take good care of me. You read me stories and sing me songs. You tuck me in every night. I love my moms. I tell them that but they still make fun of me."

He handed Taylor a cookie, her eyes lit up and her heart began to beat fast for the little boy she utterly adored. "Bullies mean nothing, Carter. I know the things they say can hurt, but you have two moms who love and care for you so very much. And you have great friends, right?"

He nodded to Taylor's relief.

"Come here. Let me show you something."

She stood up and Carter did the same, after he grabbed the plate of cookies, causing Taylor to laugh at his adorableness. She took him up to her music room and had him sit in one of the chairs. She grabbed her guitar and sat down beside him.

She poked his nose, listening to the giggle that fell from his lips, the one that made her heart melt. "I wrote a song long ago about someone who bullied me, too. Want me to play it for you?"

Carter nodded excitedly.

So, Taylor started to sing 'mean' to him, strumming the guitar strings as she sang quietly. "Why you gotta be so mean?" She finished and Carter clapped and giggled.

"So. When you go back to school tomorrow, what do you say to those bullies?"

"All they are is mean?"

Taylor nodded, giving the little boy a high-five before he got up and climbed into her lap, hugging her tightly. "Do you feel better now?" She wondered, needing to know.

"Yes!" He cheered, laughing as Taylor kissed his forehead a few times.

"You know I'm always here for you. No matter how big you get, no matter what happens in life, you can always come to me. You can always count on me. I'll always be here to lift you up and make you smile again."

Carter kissed her cheek delicately, making Taylor smile brightly. "Love you!"

She hugged him tightly and breathed out a soft sigh of happiness. "I love you too, buddy."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now